I'm starting 2 like tis band - flumpool.. ada vocalist yg comel + handsome, & then good voice.. lagu2 diorg pun best actually.. their music sounds like indie rock / underground.. well, I hope they can go further.. can't wait 4 tis full Bloody Monday theme song from them.. cepatlah Nov.!!! oh! & I just realized yg guitarist flumpool sorang 2 & the drummer pun comel + handsome gaks actually!
flumpool - Hana ni Nare (Be a flower / When the flowers - debut song)
tuh la pasal... season nih sub lmbt ckit, xmcm biase... yg betul2 cepat, RnK ngan Oh! My Girl! sbb RnK byk org yg wat sub, akusub, kakijun, sakurai-storms, stormy collab akira shock... Oh! My Girl! bwh massuki mmg sah2 la laju... pastuh, room of king, kazen garden, celeb binbo biase2... lelain slow la... smpai kite dok ulang tgk we got married ngan gundam 00 smpai leh hafal dialog dorang dh....
OMG! OMG! just checked @ YT, flumpool official PV - Over the rain ~Hikari no Hashi~ is out!!! :pompom: eventhough it's similar like their previous PVs, BUT.. I love tis band man!!! they rocks!! :victory: love tis song!!!