2062# naqies
akak nak kite tlg belikan ke?
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that therest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in mybrain - Bella Swan, Twilight

If OnLy I CoULd Get WhAtEveR IWish |
qies... haaaa.. tuh ade org offerkan diri nak tolong beli tuh...
ape lg... kirim aje ongkos nyerr....  |
a'ah...kesian naqies...
kite pun beli dvd yg 3pcs tu..tapi tak beli kt speedy...kalau kt speedy ada dpt diskaun tak?
saya beli hari tu dapat diskaun...kalau harga asal RM89.90...tapi dapat rege RM78 kalau tak silap ler...kalau naqies nak saya pun leh tolong belikan... |
Post Last Edit by pavlova at 23-6-2009 14:44
2066# naqies
no worries kitorg kt sini ramai je bole tlg 
kalau nak PM kite.. ofis kite dpn MV je..anytime leh tlg belikan
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that therest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in mybrain - Bella Swan, Twilight

If OnLy I CoULd Get WhAtEveR IWish |
mak aii...byknye tudung qies beli...nak bukak kedai ke?hehehehe..sorry off topic...
apa2 pun nanti kalau qies dah kt sana nnti kitorang pun buley tolong belikan DVD punyer..kan pavlova, kan..dont worry, k...hehehe.... |
mimie - aritu mimie kata nak tgk kat kedai yg mimie beli 3 CD cuma dlm RM50 aje kan ..masih ada lagi tak kat kedai tuh?
gorn - gorn .dah check ker nama web nak download movie ni? |
sory buttercup...
saya rasa awak tersilap tu....yg rege RM50 tu adalah CD soundtrack twilight bukan DVD 3 pcs tu...yg DVD 3 pcs tu kite beli dalam rege Rm79 cenggitu....maaf ye kalau tersalah beri info hari tu... |
2073# SakuraMiyagi
apa lagi...jom ler tambah korum kt sini...hehehehe |
2073# SakuraMiyagi
buku die dh bape kali khatam? 
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that therest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in mybrain - Bella Swan, Twilight

If OnLy I CoULd Get WhAtEveR I Wish |
Post Last Edit by SakuraMiyagi at 26-6-2009 15:03
2073# SakuraMiyagi
buku die dh bape kali khatam? ;P
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes t ...
pavlova Post at 26-6-2009 10:55 
Dari Twilight sampai Breaking Dawn, ada la dlm 3 kali kots i khatam..:victory: :victory:
Muvie lagi la, x terkira dah bape kali i tgk..:P :P
Siap 3 dvd tu pon khatam byk kali gak.. x pernah jemu..
X saba sgt nak tunggu New Moon...:lol: :lol: |
2077# pavlova
I agree.. Buku lg best dari muvie.. |
2076# naqies
Hehehehe...tergelak baca post qies tu...kalau mak dah terjebak anak sure terjebak sekali kan...{:2_70:}
saya pun 2 X 5 gak...
my 4 yr dotter kata cerita twilight tu crite mama...kalau cerita barbie tu cerita dia...so kalau hubby take kt umah 2 cerita ni pasti on punya lah...coz kalau dia ada sure dia bising sbb asyik ulang2 cerita yg sama...elok sesangat ler tu - yg mak obsess twilight & anak obsess ngan barbie.....
lagu iron & Wine tu plak dia kata lagu mama...last Saturday gi wedding kawan, ada plak pasang lagu Iron & Wine tu...my dotter senyum2 pandang kt saya pas tu cakap bisik2 - "lagu mama"...sib baik dia tak cakap kuat2...kalau tak malu jer org dengar... |
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