Balas #2033 mimiekiut\ catat
Thanks Mimie  |
Balas #2038 ahmad_dhani91\ catat
heheheh best laaa sgt2 best... sampai rasa nak masuk ajer dlm pilem tuh  |
Originally posted by mimiekiut at 18-6-2009 10:43 
kesiannye gorg....gorg ni tinggal kt ner nih??
kola tranung |
Reply #2030 ButterCup's post
nnti gorg tnya org tukang d.lod untk link tu ya... |
Originally posted by gorgonz at 18-6-2009 17:45 
kola tranung
kat mane tu gorg...tak pernah dengar pung? |
Reply #2046 mimiekiut's post
Robert Pattinson Hit By Cab
Here is a brief glimpse of an exclusive just posted on RadarOnline about Robert Pattinson getting hit by a cab while in NYC! Here is the story:
RobertPattinson is quickly learning the hazards of filming a movie in NewYork City - he was hit by a taxi cab on Thursday while running awayfrom hysterical fans!
RadarOnline.com witnessed the Twilight star get clipped by a cab around noon in front of [size=11.3167px]the Strand Bookstore on Broadway and 12th Street.
He was not hurt.
A team of five security guards were trying to fend off a crowd of teenaged girls when Robert was leaving the bookstore.
It was pouring rain as they tried to hustle him quickly across the busy street to the safety of his trailer.
Someof the teen girls were hysterical and Robert rushed across the road. Ashe did so, a taxi grazed him. The cabbie slammed on his brakes as soonas he realized what had happened.
It appeared as if the cab hit Rob in [size=11.3167px]the hip.He stood there for a moment looking stunned. The bodyguard next to himchecked if he was okay and then screamed and the fans: "You see whatyou did, you almost killed him!"
- but he is reported fine so dun worry hehe! (risau gak nih ) |
Reply #2049 mimiekiut's post
klako la hang ni..  |
hu hu hu mana avatar kucen cecooooo |
Robert Pattinson Hit By Cab
Here is a brief glimpse of an exclusive just posted on RadarOnline about Robert Pattinson getting hit by a cab while in NYC! Here is the story:
bila baca news yg cecco tepek tu kan rasa cam dalam filem plak...
sib baik si rob tu takde pape kan...
jangan2 dia tahan cab tu ngan tangan dia tak????
ala2 cam scene dalam twilight masa dia selamatkan bella tu... |
bila baca news yg cecco tepek tu kan rasa cam dalam filem plak...
sib baik si rob tu takde pape kan...
jangan2 dia tahan cab tu ngan tangan dia tak????
ala2 cam scene dalam twilight masa dia se ...
mimiekiut Post at 22-6-2009 11:45 
iyer ler tuh kot hehe |
Post Last Edit by pavlova at 22-6-2009 15:48
2055# naqies
kt SPEEDY kan ade jual DVD yg 3 discs ni
kite beli yg tu je
qies, kalau jumpe bracelet jgn lupe kite ye!
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that therest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight

If OnLy I CoULd Get WhAtEveR I Wish |
pav nanti bracelet tu qies ingatkan lg kat adik eik time dia cari dvd tu nanti july ni  |
2057# naqies
uikkk... tak kan kat kuantan tarak speedy.....
ke... qies dah pindah o-sea ni....
br minggu lps ahkak jln2 kat mid valley... nmpk dvd 3 pcs ni...
ade hati nak rembat....
apekan daya sbb ahkak baru jerr lps menyopping sakan utk bj raya....  |
laaaa....iye ke cecco...
saya siap tanya pakcik google lagi tu...
kola tranung = kuala terengganu
mimiekiut Post at 19-6-2009 17:06
kekekeke.... bandaraya tuuuh |
Post Last Edit by a.ceCCo at 22-6-2009 21:14
bila baca news yg cecco tepek tu kan rasa cam dalam filem plak...
sib baik si rob tu takde pape kan...
jangan2 dia tahan cab tu ngan tangan dia tak????
ala2 cam scene dalam twilight masa dia se ...
mimiekiut Post at 22-6-2009 11:45 
setuju setujuu  |
| |