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Ujian dalam persahabatan yang terbina berbelas tahun

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Post time 27-7-2015 06:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Salam all. I dgn sorang kawan my bff la kiranya, kitorang dh kawan lama sgt dh hampir berbelas tahun. Sepanjang persahabatan kami mmg smooth takde gaduh2 ke apa. Mmg bajet bff till jannah le kiranya. But something happened few months ago. I ade la kecik hati dgn dia. I can't be detail on this though. Masa I kecik hati dgn dia tu kebetulannya mmg masa  I was having my hard time la, I tgh stress sikit masa tu and it makes me jadik sensitif and all. So.masa I kecik hati dgn dia tu I simpan sorang la. Pastu dh lama2 gitu I takleh nk simpan, I buatla aduan rakyat kt kwn I lg sorang. Ok kat sini mmg salah i , patutnya I pegi be frank kt bff I instead. Then agak lama bff I tak contact I till I rasa mcm tak boleh go on cmni not nice - so I approached her mintak maaf sume kalau I ada salah. Then dia reply saying that tak sangka kawan sendiri ngumpat dia. I was shocked haha knowing that ok that was my biggest mistake I pi buat curahan hati kt kwn lg sorang tu. Then I asked kawan yg ni whether did u tell.her I mengadu kt u tu. She said yes. I kecik hati jgk sbb I takde niat ngumpat dia. It just burst out gitu. Org tgh stress kan. I seumur hidup xpenah ngumpat  kawan sendri. Never. Terkecik hati or whatnot tu biasa. So psl bff I ni I told her wasn't my Intention to bad mouth u. Tp ye I.admit salah I tu. I sincerely asked for her apology. I tak pernah did this thing before. I dok approach la dia jgk dan ya dia reply  cuma x mesra la. Tp skg both of us lead a different lifestyle. Her new circle of friend dh berbeza..she secured a good job  while I masih mencari arah, keje biasa jr. Rezeki dia. Cuma kdg masih terkilan sbb I thought she would be there for me when I was having my hard time instead of highlighting my mistake. So I nak mintak opinion should I continue approaching her , put extra effort to fix things back to the way it was..I've tried so many times before tp.dia masih dingin. I sayang  friendship ini. Tak sangka diuji.

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 Author| Post time 27-7-2015 06:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ataupun should I just walk away- considering that dia pn mcm dh tak kisah.

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 Author| Post time 27-7-2015 06:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Both of us ada kesilapan memasing.

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Post time 27-7-2015 11:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
teruskanlah usaha TT tuk berbaik2.. tak rugi pun.. mungkin akan ambik masa lama, tapi hasilnya berbaloi..

good luck TT

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Post time 27-7-2015 11:53 PM | Show all posts
org dah x sudi nk kwn..cmne..ko pujukle..bgi coklat ke..bgi keta..bgi

Klo dingin..dia boleh pergi mampos.. Agak2 dia nk tlg ko ke klo dia dingin dgn ko..hahaha. meh aku jdi kwn ko


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 Author| Post time 27-7-2015 11:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wakai replied at 27-7-2015 11:35 PM
teruskanlah usaha TT tuk berbaik2.. tak rugi pun.. mungkin akan ambik masa lama, tapi hasilnya berba ...

Thanks awak for the opinion. I will insyaallah- tp kdg2 I guess ego I hits back- mcm deep down inside ada terdetik should I care, just go off la org dh taknak, gitu. Tp yalah tak baik, buat apa nk pertahankan ego-  better keep on trying perbaiki hubungan. Tq yaa, pray for us

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 Author| Post time 27-7-2015 11:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Esmiria replied at 27-7-2015 11:53 PM
org dah x sudi nk kwn..cmne..ko pujukle..bgi coklat ke..bgi keta..bgi

Klo dingin..di ...

Uiii garangnye u. Hahah. Matiklaa I nk bg keta tu. Kalau I tokey minyak I bg dh kureng2 pn Evoque kt dia sebijik- I taknak ada bad relationship and I love her some more sbb tu even dia dingin I duk try jugak. Yeaa my pleasure mehlaa kita berkawan. Hihii

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Post time 28-7-2015 12:02 AM | Show all posts
paiayam replied at 27-7-2015 11:59 PM
Uiii garangnye u. Hahah. Matiklaa I nk bg keta tu. Kalau I tokey minyak I bg dh kureng2 pn Evoque  ...

ko syg dia lbih dri kwn??

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2015 12:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Esmiria replied at 28-7-2015 12:02 AM
ko syg dia lbih dri kwn??

Hahaha yaa. Lebih dari kawan laa- kawan baik. Kawan dunia akhirat. Not just a casual friend. I straight la ahaha

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Post time 28-7-2015 12:22 AM | Show all posts
paiayam replied at 28-7-2015 12:15 AM
Hahaha yaa. Lebih dari kawan laa- kawan baik. Kawan dunia akhirat. Not just a casual friend. I str ...

ko lki ke girl? yg ko cerdik gi ngadu tu bkpe....

Haa.tanggung skangla.haha.
Pujuk dia k. Buat slideshowthen kta minta sweet.hehe

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2015 12:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Esmiria replied at 28-7-2015 12:22 AM
ko lki ke girl? yg ko cerdik gi ngadu tu bkpe....

Hahaha yg tu mmg my mistake I admit and I told her I was wrong. Tp come on la mana ada org x penah buat salah kan. Haha . Kene buat slide ke. Adoii

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Post time 28-7-2015 12:39 AM | Show all posts
paiayam replied at 28-7-2015 12:31 AM
Hahaha yg tu mmg my mistake I admit and I told her I was wrong. Tp come on la mana ada org x penah ...

aku pernh pujuk.sorng ni. aku buat ayt yg sedih giler pahtu puji2 dia.imbas saat awal berknln pahtu bgi lgu.pahtu dia maafkan aku..hmm..hahaha.

x bgi adiah ke..hmm

tpi klo.aku mmmg sdihla jdi dia.klo.baik pun,maybe x cya 100 peratus...

x bgi adiah?

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Post time 28-7-2015 12:58 AM | Show all posts
Several points for u to ponder:
1) Kawan berbelas tahun... tentulah dah pernah terasa hati dan sebagainya sebelum ni dan tentu lah dah penah gaduh sebelum ni. Kali ni apa kah yg berbeza sampaikan u kena approach org lain dan curah hati kat org lain yg bukan bff (tgk apa non-bff tu buat.. diciter balik sampai bunyi cam ngumpat; inilah ciri ciri non-bff)

2) kenapa dia slowly drifted to other circles.. kwn lama ikatan dia kuat la, tak putus gitu je especially among girls (however, hubungan paling akrab yang guarantee tak putus ialah sisterly bonds ie kakak dgn adik perempuan etc etc)

My 2 cents, if I'm allowed:
1) try rapatkan balik; eg Tanya kabar. A good "bait" is you kata 'eh I rasa nak makan (makanan fevered u all) yang kita makan dekat (restoran fevered u all) la, ingat tak dulu (thn berapa) kita gi mkn situ, jom pi lagi next week?'. If u all ada masa, sure u all gi balik nye.. tempat mkn when u had a good time mmg worth revisiting

2).. hmmm nanti I piki kan lagi (my bff died in a motocycle accident, tak leh replace dari umo 19 sampai tua nih)

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Post time 28-7-2015 02:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku ada best friend yg boleh terima semua bodoh bodoh aku so dah berkawan berbelas tahun jugak dari zaman baru keluar kampung sampai beranak pinak (dia la aku belom) Sepanjang berbelas tahun tu ada sekali je kitorang pernah gaduh, masa tu kat umah sewa. Being a so called best friend, lepas gaduh siap menjerit jerit hempas hempas pintu tu kitorang ok terus macam tu je. Tak sampai satu malam pon, ada la 3 4 jam tak tegur nya.  Tak payah gigih nak berpujuk pujukan, bermesra mesraan, berkejar kejaran

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Post time 28-7-2015 02:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lepas berbaik tu boleh terus berlawak lawak bodoh antara kitorang.

Aku bayang kan antara korang ni mesti best friend yg ala ala ayu ayu tu kan. Yang berlawak pon jenis berlapik tu yg bila gaduh kena pujuk pujuk beria.

Kalau rasa berbaloi untuk u terus berkawan dengan bff u tu, go for it. Terus je memujuk sampai la dia terbuka hati nak berbaik macam dedulu. Atau sampai u rasa fedap.

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Post time 28-7-2015 06:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ala kawan bese2 sudah...wat pe bff nih..kalo bff bila gado lg teruk dr kawan bese...mia xdep bff..kawan bese2 ramai lah..

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2015 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Esmiria replied at 28-7-2015 12:39 AM
aku pernh pujuk.sorng ni. aku buat ayt yg sedih giler pahtu puji2 dia.imbas saat awal berknln paht ...

kenapa u sedih kalau jd dia? sbb i 'ngumpat' u ke, hahaa. okey yg tu mmg salah I, bakpo laa I buat aduan kan, cis. tp alamak that was when im emotionally unstable, haha. tp I learnt my lesson very well. Hadiah? I dok pikir gak nak bagi hadiah tu. tq for ur suggestion

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2015 05:09 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 28-7-2015 12:58 AM
Several points for u to ponder:
1) Kawan berbelas tahun... tentulah dah pernah terasa hati dan seba ...

thanks  for ur reply. ok I jawab point by point ya

1) aha masa tu dia senyap je tau, tak reply my text. dan lama2, I rasa I need to vent this out.  coincidentally, yang kwn I ni tanya I, whether I okey ke tak dgn bff tu. I burst out, mengadu I terasa. kat sini la my biggest mistake. I learnt my lesson here. u tau I bukan tahap sume benda I ngadu dgn Allah kt tikar sejadah, I manusia yg sometimes I need someone to listen to me, tapi I tau tu consider ngumpat la jugak kan. tak baiknye la I. sekali tergelincir langkah, habis semua. as for kwn I sorang ni I faham niat dia baik nak jd pendamai kot, tapi mungkin cara penyampaian dia salah, not subtle enough maybe. takpe yg tu I maafkan, I pun ada salah, I bet everyone does. Cuma I berhati2 la lepas ni. and u know recently adela kawan I yg lain,kwn sekerja, a group of 3 ppl, gaduh la, masing2 mengadu kt I, org ni cakap begini, org tu cakap begitu, and I, having learnt my lesson, I dengaar je and advise tiga2 orang ni, without telling what A told me, what B has told me etc, walaupun memasing korek what I might have heard and know. sayanglah gaduh2 ni, nak hidup harmoni jee. haha pelajaran hidupp. even before I tak pernah lagakan orang, tapi wow I jd sgt berhati2.

2) yg ni, kitorang berjauhan tmpt. dia bkn di semenanjung. her job requires her to meet people while I pulak for the time being, kerja I bersifat 'domestik'. mungkin lah dia jumpa someone new yg boleh sekepala kot, plus kiranya I buat silap kan so lagi la senang nk drift away.

thanks, akan I pertimbangkan what are the things yg boleh jd 'bait' tu. oh I feel sorry about ur bff, it must be hard for you, I bet he/she must be a whole lot of awesome bff kan, sure, susah nak replace org yg kita sayang. u must be deeply affected.

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2015 05:12 PM | Show all posts
imthegirl replied at 28-7-2015 02:17 AM
Lepas berbaik tu boleh terus berlawak lawak bodoh antara kitorang.

Aku bayang kan antara korang  ...

hahaa takdelaaa kitorang kasar, takdenye lemah gemalai tp bila jadik camni awkward tu timbul. before ni alah terasa sikit2 ada tp nothing serious pun. tq for ur reply btw. cmne boleh gaduh sampai hempas pintu, haha, I guess ujian la kuatkan bonding tu kan. bestla korang ekk, I pn dgn dia stok lawak bodoh jgk.

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 Author| Post time 28-7-2015 05:16 PM | Show all posts
miabebe replied at 28-7-2015 06:20 AM
Ala kawan bese2 sudah...wat pe bff nih..kalo bff bila gado lg teruk dr kawan bese...mia xdep bff..ka ...

alaa mia, mana I tau eventually kitorang jadi bff, hahah. I tak penah gaduh ngn org mia thats why I feel bad.

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