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Author: azzacke

Kapal Perang Tercanggih Di Rantau Asia Tenggara..

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Post time 20-3-2005 10:43 PM | Show all posts
yeah, a ship/sub launched variant of that (air variant in French inventory are called Scalp EG )
variant lain termasuk Black Shaheen di order oleh UAE


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CuRvA_NoRd This user has been deleted
Post time 22-3-2005 06:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lyhmsia at 24-10-2003 02:20 PM:
So what with high tech warship when we can't even prevent Phillipine terrorist kidnapped our foreign tourist:stp:

a bit true:stp:

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Post time 29-3-2005 11:41 AM | Show all posts

kenapa malaysia tiada destroyer

kenape negara kita tidak memiliki destroyer dan heavy cruiser

milik russia

Kirov Class (Project 1144.2) Heavy Cruiser

Sachsen Class (Type F124)


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Post time 29-3-2005 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Jawapan aku yang tak bernas kepada soalan tu:

1. Nak beli frigate pun perit...inikan destroyer
2. 'Missile magnet'
3. Better beli kapal yang lebih kecil tapi berkeupayaan besar...mmg lebih besar kapal lebih banyak sistem boleh masuk tapi kecil kalau berbisa pun kauuu ape...

Some sample
Laksamana class - 1 76mm DP gun, 1 40mm AA, 6 OTOMAT SSM, 1 Aspide SAM, 6 324mm TT. Hull : 675 tan (corvette)

Lekiu-class - 1 57mm DP, 2 30mm AA, 8 MM40 Exocet SSM, 16 VL Seawolf SAM, 6 324mm TT. Hull : 2,270 tan (light frigate)

Talwar class (mod. Krivak) - 16 Kh-35 Uran-E / SS-NX-27 SSM, SA-N-7 Gadfly SAM, 6 Klinok SAM, 1 100mm DP, 4 twin 30mm AA, 4 553mm TT, 2 RBU-6000 RL, 1 Ka-27 ASW heli. Hull : 3,780 t (frigate)

Rajput class (Kashin) - 2 SA-N-1 Goa SAM launcher, 4 SS-N-2 Styx SSM, 1 twin 76mm DP, 4 30mm AA, 5 553mm TT, 2 RBU-6000 RL, 1 ASW heli. Hull : 4,950t (destroyer)

Kalau tengok sample tu, secara umum tak banyak beza antara persenjataan frigate dengan destroyer. Beza utama frigate dengan destroyer adalah dari tugas. Secara umum frigate adalah ASW manakala destroyer adalah ASV.

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Post time 29-3-2005 02:27 PM | Show all posts
A destroyer is a very large ship. Perhaps its answer lies due to the size of the vessel.

However, a destroyer is needed when escorting battlegroups on long patrols over different seas. Our theatre of operation covers only the Straits of Malacca, South China Sea and the Sulu Sea. From west to east coast of Malaysia is approximately 2,000km. In other words, corvettes and frigates are more than sufficient to cover these regions, even in times of war.

Unless of course RMN shifts to a global overseas deployment navy.


[ Last edited by RainbowSix on 29-3-2005 at 02:31 PM ]

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Post time 30-3-2005 03:36 AM | Show all posts
Kirov tuh macam dah melampau sgt la pulak, bukan nak lawan US Pacific Fleet, ehehe

sebut pasal kapal perang tercanggih, sape2 boleh tolong jelaskan tak camne Tentera Laut Thai boleh decide beli carrier Chari Naruebet tuh dulu? ade dispute dgn sape2 ke? ke mmg ekonomi Thailand masa tuh sgt bagus, sampai boleh lulus keputusan beli carrier

tgk video (link kat thread movie best), cakap carrier nih siap 36 bulan sahaja(lengkap), fuh, pantas! apsal Scorpene kita ambik masa dekat satu dekad baru nak siap?


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Post time 30-3-2005 06:46 AM | Show all posts

propaganda je...

senjata sebagai propaganda untuk menakutkan musuh mana tahu kot kot boleh menengelamkankan chakri naruebet...

Tapi kalau frigat dan korvet kita dipasang dengan sistem persenjataan jarak jauh buatan russia atau india ..ok gak tu cth Brahmoss missile....

baru tak sedap duduk kapal musuh.....

[ Last edited by tempur on 30-3-2005 at 09:38 AM ]

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Kolonel This user has been deleted
Post time 30-3-2005 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Kita perlukan kapal untuk tujuan yang lebih realistik. Lebih baik dapatkan banyak heavy dan well armed corvette dan frigate dari beli 1-2 heavy cruiser dan destroyer. Lebih baik untuk propaganda. Yang penting boleh berfungsi dan tidak membazir :hmm:

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Post time 30-3-2005 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Russia aja yang pakai heavy cruiser ni. Negara lain mana ada. Russia pun sekarang tak cukup duit nak maintain kapal2 macam ni.

Tugas heavy cruiser ni untuk serang US carrier groups. I dont think RMN is planning to do that anytime soon. If we do, maybe we should also buy Backfire bombers:hmm:.

Sebenarnya klasifikasi cruiser, destroyer, frgate,corvette ni semua dah tak berapa bermakna sekarang. Yang perlu dilihat adalah kapabiliti sesuatu kapal tu. Kalau ada cruiser tapi ia macam General Belgrano Argentina tu buat apa? Jadi lauk aje. Friget macam KD Lekiu jauh lebih power.

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Post time 30-3-2005 11:07 AM | Show all posts
setuju dgn DBR dan lain2
sekarang ni klasifikasi kapal dah tak bermakna sgt, yg penting tgk persenjataan, sebb ade sesetgh negara panggil kapal yg sepatutnye termasuk dalam kategori destroyer sebagai frigate (Horizon frigate?), dan vice versa

kalau nak check dari segi weight to weapons carried, selalunye kapal Israel dan Singapura menonjol, tapi ade juga keburukannya cramming all that weaponry on a small tonnage ship

Laksamana ok ape? corvette yg berbisa, cuma takde helideck sahaja, so OTHT untuk Otomat kene tunggu heli dari darat atau kapal lain


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Post time 30-3-2005 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Betul, dah takde beza klasifikasi tersebut...sebab persenjataan semua hampir sama

Some background klasifikasi kapal perang (extremely simplified)

Aircraft Carrier - Kapal pengangkut pesawat. Aset utama tentera laut besar kerana keupayaan serangan dan pertahanan (80 pesawat bagi CV AS)

Battleship - Aset utama tentera laut utama dunia sehingga akhir WW2. Berfungsi sebagai unit tempur permukaan utama sehingga WW2. Persenjataan utama: meriam gergasi (antara 11inci hingga 18inci). Pada PD2, bertindak sebagai bateri AA sekeliling carrier dalam US Navy, selain tugas asal dan shore bombardment

Cruiser - Aset sekunder. Tugas asal sebagai peninjau kepada pasukan utama (battleship). Dibahagi dua :Light dan heavy (beza utama dari segi meriam, light biasanya 6inci manakala heavy 8inci). Armor yang lebih nipis dari battleship. Menjelang PD2 bertindak sebagai escort umum. Variasi cruiser adalah battlecruiser yang lebih besar (sama saiz dengan battleship tapi dengan armor nipis utk kelajuan tinggi) sekarang lebih kepada AA defence dan serangan darat (guna Tomahawk)

Destroyer - aset sekunder. Tugas asal sebagai pemusnah bot torpedo yang mampu mengancam battleship. Tugas berubah kepada ASW dengan munculnya kapalselam sebagai senjata ambush utama. semasa PD2 bertindak sebagai general escort kepada armada. Sama seperti sekarang (bagi Navy besar)

Frigate/Corvette - kapal pengiring. Tugas utama ialah ASW dan escort umum terutama kepada konvoi. Sekarang lebih kepada kapal pelbagai tugas.

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Post time 30-3-2005 03:27 PM | Show all posts

Kapal india


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Post time 30-3-2005 09:08 PM | Show all posts
kalo tambah yang nihhh dalam tujuh lapan bijik lagik kerrr ...sure MANTAPPP punyaa errkkk :clap::clap::clap::clap:


UK Collins Class(Type 471)



[ Last edited by Malik Al Hassan on 31-3-2005 at 12:37 AM ]

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Post time 31-3-2005 08:59 AM | Show all posts
7-8 biji tu ngko nak yang mana satu malik? Tapi kalau yang bawah tu...wuyyooo Oscar wooooo....

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Post time 31-3-2005 10:38 AM | Show all posts
:hmm: nampaknya ada orang nak rejoin carrier club di rantau ini....

Navy push to put jets back in fleet
Ian McPhedran, Defence reporter

SECRET discussions have been held with ship builders about equipping two large new Australian warships with fighter planes.

The navy plans to buy two $800 million, 25,000-tonne amphibious ships by 2010.

A push is under way to give the vessels the capacity to carry eight or more so-called Short Take-off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) fighters.

The aircraft would cost about $6 million more than the $70 million price tag for the conventional Joint Strike Fighters (JSF) being purchased for the RAAF.

The Government wants to buy up to 100 of the yet-to-be-built next generation fighters in a $15 billion project. According to industry sources, there would be no problem having the final 20 or so coming off the STOVL production line.

Such a move would give the Royal Australian Navy an aircraft carrier capability for the first time since HMAS Melbourne was retired in June 1982.

Two designs are being considered for the ship contract

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Post time 31-3-2005 10:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alphawolf at 2005-3-31 08:59:
7-8 biji tu ngko nak yang mana satu malik? Tapi kalau yang bawah tu...wuyyooo Oscar wooooo....

kalo nak kira bab logistic & "trained" personnel ...kira settle down ngan Scorpene pun kira okehh gakk .... tapi kalo bulehhh dapat  OSCAR fuhhhhhhh ... sure ada "memba" yg demam tak kebah punya ....  lol:lol


[ Last edited by Malik Al Hassan on 31-3-2005 at 01:36 PM ]

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Post time 6-4-2005 03:18 PM | Show all posts
Pakistani Jiangwei-II Contract Finally Signed

Islamabad April 5, 2005 (WN) - Pakistan on Monday inked a contract for the purchase of four frigates from long-time ally China on the eve of Premier Wen Jiabao抯 visit to Islamabad.

Senior defence officials of both the countries signed four contracts for state-of-the-art F-22P ((Jiangwei-II) Frigates with all related equipment/systems with special element of Transfer of Technology (ToT).

The signing of the frigates deal would help strengthen naval defence as Pakistan has for a long time been seeking to induct new warships in its naval fleet keeping in view the Indian naval strength. "These F-22P frigates will be equipped with organic helicopters, especially designed for anti-submarine warfare, surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles along with associated self-defence systems," said a statement of the defence ministry.

Some of the ships will be constructed in Pakistan, as, under the deal, China will also transfer technology. Following the American decision to sell 24 multi-role F-16 jets to Pakistan, the Sino-Pak Frigates deal is the second biggest defence deal Pakistan has clinched in a short span of time.

The signing ceremony of the frigate deal was held at the Ministry of Defence Production. Secretary Defence Production Lt-Gen (Ret抎) Ali Muhammad Jan Aurakzai represented the Pakistani side while the Chinese side was led by Zhou Wushent, director general International Cooperation, Commission of Science and Technologies Industries (COSTIND). Other prominent Chinese guests who witnessed the deal included Madam Lu Xiaoyan, vice president of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) and Sun Zhoughui, director general administration COSTIND besides high-ranking military officials.

Director General Munitions Production Maj-Gen Ghazanfar Ali Khan signed the contracts from the Pakistan side while Vice-Presidents of China Shipbuilding and Trading Company (CSTC), China National Aero Technical Import and Export Corporation (CATIC), China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) and China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC) separately signed the contracts from the Chinese side.

The ships, after construction, would be inducted into the Pakistan Navy and would not only enhance its operational capabilities but will also help make impregnable the seaward defence of the country. A date for delivery of the ships was not given, nor did the ministry say how much Pakistan would pay for the ships. Chief of the Pakistan Navy Admiral Shahid Karimullah said last year that Pakistan was seeking a $750 million loan from China to pay for the frigates.

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Post time 10-5-2005 03:00 PM | Show all posts
sebijik macam singapore punya....

ni perancis punya

kaedah pengesanan

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Post time 10-5-2005 03:04 PM | Show all posts

sistem perkapalan china

kenapa kerajaan kita tidak mendapatkan produk pertahanan dari negara china..khususnya kapal perang.  kita dapati thailand memiliki banyak kapal daripada negara china....

adakah tidak berkualiti@mahal @sebaliknya....
apa pendpat kalian semua...:stp:

[ Last edited by tempur on 10-5-2005 at 03:06 PM ]

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Post time 10-5-2005 06:36 PM | Show all posts
Tempur, pendapat kawan RMN dengan perhubungan tradisi laut yg kuat dengan British Royal Navy tidak akan membeli atau menggunapakai sistem atau kapal buatan selain dari pengeluaran UK, Eropah atau US.

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