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Running Man ep84...
maka subnyer mesti tajuk dia Running Man ep84.srt << ni biasanya format sub...
camtu jgk kalo Running Man ep85 (vid dia) then sub dia mesti Running Man ep85.srt
seme leh letak dlm 1 folder
ok tak?? kalo tak ok akak wat print screen
makanyer takder la avi... ok la kalo mp4 tu... jgn 2 file t tu sudah...
akak ...
nzhass79 Post at 15-3-2012 12:17
AM nk tgk intevew pasal dorang tu..ada 1 part diorang tanya sape bad boy, jidi jawab 'suprisingly taeyang'...kekeke minah tu memula AM tgk, tepikir jap..ni laki ke pmpuan.. slamba je jidi cakap koya, dia ckp inggeris..translator kt sblh la pening
Big Bang for "Sudden Attack" + Voice Recording [PHOTO/VIDEO]
BB: hello, we’re big bang!
Seungri: please make mine the character that gains experience points faster!
GD: um, we came out with the new big bang album ALIVE. i think it would be a good experience that we have new characters for Sudden Attack (korean game) in this opportune time. The different and appearance we have for ALIVE are integrated into our characters and thus should make your gaming experience more enjoyable.
TOP: It’s a game that i could feel the catharsis. Bae?: So that we can quickly finish our mission, Dae: Move quickly! TOP: Great! Attack! GD: Follow me! Ri: Stay on guard! Bae: Protect the targeted area! TOP, Dae: OKGD: Alright, attack! Dae: We have eliminated the enemy! TOP: Awesome!
Q: is there any character that you want from YG? Bae: There is /that/ person from YG. Our boss! We should make the YG character the ‘rare item.’
Ri: this aint gonna cut it Dae: We are under attack! Bae: Retreat! Ri: Send us aid! GD: No TOP: No Dae: mmmm, nahhhh. Bae: hahahaha GD: I found the enemy! TOP: bomb! Dae: yeahhhh! BB: big bang!
Bae: since its not been too long since the release of this album. We are about to do a lot of things, so watch us! Love us, our album, and Sudden Attack.
TOP: OK, let’s move out Dae: FIre in the hole! Bae: NIce shot! TOP: Coming fire? GD: B-Site! Bae/Dae/TOP: &%^*(& RI: I need back up! GD: Flash bend BB: GO go go Ri: 1 2 1 2 fire 1 2 1 2 fire
Bae: There are many cool Sudden Attack characters but i hope that you would buy our BIGBANG characters. GD: I love playing Sudden Attack. If you see me online, it might be fun~ Dae: But please support not only us but also 2ne1, psy, yoo ina characters as well. I hope Sudden Attack stays with us forever.
TOP: Clean man TOP! Seungri: Everboday seungseukaaaaa GD: Knock out TOP: Daesung! Let’s Go! Dae: TOP hyung, guard my back! Ri: You shouldve shot GD instead of me!!GD: Seungri~
Bae: we were sudden attack and bigbang!
translation from toptopia@tumblr
Source: SuddenAttack + Daesungtimes@YT
diorang buat balik character sudden attack nih...smart je sesorang everybody seungsuka~ppeokigayo~~ and i spot GRI & TODAE here..lately ni byk btul bromance diorang
Ada sape2 tau supplier yang boleh orderkan dari YG eshop x? Nak order Hoodies Alive!!! Anyone?
NSMLady Post at 15-3-2012 22:54
dari YGEshop xtau la pulak..slalunya ktorang order dari kak hadiff..tu pun album je la..cuba PM dia hoodies alive serius daebak...beli jgn xbeli ceh cakap mcm ada je hoodie tu dpn mata AM
wohh... online game ke nih???
kebayaunggu Post at 15-3-2012 22:54
online game..tp kene beli rasanya
tulisan TOP mmg gitu..kat secret garden parody dvd version, ada part dia tulis surat kat g-raim..mmg mcm malas je dia tulis..and bersegi2
YG to establish branch offices in US and Hong Kong
The company responsible for hot sensations, Big Bang and 2NE1, YG Entertainment is starting on their world-wide advancement. On the 15th, it was revealed that YG is closer to launching their branch offices, and would be establishing “YG USA” a branch office for their artists’ US advancement, while “YG Hong Kong” would be for their Asian market advancement.
YG has been preparing for world-wide advancement since spring of last year, a YG official reported, and this spring, they are hard at work in their preparations for the establishment of their branch offices in the United States and Hong Kong, and has made this announcement in advance of their formal launching.
The YG branch offices in the US and Hong Kong would be working hand in hand with the domestic agency to help the company’s artists in their overseas expansions. Unlike the traditional way of hiring competent coordinators in the country where they will be advancing into, this way of advancement would allow the artists to work with their own domestic company’s branch offices’ staff.
Meanwhile, YG has been extensively using YouTube and social networking systems like Twitter, as marketing tools. Through this, their artists like Big Bang, have topped the charts in iTunes and other international music charts, even without any overseas activities and promotions. With a branch office like YG USA, their artists like idol groups, Big Bang and 2NE1, would be supported by full-time personnel and the necessary manpower, to bring their music into a more international market, and is expected to also make their fanbases increase in number.
Source: Osen Via Nate
Translated by: BlackjackBelle@OhDara/ SlaveTranslator@WeLoveDara via bbu
me dah dapat ALIVE!! daebak habis.. berbaloi-baloi pagi td layan otw g kerja.. nasibla kalau org tengok aku terhenjut2 nyanyi sambil menyengih hahaahahaha thank u kak hadiff =)