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Author: c-mei

American Idol 3 - (tonight: AI SPECIAL after M'sian Idol)

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Post time 17-2-2004 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 2004-2-17 11:39 AM:
ha'ah...lepas habis 4 group (32 org) dalam 4 minggu, minggu seterusnya adalah 'wild card' show, memaparkan lagi 8 peserta dari pelbagai peringkat audition...tapi kalau diorang ambik top 2 dari wild ...

tahun lepas...kalau tak silap, untuk wild card

simon pilih sorang
randy pilih sorang
paula pilih sorang

dan penonton pilih sorang (highest vote)

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 Author| Post time 17-2-2004 08:20 PM | Show all posts
Latest news about William Hung..

He made headlines with his now infamous performance on American Idol. But fame - or notoriety - may be going to William Hung's head

IS WILLIAM HUNG, the 21-year-old American Idol wannabe, getting too big for his britches? Or is he just really, really tired of the unexpected worldwide attention he's been getting?

When LifeStyle e-mailed him for an interview last Thursday, back came this short reply: 'My time is money right now. So only if you're willing to compensate me for my time. Sincerely, William Hung'.

We got his e-mail address from the University of California, Berkeley, website. He did not reply to further mail.

Ever since he appeared on American Idol 3 on Jan 27 with a rendition of Ricky Martin's She Bangs that has been variously described as embarrassing, horrendous and hilarious, Hung has become a celebrity not only in the United States, but also in Australia, Iceland and Singapore.

The civil engineering student from UC Berkeley has given numerous interviews, appeared on the Entertainment Tonight show, is tentatively slated to appear on the programme MSNBC Friday, and has been approached by People magazine for comments.

From one website devoted completely to Hung, several others have since cropped up.

And it seems that his father is getting into the act as well.

Mr Don Chin, a 40-year-old Chinese-American real estate agent who set up the first fan site,, is now advising anyone who wants to speak to the Hong Kong-born student to contact the boy's father instead.

However, the senior Mr Hung did not reply to e-mail which LifeStyle sent him.

Mr Chin claims that he receives about 500 e-mail a day from Hung fans, and that his site is getting 4.5 million views a week.

In fact, type in 'William Hung' on a search engine like, and you will find about 5,000 sites with a mention of him.

Radio stations in the US, Australia and even in Singapore have been playing remixed versions of his Chinese-accented rendition of She Bangs, his now infamous Idol audition piece.

A spokesman for Power 98 here says the station receives about 10 requests a day for 'William Hung's song' and had played it at least three times in the past week. 'That's a lot for a song that hasn't even officially been released and isn't on our play lists,' she adds.

Even women are finding the nerdish buck-toothed youngster cute. The has a link called Marry Me, William, where women from around the world can post pictures of themselves and write love notes to him.

When LifeStyle checked last Friday afternoon, two out of eight e-mail posted were from Singaporeans. In fact, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Mr Chin as saying that he receives so much e-mail from Singaporean women that he reckons they would 'rip' Hung's clothes off 'if they saw him in the street'.

All this generated by a youngster whose self-choreographed song and dance prompted judge Simon Cowell to pronounce that he could neither sing or dance.

According to a Los Angeles Times report, Hung had skipped class on a whim last autumn to try out for the American Idol auditions in San Francisco.

Ken Warwick, executive producer of the talent show, told the Times that he knew as soon as he saw Hung that 'anti-celebrity' would find him.

'You knew when you met him - he was so honest and open and straight and 'get-out-there-and-give-it-a-go' in his demeanour,' he said.

'When he told the judges, 'I gave my best,' he was right. It's a commendable philosophy and not many people have it. It's just a shame he was no good.'

But celebrity, Hung told the Times, was the last thing he sought when he decided to try out for the Idol audition.

Sitting in a campus dining room, his bright yellow backpack and matching rain jacket on the seat beside him, he told the newspaper that he didn't even tell his parents about the audition, which was inspired when some fellow students heard him sing and pushed him to enter a dormitory talent contest. He won first prize.

'It was just going to be kept to myself, and nobody knew about it,' said Hung, who moved with his family to Los Angeles when he was 11 and graduated from high school there.

'I have sung karaoke since I was 10 or 11 years old, and I just wanted to see, you know, where am I at?'

It wasn't until months later, when he saw his clip anchoring an American Idol 3 promotion that what he had done began to sink in.

'I was just, 'Wow. That's me right there.' Shocked,' he said, blushing. 'I didn't even have emotions until I saw the audition, and then I felt, 'Oh. I'm definitely not ready to go to Hollywood.' '

In yet another interview, this time with the Oakland Tribune, he revealed that his parents did not catch his Idol audition on TV, but watched a clip on Mr Chin's website.

'They told me I need to stay under control with school work, and for now, yes, I think it's a safe backbone for me, too. But I don't see that decision being any better than being a singer.'

Hung, who told the San Francisco Chronicle that he has been invited to perform at events like a Philadelphia 76ers basketball game and the MTV Asia Awards in Singapore, appeared onstage at an open mike session at UC Berkeley earlier last week.

A clip of this was put up on the website.

Sporting a blue sweat shirt, he gave She Bangs another go. This time, he was cheered on by school mates and friends, who joined in the chorus.

Looks like Hung, who has reportedly joined a singing class and a Chinese choir, is not about to give up on singing just yet.,235251,00.html?

dah femes dah mamat nie...

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Post time 17-2-2004 09:29 PM | Show all posts
Fantasia tu vokal dia sebjik macam vokal Macy Gray tapi apsal dia tak mengaku? Anyway, aku tetap sokong dia dalam Group 1. Tak sabar nak tgk. sapa yang layak ke final 2 dalam group 2 nanti. :re:


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Post time 18-2-2004 09:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by c-mei at 2004-2-17 08:20 PM:
Latest news about William Hung..

He made headlines with his now infamous performance on American Idol. But fame - or notoriety - may be going to William Hung's head


famous dia bukan sebab talent.

aku rasa sebab org suka tengok dia. Aku tengok dia pun, ntah kenapa nak tergelak. Tue org suka tgk kot. Menghiburkan hati.

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Post time 18-2-2004 09:35 AM | Show all posts
simon tu komen dia boleh tahan jugak! pedas giler.....tgk american idol arituh! dia komen ada sorang peserta tuh...lepas tuh peserta tuh tak puas hati siram dia ngan air minum ....wakakakka selamber jer! lepas tuh sib baik tak jadik kes polis!

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Post time 18-2-2004 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by finnie at 2004-2-18 09:35 AM:
simon tu komen dia boleh tahan jugak! pedas giler.....tgk american idol arituh! dia komen ada sorang peserta tuh...lepas tuh peserta tuh tak puas hati siram dia ngan air minum ....wakakakka selambe ...

kena simbah air pun dia gelak jugak. apa pun tetap suka Simon wpun komen dia tu buat orang berasap je.

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 Author| Post time 18-2-2004 08:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ColbyRaikkonen at 18-2-2004 09:10 AM:
famous dia bukan sebab talent.

aku rasa sebab org suka tengok dia. Aku tengok dia pun, ntah kenapa nak tergelak. Tue org suka tgk kot. Menghiburkan hati.

tuelah samerlah ngan aku ...aku tengok muker dier jer dah nak gelak..tue belum dengar dier nyanyi lagi...saper ader tengok semalam ET kat ch-9 ...diorang tunjuk snippet WH nie tengah nyanyi mcm rakam album ...tapi dier nyanyi lagu artis lain lah buat bukan lagu unt dier sendiri...mmg dier suara takder...tapi dier boleh buat org terhibur...

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Post time 18-2-2004 08:57 PM | Show all posts
Suka dengar Simon kata absolutely horrible. Korang perasan tak dalam filem Scary Movie 3, dia kena tembak sebab kata absolutely horrible kat rapper

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Post time 19-2-2004 12:44 AM | Show all posts
william hung is soooo UNIQUE.
sebab tu dia femes.
tak ramai nerdish mcm dia yg suka dan berani masuk pertandingan nyanyian. most nerd person takkan terfikir masuk bende2 camtu. lainla science fair. sebab tu dia 1 in a million.

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Post time 19-2-2004 09:10 AM | Show all posts
aku harap toksah la bawak balik Hung tue masa wild card. Sebab dia sekarang mendapat publisiti meluas, so mungkin la ramai yg akan vote dia nanti.

Tak pasal pasal jadi american idol.

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Post time 19-2-2004 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Betul tu..nanti American idol dah tak jadi tempat untuk cari peserta yang terbaik tetapi tempat nak cari peserta terpopular.

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Post time 19-2-2004 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Baru2 ni ader tengok kat ET yang William Hung ni ader nyanyi satu lagu sambil diiringi petikan piano.Saper tau die nyanyi lagu ape?

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whoababy This user has been deleted
Post time 19-2-2004 01:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 19-2-2004 01:16 PM:
Baru2 ni ader tengok kat ET yang William Hung ni ader nyanyi satu lagu sambil diiringi petikan piano.Saper tau die nyanyi lagu ape?

lagu 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight?' - originally sang by Elton John - theme song from The Lion King.

My opinion? Tak sedap langsung! Even Kelly Clarkson & Clay Aiken who co-hosted ET last night dok senyum-senyum. Kelly was like, "what is wengabons?"

Will now got personal singing trainer lagi.. kelasss....

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Post time 19-2-2004 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Nampaknye William Hung walaupun takder bakat nyanyian tapi ramai orang nak dengar nyanyian die walaupun worst.Maybe satu hari nanti ader syarikat nak ambik William jadi artis rakaman.Saper tahu?

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Post time 19-2-2004 07:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 19-2-2004 05:49 PM:
Nampaknye William Hung walaupun takder bakat nyanyian tapi ramai orang nak dengar nyanyian die walaupun worst.Maybe satu hari nanti ader syarikat nak ambik William jadi artis rakaman.Saper tahu?

dia boleh buat org happy dengar die nyanyi kan?

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 Author| Post time 19-2-2004 08:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gjoy_chester at 19-2-2004 05:49 PM:
Nampaknye William Hung walaupun takder bakat nyanyian tapi ramai orang nak dengar nyanyian die walaupun worst.Maybe satu hari nanti ader syarikat nak ambik William jadi artis rakaman.Saper tahu?

bagi aku baik tak payah...aku raser dier nie jadi pelakon komedi lebih sesuai...mcm kater ko ...nanti American Idol nie jadi tempat org nak cari paling popular bukan paling berbakat dlm nyanyian...tapi kalau diorang nak panggil balik dier nie jadi artis undangan ker ..ok gak...terhiburlah skit ...lepas kena panahan petir dari mulut si simon tue...

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Post time 20-2-2004 03:11 AM | Show all posts

ini link lagu hits tahun ini... yeah.. she bang..

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Post time 20-2-2004 03:13 AM | Show all posts

ini pula bailamos.. yeahh .. enrique pun boleh pencen..

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Post time 20-2-2004 03:14 AM | Show all posts

shake your bon bon..

lepas ni boleh keluar album penuh ler

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Post time 20-2-2004 03:22 AM | Show all posts

dream collabration .. william hung with outkast...

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