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Post time 20-10-2015 06:04 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

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 Author| Post time 20-10-2015 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Pada 24 September 2015 iaitu ketika umat Islam sedang menunaikan ibadah haji di tanah suci Mekah, telah berlaku suatu tragedi yang sungguh menyedihkan. Tragedi tersebut adalah yang paling buruk sepanjang sejarah ibadah haji.

Suatu tragedi yang melibatkan kematian ribuan jemaah haji telah berlaku pada jam 9 pagi (waktu Arab Saudi) di Mina.

Dalam kejadian tersebut, lebih 4700 jemaah haji terbunuh dan lebih 1000 orang hilang. Ini bermakna lebih 5700 jemaah haji telah terkorbandalam tragedi di Mina. Tetapi kerajaan Saudi berkata hanya 770 jemaah haji yang terbunuh. Pada awalnya, Kerajaan Saudi ingin menutup perkara ini dengan mengatakan hanya 200 orang yang terbunuh tetapi oleh kerana jumlah mangsa tragedi semakin meningkat maka mereka mengatakan hanya 770 orang yang terbunuh. Ini adalah suatu penipuan yang sungguh besar oleh kerajaan Saudi.

Kenapakah kerajaan Saudi ingin menutup tragedi ini?

Menurut berita darial-Nahrain-net News Agency , Agen Perisik Eropah dan juga Diplomat dari Brussels telah mendedahkan suatu laporan yang sungguh menggemparkan.

Tragedi yang berlaku di Mina adalah satu komplot yang terancang diantara Kerajaan Saudi dan juga agen perisikan Israel iaitu MOSSAD untuk menculik 225 jemaah haji yang terdiri dari pegawai penting kerajaan IRAN iaitu para penasihat kepada Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei dan juga para pegawai penting dalam program pertahanan peluru berpandu Iran.

Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud

Anak kepada Raja Saudi iaitu Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud telah membawa agen MOSSAD berserta dengan askar-askar peribadinya yang berjumlah 200 orang dan juga 150 pegawai polis ke jalan 204 di Mina.

Kemudian mereka telah menutup jalan 204 yang sedang dilalui oleh jemaah haji yang hendak ke jambatan Jamarat.

Akibatnya para jemaah haji yang berjumlah lebih 10,000 orang telah terperangkap diantara jalan 204 dan jalan 223 kerana mereka tidak tahu tentang penutupan jalan 204.

Jemaah haji terpaksa berdiri disitu dalam keadaan panas terik dan penuh sesak.

Apakah yang berlaku selepas itu?
Selepas itu berlakulah sesuatu tragedi yang sungguh tidak diduga oleh para jemaah haji disitu.

Askar-askar milik Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud telah menyemburkan gas beracun Carbon Sulfide kearah jemaah haji disitu dan itu yang menyebabkan para jemaah haji melarikan diri sehingga akhirnya lebih 5700 jemaah haji terbunuh akibat terhidu gas beracun.

Gas beracun Carbon Sulfide

Keadaan yang panik itu telah digunakan oleh MOSSAD untuk menculik 225 orang jemaah haji dari negara Iran yang terdiri dari orang penting kerajaan dan juga beberapa orang ternama dari kumpulan IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps) iaitu Ali Asghar Fouladgar, Hussein Danesh, Fo'ad Mashghali, Ammar Miransari dan Seyyed Hasan Hasani dan juga bekas diplomat Iran di Lebenon yang bernama Ghazanfar Roknabadi.

Logo kumpulan IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps)

Ghazanfar Roknabadi-Bekas diplomat Iran di Lebenon.

Selepas operasi mereka selesai, konvoi Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud dan MOSSAD telah melarikan diri dari kawasan tersebut dengan serta-merta dan kerajaan Arab Saudi telah menutup berita tentang kehadiran konvoi Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud dan MOSSAD.

Tetapi Media Antarabangsa (yang bukan milik yahudi) telah berjaya mendedahkan tentang komplot tersebut.

Menurut saksi yang berada disitu, askar-askar Saudi telah merampas handphone para jemaah haji yang berjaya merakam kejadian tersebut.

Jika anda melihat gambar-gambar jenazah jemaah haji yang terkorban di Mina, anda akan dapati ada KESAN TERBAKAR pada kulit sedangkan tidak ada sebarang kebakaran di situ. Ini bermakna kulit mereka telah terkena gas beracun
Carbon Sulfide.

Para jemaah haji yang terselamat dalam kejadian itu berkata bahawa askar-askar Saudi yang berada disitu hanya memerhatikan sahaja para jemaah yang sedang meraung kesakitan. Askar-askar Saudi tidak langsung memberikan sebarang bantuan kecemasan untuk menyelamatkan jemaah haji yang tercedera. Askar-askar tersebut hanya sibuk mengangkat jenazah-jenazah untuk dibawa keluar dari situ. Ini bermakna kerajaan Saudi ingin menutup dan menyembunyikan jumlah kematian yang sebenarnya daripada pengetahuan umum.

Askar-askar Saudi juga menghalang jalan masuk ke kawasan kejadian dan ini mengakibatkan mangsa tidak mendapat bantuan dengan segera.

Kerajaan Arab Saudi hanya menghantar bantuan kecemasan selepas 3 jam dari waktu kejadian. Akibatnya ramai lagi jemaah yang pada mulanya hanya tercedera telah mati akibat panas matahari yang terik.

Menurut jemaah haji yang terselamat, jenazah-jenazah telah dibawa masuk kedalam kenderaan yang mempunyai peti sejuk yang membawa daging. Malah ada jemaah haji yang tercedera dan masih bernyawa lagi tetapi telah dicampakkan ke dalam kenderaan peti sejuk yang bersuhu -15*C.

Apakah motif kerajaan Arab Saudi untuk melambat-lambatkan menghantar bantuan kecemasan sedangkan mereka mempunyai pegawai kesihatan / doktor sebanyak 22,000 orang yang bertugas pada hari tersebut?

Motif yang utama ialah supaya MOSSAD mempunyai masa yang cukup untuk menculik kesemua 225 jemaah haji dari Iran (yang berjawatan penting dalam kerajaan Iran) dan kemudian membawa mereka ke Israel untuk disiksa.

Gambar dibawah menunjukkan salah seorang dari agen MOSSAD yang sedang menyamar sebagai orang awam.


Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 20-10-2015 06:05 PM | Show all posts
Bagaimanakah MOSSAD dapat mengetahui tentang kehadiran bakal jemaah haji dari Iran terutamanya dari pihak kerajaan Iran?

30 hari sebelum jemaah haji berlepas ke Mekah untuk mengerjakan haji, mereka diwajibkan untuk mendaftar dengan agen dari Arab Saudi. Ini adalah untuk memudahkan kerajaan Arab Saudi untuk membuat kad pengenalan dan gelang tangan teknologi biometrik untuk memudahkan pengenalan segera jemaah haji. Ini memudahkan MOSSAD untuk menculik sesiapa sahaja yang mereka kehendaki di Mekah. Malah MOSSAD sebelum ini pernah menculik beberapa saintis dari Iran sewaktu musim haji di Mekah.

Bagaimanakah MOSSAD dapat mengetahui dimanakah jemaah haji dari Iran sedang berada?

Jawapannya ialah Kerajaan Saudi telah memasang kamera disetiap sudut di Mekah dan Mina. Kamera tersebut adalah yang tercanggih iaitu dapat mengecam wajah seseorang dengan tepat. MOSSAD telah diberikan keizinan oleh kerajaaan Saudi untuk menggunakan teknologi tersebut. Dari kamera tersebutlah MOSSAD dapat membuat perancangan untuk operasi menculik dengan tepat.

Bagaimanakah MOSSAD dapat memastikan jemaah haji yang mereka culik itu adalah orang yang mereka hendaki?

Jawapannya ialah setiap jemaah haji mempunyai kad pengenalan dan sejenis gelang tangan yang menggunakan teknologi biometrik. MOSSAD telah diberikan alat untuk membaca sistem biometrik tersebut oleh kerajaan Saudi.

Kenapakah kerajaan Saudi sanggup membunuh jemaah haji sedangkan mereka adalah saudara seagama?

Untuk menjawab soalan ini, kita perlu melihat sejarah kerajaan Saudi.

Dinasti SAUDI adalah keturunan Yahudi

Negara Arab Saudi ditubuhkan pada 8 Januari 1926. Arab Saudi adalah ciptaan Rothschild sempena nama Ibnu Saud. Keluarga Ibnu Saud adalah Freemason keturunan Yahudi (Bani Al-Masalikh) dan dipilih sendiri oleh Rothschild.

Abdul aziz

Selepas kematian Ibn Saud, Abd Aziz telah mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan dan menjadikan fahaman Wahabi sebagai sandaran utama pemerintahan dan memusnahkan makam Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib serta Saidina Hussain.

Keluarga Saud telah melancarkan perang terhadap pemerintahan Uthmaniyah selama 80 tahun lebih. Akhirnya pada tahun 1902 Ad-Diriyah berjaya dilepaskan malah berjaya menawan bandar Riyadh. Bagi melindungi kawasan jajahannya agar tidak dirampas, Abd Aziz menjalinkan hubungan dengan British (Freemason) dan menjadikan Semenjung Arab sebagai negeri naungan British.

Gambar diatas menunjukkan Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud) bertemu President Amerika iaitu Franklin D. Roosevelt pada 15 Feb 1945.

Gambar diatas menunjukkan Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud)
dengan agen British Sir Percy Cox pada tahun 1930 telah
bersetuju untuk menjadikan tanah Palestine sebagai negara Yahudi.

Gambar diatas menunjukkan surat perjanjian rahsia diantara
Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud) dengan
Sir Percy Cox. Surat ini ditulis "
"Saya ialah Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud al-Faisal dan saya telah mengesahkan kepada Sir Percy Cox, deligasi dari Great Britain, bahawa saya tidak ada halangan untuk menyerahkan Palestine kepada bangsa yahudi atau sesiapa yang miskin".

Gambar diatas menunjukkan Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud)
dengan agen British Sir Percy Cox pada tahun 1930. Gambar ini diambil selepas
Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud) menandatangani perjanjian untuk menyerahkan Palestine kepada Yahudi pada tahun 1930.

Raja Faisal pernah mengaku bahawa beliau dan keturunannya adalah Yahudi. Pengakuan ini dibuat di dalam akbar Washington Post edisi 17 September 1969. '' We, the Saudi Family, are cousins of the jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the fountain head from where the forst jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world....''

Fahad bin Abdul Aziz sedang memakai rantai yang bertanda "SALIB" dilehernya ketika harijadi Queen Elizabeth

Salah satu kehebatan Arab Saudi selama ini adalah kejayaannya dalam menipu kaum Muslimin, dengan menonjolkan seolah-olah negaranya merupakan cerminan negara Islam yang menerapkan al-Quran dan Sunnah. Keluarga kerajaan Saud sering menampilkan diri mereka sebagai pelayan umat hanya kerana di negara mereka terdapatnya dua tanah suci, Makkah dan Madinah yang tidak putus-putus dikunjungi oleh umat Islam dari seluruh dunia.

Kerajaan Saudi tidak akan berkompromi dengan mana-mana rakyat yang mengkritiknya, malah kewujudan parti politik juga diharamkan sama sekali sejak dari mula ia memerintah lagi. Dalam masa yang sama, atas alasan menjaga keamanan keluarga dan kerajaan, mereka menghabiskan jutaan dolar dalam melakukan kerjasama militer dengan AS dan menempatkan (ketika ini) lebih daripada 5000 anggota tentera AS di Arab Saudi.

Keluarga Saud telah banyak menghadiri mesyuarat kerajaan rahsia Bilderberg, disyaki oleh kebanyakan pemerhati politik berbincang tentang peranan beliau dalam agenda One World Government/ New World Order, sama seperti peranan yang dimainkan oleh Arafat dan Pope. Buktinya, keluarga Saud sekarang ini adalah sebahagian daripada boneka-boneka rangkaian Illuminati

Dengan kerjasama British dan Amerika pada tahun 1953, Rothschild menubuhkan bank negara untuk Arab, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency. Syarikat-syarikat minyak Rothschild sepeti BP dan Royal Dutch Shell telah diberi hak untuk melombong minyak di serata negara Arab Saudi.

MEKAH dan MADINAH kini telah dikepung secara sistematik oleh tentera Dajjal (zionis)


Use magic Report

Post time 20-10-2015 06:23 PM | Show all posts
sendiri salah
salahkan komplot la
tu la ni la
cuba berdisiplin sket
g anta belajar soal disiplin
drpd gigih kaji mcm2 kata komplot bagai
merepek pastu xnk mengaku kelemahan sendiri
wat jd bahan ketawa je

Use magic Report

Post time 20-10-2015 09:41 PM | Show all posts
xboleh maju kalau asyik tuding jari kat org lain saja .


Use magic Report

Post time 20-10-2015 10:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tt syiah eh:zz

Use magic Report

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Post time 21-10-2015 12:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Errr susah nk hadam...kene kaji lg nih

Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2015 05:57 AM | Show all posts
aku dah baca link blog tu dan dia juga orang yang sama bercerita tentang komplot MH370. dan dari pemahaman aku Nampak sangat blogger tersebut memang ke arah SYIAH sebab dalam dua isu yang dibentangkan itu semuanya nak back-up iran atau lebih kata SYIAH.

Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 21-10-2015 08:59 AM | Show all posts

Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2015 09:16 AM | Show all posts
sorry laaa citer tak logik.
dari culik, apsal mossad tak rig bomb kat kapalterbang jemaah lagik senang.
tak pun tembak roket. lagik senang. takyah involve saudi.
nak temberang tu agak2 laa. bukit satu pun tarak.

Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2015 09:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
espri6006 replied at 21-10-2015 05:57 AM
aku dah baca link blog tu dan dia juga orang yang sama bercerita tentang komplot MH370. dan dari pem ...

blogger tu syiah atau bukan ek?

Tapi sis,  kalau kebenaran dan faktanya mmg seperti yg dicerita dlm blog itu... adakah kita automatik jadi syiah kalau kita tak reject fakta yg benar tu?


Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2015 10:23 AM | Show all posts
ohnoLia replied at 21-10-2015 09:47 AM
blogger tu syiah atau bukan ek?

Tapi sis,  kalau kebenaran dan faktanya mmg seperti yg dicerita ...

itu atas kepercayaan uols....kalau uol rasa betul terserah. bagi iol, rasa sangat sangsi dengan fakta tu...katanya segala terancang. Tapi semua rancangan dalam dua peristiwa tersebut ada dikaitkan dengan iran/syiah. so terserah pada uol nak percaya atau tidak atau you nak join syiah..he he..

Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2015 10:56 AM | Show all posts
bagus shiit ahh tudung si wahabi tuduh si shiitt ahh..yang tersepit umah sunni

Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2015 10:59 AM | Show all posts
ramai bebeno yg mati..nk tau cite betul ke idak..tnye je sedaramara kite yg baru blik haji tu…sure cerita yg boleh dipercayai lagi...

Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2015 11:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
espri6006 replied at 21-10-2015 10:23 AM
itu atas kepercayaan uols....kalau uol rasa betul terserah. bagi iol, rasa sangat sangsi dengan fa ...

Pulak..... ngeeeee

Use magic Report

Post time 21-10-2015 06:03 PM | Show all posts
Dah awat the so-called ejen Mossad semuanya kertu dan boroi belaka (seperti dlm gambar)? As a spy/agent, lagi-lagi yg buat kerja risikan ni, bukan patut fit ke?

Use magic Report


Post time 21-10-2015 06:28 PM | Show all posts
cik.nana replied at 21-10-2015 06:03 PM
Dah awat the so-called ejen Mossad semuanya kertu dan boroi belaka (seperti dlm gambar)? As a spy/ag ...

nama pon agen. Klu rupa james bond baru la percaye yee

Nmpk x apa TV dah brainwash kepala u selama ni???

Use magic Report

Post time 22-10-2015 06:10 AM | Show all posts

kalau TT syiah, ni apa lak? ... ;page=1#pid60608410
The authentication of this report can be investigated
Report: Mossad and Saudi’s pre-coordinated the Mina stampede to abduct key members of The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)
Top News | 29 September 2015

Mossad has abducted a number of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) commanders , diplomats and prominent officials at last Thursday's stampede near the holy city of Mecca.

According to al-Nahrain-net News Agency, an unverified report of one of European intelligence agencies indicates that the Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence agency, has abducted a number of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) commanders , diplomats and prominent officials at last Thursday's stampede near the holy city of Mecca.

Al-Nahrain-net added that it also obtained information from European diplomatic sources in Brussels, suggesting that what deadly crush happened during the Stoning of the Devil ceremony (ramī aj-jamarāt) in Mecca was in fact a joint, pre-planned sabotage in order to kidnap a number of high-ranking IRGC commanders and Iranian diplomats.

Al-Nahrain-net exposé on Mecca stampede which is based on preliminary intelligence reports indicate that Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies have probably collaborated to abduct IRGC commanders, diplomats and staff working in Iran's Supreme Leader's office, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. According to this report the former Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Ghazanfar Roknabadi, is believed to have been kidnapped in the deadly stampede.

Mr. Roknabadi is considered an eminent member of Supreme Leader's office staff and a figure who is well-informed regarding the secrets of the Hizbullah missile armament by Tehran.

Ali Asghar Fouladgar, the head of institute for IRGC strategic studies is also identified as missing. Hussein Danesh , Fo'ad Mashghali , Ammar Miransari and Seyyed Hasan Hasani are all members of IRGC or Iran's Supreme Leader's office for pilgrimage who are declared missing.

In a time that EU diplomats have altogether rejected the authenticity of this report, there is rising speculation that Russians leaked this information to western intelligence agencies.

Al-Nahrain-net added that Iranian officials neither confirmed nor rejected the allegations regarding the abduction of Ghazanfar Roknabadi and other IRGC commanders during the hajj rituals. Israelis have always been very eager to discover the secrets of Iranian missile industry.

While waiting for official confirmation, this report is considered just as a pending scenario, despite the fact that an unnamed European intelligence agency has released the information. If this report turned to be accurate, it will signify a high level of intelligence coordination between Riyadh and Tel Aviv for it seems almost impossible to carry out the abduction of the Iranian targets by Mossad or western agencies without the Saudi’s blessing and acquiescence.

Use magic Report

Post time 22-10-2015 06:11 AM | Show all posts
Sep 26 2015

Hajj stampede whitewash

Here are the extrapolated numbers. I can't tell you how much this angers me.
Ok, a little math, to dredge the truth out of an ocean of lies.

Here goes. Extracting real numbers out of the official numbers, compliments of Iran, which was the one country that cared enough to track everyone down and know what is going on.

If Iran has 136 known dead out of approximately 2,000 reported, and 344 missing, then try to follow this:

136+344=480 probable Iranians dead. If the missing 344 were alive, they would have phoned home by now. So take the missing and add it to the known dead for a very probable actual number. Take this probable number of dead and divide it by the known dead - 480/136=3.52. So to get the real number of total dead based upon the probable under reporting of Iranian deaths, (to wash away the lie factor, which you know is probably happening,) take the 2,000 they are willing to admit to and multiply that by 3.52 (which is the actual multiple Iran's quoted deaths are short by.)

2000x3.52= 7,058 total deaths, all nations added. Most rational number. How can it be that bad? Something probably scared these people. It was not just a simple "routing error".

What could have scared these people? How about the sudden appearance of a saudi prince, with 150 armed guards telling them they can't be where they are?

Simple logic. And you will NEVER hear the truth about this, bet on it.

Mark my word - if a real investigation of this ever gets done, it will conclude the Saudi Prince caused a mass panic and between 7,000 and 8,000 people died. This is what math supports, and even if somehow Iran had a disproportionately high concentration of people in the crowd, it is extremely improbable for that to cause an error margin beyond 1.4 or so.

This event angers me so much, if I said how much distaste I have for the sauds, and what I think should really be done the FBI would be on my @ss.


Saudi Arabia is Kikedom West. If any idiot out there thinks the Jews do not own and operate the house of Saud lock stock and barrel, well . . . . ANYWAY Yeah, Saudi Arabia probably was complicit in 911 because it is a Jewish outfit. They build a huge number of mosques around the world, probably for ONE REASON: To provide a venue for controlling Islam. If the Jews want to destroy Europe via an Islamic invasion, why not use Saudi Arabia as a front for getting the mosques built?

You know, the CIA runs those mosques. Back in the early 2,000's at least Al Jazeera said it like it was, and that the CIA has 50,000 agents pretending to be immams in mosques around the world They had the CIA documents posted online to back up the claim. Al-Sisi closed down all mosques below a certain size in Egypt, and funneled everyone into huge mega mosques because there were 20,000 or so small ones in Egypt and that tapped the CIA's budget too much for one country. Yeah, radical muslims, radical ISIS, ISIS IN FLORIDA, PROVEN JEWISH, how many radical Muslims are there anyway? I'll tell you the number without stating a number:

There are as many radical Muslims in this world as the Jews can impersonate, and 50,000 fake CIA Immams can trick (those with weak minds) into making a shoe bomb. That is your answer. And if you have any doubt about this, just look at what happened in Jewish run Mecca, (which is now an enormous profit center with one of the world's tallest buildings in the form of a clock tower, (1,400 feet plus if I remember right) towering like a materialistic icon over what was supposed to be a place of reverence. Just as the Jews would have it, and while they were reveling in the filth of materialism and bilking Muslim pilgrims from poor countries out of every last cent, some high powered idiot caused a stampede by scaring the crap out of people, killed several thousand, and at first tried to whitewash it down to below 200. Perfect for Kikedom. Even if that prince is not a Jew, he sure acted like one. He was not there for the Hajj, that has to be done in steps, you can't just drop in, he was not there for religious reasons, and that screams KIKE. I would not be surprised if I ended up being right.


Sep 25 2015

Hajj "stampede" caused by Saudi Prince security forces

UPDATE: It appears to me, with the way this is working out, that the Saudi government might have intentionally caused this. Consider the following two new items:

The saudi version of events does not wash. But enough information is available to decipher the most probable reality: The massive security forces (150 heavily armed security officers) accompanying an un scheduled visit by a Saudi Prince caused a mass panic.

As I predicted, the death toll has now hit 2,000 and is still climbing

UPDATE: Despicable: Saudi army blocked all access to hospitals. UPDATE: With 2,000 confirmed dead, some countries are reporting that only 20 percent of missing people are accounted for, which means the death toll could go much higher than 2,000. This is an impossible scenario absent a massive panic - possibly caused on purpose.

If this was not done on purpose, then WHY would the Saudi military block access to hospitals?

UPDATE: Saudi prince that caused the stampede with his security forces controls the Yemen war!

Here is what happened -
Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud arrived at the site completely un announced and confronted the crowd with an entourage of over 300 people, 150 of which were heavily armed security which beyond all doubt caused a huge panic that made everyone run.

At the same time this happened, Saudi crowd control totally mismanaged the situation, and ended up blocking off the exit route that over a hundred thousand people tried to exit through, which forced them up against a streetless row of concrete houses. The fact people were diverted straight into the houses is supported by one poster's testimony that she managed to get on top of the row of houses by climbing right up the face of one before being crushed from behind. Obviously then, the ones in the front that could not scale a wall got crushed. And with piles of dead bodies in front of a row of concrete homes, it certainly looks like this was precisely the case. And from how things look now, even though the Sauds refuse to admit to a death toll higher than 717, (after initially trying to whitewash it down to less than 200) it now looks like the death toll is over 2,000, all because an idiot saudi prince dropped into the middle of things un announced, caused mayhem, and then freaked people out with a massive security force.

The zio press has made sure everyone elsewhere in the world thinks that this event was caused by people being on a brainless dash to "stone the devil" but now that the details are getting out, this was an oil money problem, some rich selfish child obviously got enough of it to pay for his own little army that scared the crap out of everyone.

On top of this, all the sauds appear to be doing is a whitewash rather than try to help the injured. It took them two hours to arrive at the scene and do anything at all, and when they did do something, rather than help the injured, they started carting off dead bodies and let the injured people lay on the pavement in the sun. So we probably will never get a final death count - if they put that much priority into carting off the dead, it probably means they wanted a cover up more than anything else at first, and then encountered a huge problem - too much to hide.

After combing through the comment sections and reading the posts of witnesses, it appears that it took 2 hours for help to arrive ONLY because everyone who initially came to help was diverted to protect the Prince that created the scare and caused it all! Even today, the latest pictures, shows piles of bodies still mixed in with suitcases and whatever else people were carrying, (even crushed wheel chairs) which means the Sauds are clueless about the real death toll, and these bodies are going to rot before they get them moved, the response is THAT PATHETIC AND SLOW.

SAUDI LIES: They say two converging groups caused this, after they had to change course for the prince. REALITY: It is obvious that people were scared into running under the tents, encountered the concrete homes on the other side of the tents, and then piled up there. Nowhere in ANY pictures is there any convergence zone, it all happened up against the walls of concrete homes on an alley type street that went between the homes and the tents. If the Saudis were not lying, there should be a pile of bodies where two large streets converged, but instead it is a mysterious long pile of bodies in what appears to be a totally unconnected alley.

There is a huge amount of additional information on this topic (the above is a summary of many reports) HERE

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Post time 22-10-2015 06:24 AM | Show all posts
2,165 Muslim pilgrims dead in Hajj stampede
HomeMiddle EastSaudi Arabia Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:47PM

In this Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015 photo, bodies of people who died in a tragic crush in Mina, Saudi Arabia, during the annual hajj pilgrimage lie in a street. (AP photo)

The death toll from the recent deadly human crush during the Hajj rituals in Mina, near the holy Saudi city of Mecca, has hit 2,165, according to latest figures given by foreign governments.

Saudi Arabia has so far failed to update the death toll it has provided and still claims 769 people were killed and 934 injured in the September 24 disaster.

But the toll has kept rising as foreign governments whose nationals were among the victims are updating their figures.

With 464 dead, Iran has the highest death toll among over 30 countries whose nationals were killed in tragic event. According to the new figures, Nigeria comes next with 199.

Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization says at least 4,700 people lost their lives in the tragedy.

Mali has announced 198 pilgrims dead, followed by Egypt with 182 deaths, Bangladesh with 137, Indonesia with 129, India with 116, Pakistan with 102, and Cameroon with 76.

The crush occurred after two large masses of pilgrims converged at a crossroads in Mina during the symbolic ceremony of the stoning of Satan in Jamarat.

It came days after a massive construction crane collapsed into Mecca’s Grand Mosque, killing more than 100 people and leaving over 200 others wounded.

Separately, on September 21, a fire at a 15-story hotel in Mecca forced the evacuation of some 1,500 people. A fire also broke out at another hotel in the city days earlier, which left a number of foreigners injured.

Saudi Arabia has come under harsh criticism over its role and handling of the Mina incident.

In a meeting with Hajj authorities on Monday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the “bitter and shocking” crush in Mina must not be forgotten. The Leader lashed out at governments, especially the Western states, and institutions which only claim to be advocates of human rights, for remaining tight-lipped in the face of the Mina tragedy.

The Saudi government is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Muslims in the tragic event, said Ayatollah Khamenei, adding, Muslim nations should have expressed their protest with one voice on the heels of the incident, but it was only Iran which spoke up in protest at the tragedy.

The Leader said the Mina tragedy should be seriously pursued, adding the silence of so-called human rights institutions in the US and Europe is among the issues which can be followed up on. ... Mecca-Hajj-Khamenei

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