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Author: skymania


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Post time 7-9-2011 03:58 PM | Show all posts
huwarghh!! thx kak jel diorang balik ahad mlm? b4 tuh wat apa eh..pc? agak2 klau ...
adikmanis Post at 7-9-2011 01:21 PM

kalo dioarang wat pc ada can nk ikot..harap ada la pc.. harap sangat
tp kalo btol balik ahad, kalo pg tu leh lg ar dok mengantor ke epot

@sushi... cam tak jd je projek bg baju melayu tu.. cam tak sempat jer..

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Post time 7-9-2011 06:28 PM | Show all posts
kak zue..i can imagine hubby2 kita pakai baju melayu...malatops!!!!
lagi2 kalo hubby i yg pakai baju melayu putih siap ngan sampin, bersongkok - ready utk akad nikah ngan i. waaaahhhh...berangan tak hengat!


okies, baby seungri 'ahjumma' and gd with 2ne1 backstage. beria dok kasi tips kat dara..cuteness overload!


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Post time 7-9-2011 08:38 PM | Show all posts
Finally..Hwangssabu-nim tweeted a pic of TOP on the thread mill!
T.O.P working out at the gym (110907) [PHOTO]

The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 110편!^^
Note: Since his hair not covered by the hat seems to be blonde, this was probably taken before T.O.P left for NYC.

p/s: owh kamon TABI...loose all those baggy clothes already!! it's about time we see some skin...



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Post time 8-9-2011 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 8-9-2011 08:57

Reply 2003# stanum123

finally! dpt gak tgk dia on threadmill tapi tabi ni selalu camtu tau! tak pernahnya senonoh pakai baju gym. hade ke pakai suar ahjumma, topi gi jejalan, and kemeja? dah tu siap ada waist band/belt/bag. isk! tak semenggah tau tabi!
dia ni very particualr about his body. mmg tak pernah tunjuk kat public.  macam ada emas berlian intan permata je kat abs dia tu. tapi kan, elok gak gitu...he makes himself mysterious and that will keep ppl continously wondering about his body takde le nampak murahan sgt cam certain idols (ehem...tak termasuk our BB boys ek!)

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Post time 8-9-2011 08:51 AM | Show all posts
since i get to know jay loves 2ne1 and loves Bigbang, i've always have this idea of jay collaborating with either one of this group and/or jay-CL or jay-taeyang. jay mmg obviously suka 2ne1 since 2009 and he currently admitted that he would really love to work with taeyang as well. deep in his heart, mind and soul...he's a YG stan so sejak tu, i've been toying with ideas of a great collaboration between these two giant groups with jay.

tak sangka lak, papa YG and JYP pun ada idea gitu gak. waaa....kalo in the future diorang dpt buat projek bersama, that wud be awesome! stage performance mesti gempak abis   

Yang Hyun Suk Wanted a G-Dragon, Taeyang and Jay Park Unit?
08 September 2011

Yang Hyun Suk revealed that there were once plans for a Big Bang + Jay Park unit.

On SBS‘s ‘One Night of TV Entertainment’ that aired on the 7th, two of the judges from SBS’s ‘KPOP STAR’, YG Entertainment’s Yang Hyun Suk and JYP Entertainment’s J.Y. Park, came together as guests on the show.

Yang Hyun Suk astounded the viewers by saying, “This is the first time I’ve revealed this secret, but during the beginning stages of Big Bang, we were thinking about having a separate G-Dragon, Taeyang, and Jay Park unit“. He further explained, “But in the end, separate teams were formed due to their busy schedules, and they weren’t combined“. (seb baik gak tak jadik, kalo tak mesti impak Bigbang akan jadik lain. maklum le, masa tu BB baru lagi... tak kukuh lagi, so biar le diorang build up their name as a 5-member group first before pecah unit utk special project ngan idol lain )

J.Y. Park also talked about what it was like to engage with Yang Hyun Suk on a program stating, “In addition to liking him as a person, I think that he is a producer who has a good sense for things and is better than me in certain areas, so collaborating with hyung (aaawww...sweet je jyp panggil papa YG hyung ) is quite enjoyable for me“.

Yang Hyun Suk further explained their close friendship commenting, “I’ve known J.Y. Park well since he was in this teens roaming around Gangnam Station“.

Source: Nate
Translation by allkpop

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Post time 8-9-2011 01:43 PM | Show all posts
tunggu vid...
stylo tol dia dlm gambo nih...

G-Dragon Chosen as the #1 “Best Rich Idol” by 90 Other Idols
08 September 2011

Big Bang’s G-Dragon was chosen as the #1 ‘idol that makes a lot of money’.

On MBC’s Everyone “Weekly Idol” broadcast on the 10th, the results of a survey titled, “Poweful money force! Rich idols BEST10“, will be revealed.

For this study 90 idols that are currently active were directly involved in the survey and were asked to reveal their most honest answers.

In this survey, the #1 idol picked was Big Bang’s G-Dragon. A lot of idols said, “G-Dragon has the most royalties (copyright fees)“, MBLAQ’s G.O was cited saying one of the reasons was, “He is one icon.“, showing praise in his words.

In addition to G-Dragon, BoA, Kara, beast’s Yong Junhyung, SNSD’s Yoona, IU, etc were ranked as well.

Source: nate
Translated: Sammi@ibigbang


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Post time 8-9-2011 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 10-9-2011 00:47

ViP!! ada nama sesaper yg tercicir tak??



1. Trunkk_zz
2. neez_cookies

1. stanum
2. luvsushi
3. Adik Manis
4. Skymania
5. Hana Olijas
6. limau
8. Seroja
9. Nicrye
10. chibi_mawad

1. Ejamaris
2. Nanie
3. suJu

4. wbs_jue

5. anynomous5050
6. minho_nora
7. hana_hirokawa
8. airwickss
9. derose_83

10. amyhisashi

Err..korg duduk kat mana ek??
2. maksimrvica

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Post time 8-9-2011 06:34 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2007# stanum123

hehehe...bila masa u menghupdate ni? cayalah!

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Post time 8-9-2011 06:39 PM | Show all posts
memula luda got invited to visit YGE, pastu jay Z pun teringin nak gi...maklum le, curious! then, dia pun tag along ngan luda. bila sampai kat YGE, terus suka ngan GDTOP and Bigbang. jay Z kata, jom kita buat album sesama, nak? YG pun hapa lagi...wokeh! pastu diorang pun balik US and work together with GDTOP (and Bigbang) and create a fantabulous album. disebabkan album tu sangat bagus, it receives wild acceptance from worldwide and go on to win Grammy Awards

fuh! hebat tak angan-angan buah berangan i?

Ludacris Invited to Visit YG Entertainment
08 September 2011

American hip hop musician Ludacris, who will be making his way to Korea for the very first time on September 19, has revealed that he’s been invited to visit and meet up with officials from YG Entertainment. Ludacris previously expressed his interest in the K-Pop market and praised YG Entertainment’s level of influence and musical power in an interview.

Officials of the label thanked Ludacris as one of the most world renowned traditional hip hop musicians for taking interest in their music. Ludacris’s hopes of earning an opportunity to work with the label just might come true through this unique meeting between the two giants.

YG Entertainment has been taking steps towards marketing their music outside of Korea lately, especially with the establishment of “YGEX” with Avex Entertainment and working with Will.I.Am. Adding Ludacris to the list, this only means more exciting things to come for fans of the label!


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Post time 8-9-2011 11:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 8-9-2011 23:38
Reply  stanum123

hehehe...bila masa u menghupdate ni? cayalah!
luvsushi Post at 8-9-2011 18:34

hehehe..gigih kan haku?? kelakor je rasanya.. ekceli si trunkk SMS I..kata dia tercampak kat block C..tu yg i wat list tu, senang sket nak cari partner/gang far mmg takde owang lain yg dok block C..sian dia...
p/s: dasat angan2! siap mng grammy tuh! hehe, but nothing is impossible with YG..

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Post time 8-9-2011 11:59 PM | Show all posts
Wowww cayalah korang nak p stalk kt airport lagik.kelassss gitu! Ehhehehe sorry tetibe mencelsh pulsk. Agak2 boleh join tak stalk diorang kat airport ngan korang?? kwn maksim minaaaaat sgt ngan gd n top hehehehehehe

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Post time 9-9-2011 12:16 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 9-9-2011 00:19

G-Dragon meets Little Kwon Ji Yong (110905) [PHOTOS/NEWS]

BIGBANG’s G-dragon helps a patient with the same name as him put on “Wings of Hope”

Since 2009, VIP members ( have expressed their love for G-dragon by donating every month out of never ending sincerity. They have helped not only Jiyong but a little girl that suffers from Chronic Renal Failure and a male patient suffering from Osteogenesis Imperfecta. After this warm news passed on to G-dragon, he also chose “donating” as his love for his fans.

On September 5th, 2 people with the same name met each other: 4yrs old Kwon Jiyong and 24yrs old Kwon Jiyong. A healthy looking Jiyong that had reduced his medicine dosage by 1/3, greeted his hyung with the exact same name as him. Even though they were a bit shy because they were unfamiliar with each other but after playing with the toys that G-dragon had personally prepared, they automatically became closer. After hearing that Jiyong needs to regulate his blood glucose levels every 4 hrs, the pain he suffers from taking in food and that he still needs a lot of medical treatment, G-dragon looked distressed. He stayed with Jiyong and his family for a long time to give them endless support and encouragement.

source: bigbangupdates & soompi

p/s: owh!! how can anyone NOT love this 'arumdawa namja'.. He's getting more and more matured these days, dun ya think? Huhu..adekah dia dh bersedia nk jadi nampyeon orang?? andwae!! Err, I hate guys in pink shirt, but GD definitely looked dashing in PINK! and yes, I HATE his new tattoo..apekah?? 4 segi bentuknya???

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Post time 9-9-2011 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Wowww cayalah korang nak p stalk kt airport lagik.kelassss gitu! Ehhehehe sorry tetibe mencelsh puls ...
maksimrvica Post at 9-9-2011 00:59

bleh je join.ketua rombongan adlh momod tersayang kak zu

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Post time 9-9-2011 12:27 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2013# chibi_mawad

    Hehehhehee tq ! Korang berkumpul nanti ape2 inform maksim yek. Tq in advanceeeee excited mode hahaha.

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Post time 9-9-2011 01:56 AM | Show all posts
comeinye laki aku nih


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Post time 9-9-2011 01:57 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 9-9-2011 02:00

Reply 2011# maksimrvica

maksim, tahniah! dah dapat geng gi stalk. korang, jangan lupa fancam bebyk ye....
kalo sempat i turut serta. kalo tak, kukirimkan salam peluk cium utk tabi hubby i di klia ye...
ah, kalo bole biar ada yg standby ngan keta kat exit airport tuh. nanti korang berkeja-kejaran la dgn van diorang. tapi make sure safety comes first. jangan sampai ada yg accident tau. lagi satu, korang perhati2kan juga secret door/pintu belakang klia. macam masa suju dtg dulu, diorang ikut exit lain. relax je diorang kuar airport. so, sape yg free2 tu bole le survey2 ke hape yg patut. and kalo ada kenal orang dlm, lagilah menarik!   aiseh....kak zue, sky...korang kan pakar bab2 ni. bukan dah selalu buat ke?    

cik stan...
adorable sungguh gd senior and gd junior tuh. tembamnye gd junior. cute!!!!
gd lak mak aih, kuruih meleding. tapi dia sangat2lah comeyyyyy!!!! he rocks the pink shirts.
currently dia selalu pakai topi tu. agak2 ada orang belikan ke...dia beli sendiri? nyehehe!

cik stan...i pun tak tau kat mana yg lawaknya, tapi i rasa ayat u ni mmg lawak gilos! lol!
I HATE his new tattoo..apekah?? 4 segi bentuknya???

sekali imbas, cam love pun ada gak...

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Post time 9-9-2011 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Wowww cayalah korang nak p stalk kt airport lagik.kelassss gitu! Ehhehehe sorry tetibe mencelsh puls ...
maksimrvica Post at 8-9-2011 11:59 PM

takde masalah pon nk mencelah.... VIP's kt cni mmg seme ok... tak caya tak ai...
kalo jadi nk pi epot, sila pm no hp kat mane2 VIP kat cni... bukan ape... saje nk berjemaah katanya...
tp ai teka mmg ramai giler VIPs yang pi epot... memandangkan ni 1st visit diaorang, so tak dpt nk jangka...
setakat yg ai leh teka dari CARI (tak termasuk SR) n also MyVIP yg 1 lg tu... yg dari myVIP tu takleh nk jangka...

N jangan tak caya, BB ni ada ramai jgk fanboys.. salah sorangnya adalah adik ipar ai... ceritanye camni... ms balik umah mk mentua, ai dengar 1 lagu/music yg sangat familiar.. ms tu dengar sayup2 je... biler dh dengar btol2 baru pasan tu lagu tonight...
gigih la mencari dari mana dtgnyer lagu tu.. upenyer dari bilik adik ipar.. dia ckp memula dia dgr org pasang kt cybercafe.. dia ckp sedap plak... siap tanye org yg pasang tu lagu ape.. then dia donlot la lagu tonight tu... pastu masa kami kuar mkn malam tu, kebetulan ada ai burn lagu lies ngan haru2... dia ckp dia lebih suke dengar lagu haru2... hehehehe... kalo la dpt bwk dia p KMW kan bagusssss

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Post time 9-9-2011 08:42 AM | Show all posts
BIGBANG’s G-dragon helps a patient with the same name as him put on “Wings of Hope”

Sinc ...
stanum123 Post at 9-9-2011 12:16 AM

suweeetnyer GD pakai baby pink.... my fav colour.... takkisah laaa..ape saja yg melakat kat bdn GD ai laik...walaupon kain guni sekalipon... ingat suar yg dia pakai ms love song... sbb GD kan... ok jer... fashion katanye

@sushi.... owh.. nk p akad nikah ek baju melayu... jom ar..nk ikot jgk... sorg perantin laki n 2 perantin pompuan

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Post time 9-9-2011 09:07 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nzhass79 at 9-9-2011 09:09

T.O.P’s legs earn the nickname “$1 million Legs”

The legs of Big Bang‘s T.O.P have become a hot topic online, earning the nickname “$1 Million Legs”.

On an online community board, T.O.P’s picture (top left in above photo) while walking down the street in New York was recently posted and many netizens were impressed by T.O.P’s long legs.

Upon seeing the photo, a netizen wrote, “It’s been reported that T.O.P went to New York for a photoshoot… New York picture showing his back side, I didn’t know T.O.P oppa’s legs were that pretty. Are they really worth 1million dollars?”.

Other comments included,“What are the limit to his charms?”, “His legs are 11″, “Did he lose more weight? He looks skinnier. Rather then skinny legs, I prefer more muscular legs”.

Source: tvreport & allkpop

boleh tak TOP tunjukkan sekali jer his body...i mean bahu ke.. kaki dia ker yang 1mil tu sekali pn jd laaaa.. korang ada jumpe tak???

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Post time 9-9-2011 09:53 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2017# nzhass79

kak zue, high 5 to your adik ipar   bukan senang nak carik fanboy BB especially malays. kalo chinese, mmg ramai
well, kalo dia nak pegi mesti ada lagi tix tu. bole je... soh dia geng ngan noona2 kat sini

ehem...2 pengantin pompuan? akak kan bini tua akad nikah i...bini muda tabi akak jadik pengapit i okies?      

tengokkan gambo daddy long legs tu...isk...sebenarnya mata i lagi terattract kat last pic tu....cute butts! lol!

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