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Author: isabel

Lady Castle~Yoon Eun Hye/Yoon Sang Hyun/Jung Il Woo[sesi borak2....]

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Post time 16-9-2009 10:00 PM | Show all posts
cute la budak kecik ngan anjing tuh...nama anjing giant tp kecik beno tak padan ngan nama

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Post time 16-9-2009 11:50 PM | Show all posts
cute la budak kecik ngan anjing tuh...nama anjing giant tp kecik beno tak padan ngan nama
adina80 Post at 16-9-2009 22:00

budak tu cute gile..pastu care die cam org besar plak

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Post time 16-9-2009 11:57 PM | Show all posts
176# Hana_Hirokawa
hurm..lately ni bz sampai malas nk baca lebey2..
ada tpandang gak headline pasal YEH kena hentam ngn netizens..
diorg kutuk lakonan dia yg mana?!
dlm lady castle ni ke?!pada phelia besh aje lakonan dia..

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Post time 17-9-2009 12:00 AM | Show all posts
jung il woo..phelia suka tgk dia..
senyuman dia..aduuuh..cair hati ni

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Post time 17-9-2009 12:03 AM | Show all posts
151# irie^nad
haah..dlm return of iljimae pown muka dia jambu gile..
tu yg cket shock masa nmpak dia dlm lady castle ni..
hensem woo..

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2009 12:28 AM | Show all posts
176# Hana_Hirokawa  
hurm..lately ni bz sampai malas nk baca lebey2..
ada tpandang gak headline pasal YEH kena hentam ngn netizens..
diorg kutuk lakonan dia yg mana?!
dlm lady castle ni ke?!pada  ...
phelia Post at 16-9-2009 23:57

yup..betul ler tu...mmg dari start episode 1..YEH dah kena kritik dah...psl dan yg plg ketara skrg charater dia pun kena kritik...

]“It was really upsetting, I thought I’d go crazy”

Underneath her sharply drawn eyeliner, her eyes start to redden with tears. This is actress Yoon Eun-hye, who plays the immature chaebol and corporation heir Kang Hae-na in KBS 2TV’s Wednesday-Thursday drama My Fair Lady. She had transformed dramatically from the easy-going girl dressed as a boy (Coffee Prince) to a conceited, snobby “princess complex” character, but can this reaction be because of the public’s chilly response? After I asked her about the criticism she has received for her acting when I met her in a cafe on the 9th, the tears started flowing.

“If I didn’t have to film, I would have cried all day in my room… but I couldn’t do that. I thought of how upset my parents would feel to read all those articles slamming my acting, and I felt like going crazy. There were a lot of times when I endured through it and smiled as I filmed, only to end up with tears trickling out. Now, I’m afraid of making transformations. Each time, people grow familiar with the character, but if it takes a long time and hurts me every time, I don’t know what to do, and I feel afraid.”

However, “The longer I do this, there are more voices joining in to encourage and praise me. I took the viewers’ criticism in the beginning to mean that I shouldn’t be arrogant,” she says with a wide smile.

In the beginning part of the drama, the issue that was pointed out the most regarding her acting was her unnatural speech and accent. Yoon Eun-hye says, “Actually, there was criticism of my speech when I shot Coffee Prince too. I think it may have been more of a problem in this drama because Hae-na is someone who speaks bluntly, and people expect a certain image of a chaebol. But my teachers tell me that Hae-na’s character comes across as more personal when she talks in an unlikable way.”

Every episode, Kang Hae-na wears flashy clothing and makeup that would be difficult to pull off in real life. In order to reinvent herself into a polished, glamorous image out of her former plucky one, Yoon Eun-hye is treading a difficult path. She says, “I feel how difficult it is for a woman to work at being pretty. When I was doing Coffee Prince, I just washed my face and applied lotion and skin cream and I was ready to film. But compared to back then, now I have to get up two hours earlier to do my makeup.” The high-heeled shoes are another burden: “I wear high heels that are about 12 to 13 cm high, and after filming for a long time, my legs are swollen like an elephant’s.”

However, in her mind, Hae-na isn’t a feminine type of woman. “She always acts forceful, but she has such a pure heart that she makes a lot of mistakes. That’s why she can’t regulate her own feelings that well, and she can also seem like a dumb child. You can’t see her as perfectly feminine.”

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2009 12:32 AM | Show all posts
Yoon Eun-hye draws Jung Il-woo
September 4th, 2009 ~ by javabeans

We know that Yoon Eun-hye has artistic interests and had even added some of her own handiwork to the set dressing of her previous drama, Coffee Prince. Now she’s shooting her current drama, KBS’s My Fair Lady, which has released the image of a drawing she’d sketched while filming a scene from this week’s Episode 5.

(That explains the print on the page; in the drama, her character doodles during a lecture presented by co-star Jung Il-woo.) Afterward, Yoon Eun-hye presented Jung Il-woo with the drawing of him (or rather, his character Tae-yoon).

Jung Il-woo was pleasantly surprised at the drawing and praised his co-star: “With such a tight filming schedule we have hardly any spare time, but the actors have such great teamwork that I don’t feel tired at all and am enjoying filming. Because Eun-hye noona has a really great personality and is so easygoing, we bonded quickly.”

About his other co-stars, Jung said, “[Yoon] Sang-hyun hyung and I know each other’s acting styles, and we were also good friends before, so it’s even more fun working together. I’ve known [Moon] Chae-won noona from before our debuts, and we even took acting classes together, so filming is comfortable.”

According to a production source, “When the actors don’t have filming, they come out to the film set to support the other actors. They give advice to each other and consult among themselves regarding their characters, so the filming atmosphere is always warm.”

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2009 12:36 AM | Show all posts
Happy birthday, Jung Il-woo
September 10th, 2009 // by javabeans

Jung Il-woo celebrated his 22nd birthday on set, as he is currently filming the drama My Fair Lady, and was treated to a surprise party by the cast and crew. (As a 1987-er, he’s the youngest of the main cast, although he plays at least five years older than his age as lawyer Tae-yoon.)

The party came after they finished filming a mealtime scene; pictured with him are his castmates Yoon Eun-hye, Yoon Sang-hyun, and Moon Chae-won.

I love Jung Il-woo, even though I recognize that this love is separate from his role as Tae-yoon, who is charming but ultimately not terribly riveting as a character. But hey, after you do a show as fantastic as Return of Iljimae, you get to coast a little, and I kinda put his My Fair Lady role in coasting territory.

Still, I love seeing cast members enjoying themselves behind the scenes, and the My Fair Lady cast genuinely seems to be having a lot of fun. Apparently the jokester Yoon Sang-hyun had started to smear cake on Jung’s face, but couldn’t follow through because they were scheduled for filming afterward.

Via Newsen

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Post time 17-9-2009 12:40 AM | Show all posts
186# isabel
thank you for the info yg ditepek
tp kn..phelia ttp anggap YEH is a very good actress
bila orang mula xsenang sebb dia over make-up..bla..and bla
tu maksudnye mmg dia berjaya tok absorb watak hae na tu laa kn..
issh..dak2 netizens ni..nmpak sgt laa keanak-anaknnye..
benda cm ni pon nk kecoh..

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Post time 17-9-2009 12:44 AM | Show all posts
188# isabel
hahahaha..ape punye klaka laa rupe baby il woo neh..
elok je laa gambo yg disnap tu..ngn mulut kembong penuh ngn udara
-happy belated bday to him-

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Post time 17-9-2009 01:04 AM | Show all posts
181# adina80

rambut bdk kerinting terus teringat junpo version kanak2..

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Post time 17-9-2009 01:06 AM | Show all posts
tgk td..baju yeh sume2 cantik..umah dia lg bsr dr umah junpo..

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Post time 17-9-2009 08:26 AM | Show all posts
mlm td layan gak citer ni smpi kan delay tgk csi lps citer ni hbs!!  

wah, EYH jd cucu org kaya yg sgt la sombong. even dgn sidekicks dia yg 3 org tu pun dia boleh ckp kat blkg dorg!! smpi datuk dia pun naik pening kepala memikirkan cucu dia yg sorg ni x dgr kata langsung...   and suka tgk part yg hyena berperang mulut dgn cousin dia tu, lagi2 time cousin dia malukan dia psl dia kena buat community services tu!! ingat kan hyena dh xder idea nk kenakan cousin dia blk, sekali biler dia ckp psl idung tu, terus diam minah perasan tu!!   

and rs mcm x sesuai jer mamat tu jd hero, mcm agak tua la kalo nk compare dgn hyena... lagi best kali 2nd hero tu yg jd 1st hero... tp nak buat mcmaner kan. maybe producer yg nk character dongchan tu yg ghuper itew!!  

hmmm, yg pompuan panggil dongchan oppa tu, saper ek?? adik betul dia ker, or cousin dia?? nmk mcm suka kat dongchan jer!!

yg x tahan gelak biler dongchan dok ngadu kat 'tukang kebun' psl hyena tu... sukahati dia jer nk komen2 hyena kat datuk hyena sndr... tp ok gak la kan, dpt gak datuk dia tau aper yg hyena dh buat... tang biler dongchan dpt tau 'tukang kebun' tu datuk si hyena, dgn bpk2 aku sekali gelak tang tu!! tp x sangka plak mcm tu plan dongchan nk bwk hyena blk rumah... smpi hyena tetibe jer berubah sbb ingat kan betul2 dia kena kidnap... siap bg pesanan terakhir lg!!  

ala, mlm kang sure x sempat nk tgk sbb berbuka kat luar... nk tgk ilwoo!!   ulangan citer ni hari aper ek?? sabtu ke ahad?? ada ker kat page blkg2 yg org tepek link sedut??  

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Post time 17-9-2009 08:38 AM | Show all posts
pestime tgk cite nie..not bad..mmg minat gler kt YEH nih..cantik sgt YEH dlm drama nih..fesyen dia mmg mabeles abih..ske tgk cermin mata beso dia masa racing dgn hero tu..
makeup dia pdn dgn watak dia yg ala2 ganaz tu..
tgk preview mlm nie cam besh je...x sabo nk tgk YEH..:pompom::pompom:

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Post time 17-9-2009 08:49 AM | Show all posts
181# adina80

masa bdk kecit tu ckp giant, aku ingat dia ckp kat ayah dia... upenye kat bawah.... dh le kecik...jalan seret2 lg...

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Post time 17-9-2009 09:04 AM | Show all posts
181# adina80

masa bdk kecit tu ckp giant, aku ingat dia ckp kat ayah dia... upenye kat bawah.... dh le kecik...jalan seret2 lg...
nzhass79 Post at 17-9-2009 08:49 AM

wakakakaka ~~ sam kes gak la dgn aku ni... ingat kan dia panggil bpk dia suh ikut sekali, tup2 ghuper nyer dia panggil doggie dia yg cinoet tu... 2-2 pun cute jer!!

peliks gak dgn family cousin's hyena ni... keje nyer asyik dok kat kerusi tu, then komen2 psl hyena!!  

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Post time 17-9-2009 09:06 AM | Show all posts
mlm td layan gak citer ni smpi kan delay tgk csi lps citer ni hbs!!  

wah, EYH jd cucu org kaya yg sgt la sombong. even dgn sidekicks dia yg 3 org tu pun dia boleh ckp kat blkg dorg!! smpi  ...
rukiaichigo Post at 17-9-2009 08:26

mmg lawak arr ep smlm...
dan2 die ngutuk hyena dpn2 atuk hyena ekke... yg org tua tu terbuntang mata bila dongchan ckp kalo le tu adik die...
die nk patahk2n tulang hyena psl kurang ajo ekke...

adoii kezen die tu... seb bek yg kecik tu baik... siap leh analisis psl saham kompeni lg tu... x tahan
pastu masa panggil giant... adess cute puppy rupenya haha.. bpk die siap leh ckp... anak aku ke tu....

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Post time 17-9-2009 09:17 AM | Show all posts
197# moondance
part dongchan dgn atuk hyena mmg lawok. bukan takat aku jer yg bantai gelak, dgn bpk aku yg TERpaksa tgk citer ni pun gelak gak... muka DC plak mmg priceless giler biler dpt tau tu atuk hyena... tp nasib baik la atuk hyena tu bijak g hire DC. maybe dia nmpk DC ada aura yg boleh jinak kan HN kot!!

and mula2 time HN kena byr denda & wat volunteer services tu, aku ingat kan tu hanya lah mimpi HN jer. yela, dia kan heiress yg berlagak bagai, maner la dia nk buat benda2 mcm tu. sekali mmg betul dia kena buat sumer tu. yg x tahan time dia dlm reban ayam tu. bj sikit punyer cantik, dgn but pink lagi. sekali kena bersih kan taik ayam...

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Post time 17-9-2009 09:29 AM | Show all posts
167# Hana_Hirokawa

aku pn x brape bkenan ngan 1st hero nih...tlalu byk jurang...coz si YEH comel sgt n hero nmpak xper...lyn je ...pasal heroin comel....

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2009 09:41 AM | Show all posts
mmg ko org rasa hero tu nampak tua dari YEH...tapi nanti lama kelamaan ko org mesti akan lagi suka gan dia...malah mesti ada yg jatuh hati berkali2 tgk lakonan dia..

2nd hero lak...Il woo...watak dia mmg dinanti2kan tapi dah tgk semakin lama bel rasa lakonan dia dah tenggelam disbbkan oleh Sang hyun...

dan watak 2nd hero lak....chae won...suka watak dia...suka tgk dia jeles bila dongchan asyik ambik tau psl hyena...

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