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[Dunia] ..Tiru penyokong Anuwart -Moslem buat candle light, kes ditembak di US

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Post time 14-2-2015 12:43 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by pyropura at 14-2-2015 12:56 AM

Chapel Hill candlelit vigil
Hundreds of students and residents of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, held a vigil for Deah Shaddy Barakat, wife Yusor Mohammad and her sister Razan - all shot dead at their home.
        Their neighbour Craig Stephen Hicks gave himself up to police and has been arrested on three counts of murder.
        His wife say it was due to a parking dispute but relatives of the victims say it was a hate crime.

Beberapa soklan keramat:

1. Isle ke depa tuh?
2. Apa beza Moslem US tu dengan Moslem penyokong Anuart yang pasang candle light??
3, Hina Isle ke nih?

4. Isle MENANG ke KALAH? (pertanyaan khas buat rakan bongok ku @lavapuma  dan pejuang Isle kuat mencarot @Modngengade  )


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Post time 14-2-2015 12:52 AM | Show all posts
sedey la wa tgk lu

wa tolong meriahkan thread lu la...k?


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 Author| Post time 14-2-2015 12:55 AM | Show all posts
lavapuma replied at 14-2-2015 12:52 AM
sedey la wa tgk lu

wa tolong meriahkan thread lu la...k?

ni kira Isle menang atau kalah ni Peng? cuba ulas sikit...ehhh, takpe takpe ...jangan ulas, tak sanggop aku dengar si bongok merapu...

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Post time 14-2-2015 12:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni lebih kpd budaya dunia serupa macam budaya tiup lilin atas kek...ummah Meleis ja kolot.

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Post time 14-2-2015 01:02 AM | Show all posts
pyropura replied at 14-2-2015 12:55 AM
ni kira Isle menang atau kalah ni Peng? cuba ulas sikit...ehhh, takpe takpe ...jangan ulas, tak  ...

kejab ulas..kejab tak yah..

dalam satu ayat je otak lu boleh berubah ubah...sebijik cam budak terencat akal..

aper pun..esuk la wa tolong meriahkan thread lu want to sleep.adios.


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Post time 14-2-2015 01:38 AM | Show all posts
Moslem US menang, Moslem kite kalah sebab tidak dibenarkan pasang lilin

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Post time 14-2-2015 02:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
X nak panggil pemimpin2 EU ke berarak mcm kes kat paris tu low class sgt klau rakyat marhaein je yg joinT

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Post time 15-2-2015 04:06 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mnm77 at 16-2-2015 10:02 AM
Chapel Hill candlelit vigil
Hundreds of students and residents of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, held a vigil for Deah Shaddy Barakat, wife Yusor Mohammad and her sister Razan - all shot dead at their home.
        Their neighbour Craig Stephen Hicks gave himself up to police and has been arrested on three counts of murder.
        His wife say it was due to a parking dispute but relatives of the victims say it was a hate crime.

Tak kira siapa pun yang buat amalan yang bercanggah dengan Islam, mana-mana orang Islam tak perlu pertahankan pun. Ada 2 isu yang berbeza:

1. Orang Islam Pertahan amalan candle light?
2. Orang Islam hormati bukan Islam buat amalan ikut cara mereka.

Isu nombor 2 tak dibincangkan, sebab itu hak non-Muslim. Yang dibincangkan isu nombor 1.

Islam bukan didasarkan kepada ada orang Islam tertentu buat, maka boleh buat? Kalau ada orang Arab Islam yang merokok, jadi fatwanya terus harus kah merokok? Kalau ada Arab Islam yang minum arak, jadi halalkah minum arak?


Beberapa soklan keramat:

1. Isle ke depa tuh?
2. Apa beza Moslem US tu dengan Moslem penyokong Anuart yang pasang candle light??
3, Hina Isle ke nih?

4. Isle MENANG ke KALAH?

Saya cuba nak jawab soalan di atas, dengan niat moga-moga orang Islam janganlah jadi pak turut terikut-ikut amalan agama lain, dalam hal-hal yang dia tak tahu, tapi masih pertahankan perkara yang tak betul atas dasar politik.

1. Sekalipun mereka Islam, bukannya dalil setiap perbuatan orang Islam itu dikira betul belaka. Islam tergerak atas Hujjah yang benar (Al-Quran dan Sunnah), bukannya ikut-ikutan amalan yang berasal dari GEREJA.

2. Bezanya mereka tinggal di US, dan mereka terikut cara amalan gereja bersedih pada SI MATI. Peyokong Anuart pula pasang candle light, tanpa mereka mahu tahu bahawa itu amalan GEREJA, lalu masih cuba pertahankan pula kata tak bercanggah dengan Islam.

3. Islam tak hina, tapi ada umat Islam yang menghinakan diri dengan ikut amalan tertentu lalu pertahankan pula.

4. Amalan tu TIADA KAITAN dengan Islam. Tapi umat Islam yang nak ikut amalan gereja tu menampakkan kejahilan diri mereka bila mereka mempertahankan amalan dengan kaitkan sebagai selari dengan ajaran Islam.


1. Bolehkah amalan candle light (candlelit) tu dipertahankan dengan bersumberkan Al-Quran dan Sunnah? Jika boleh sila beri dalilnya....
2. Amalan gereja tu memperingati orang yang mati... Anwar tu DAH MATI kah nak ikut sangat amalan gereja?


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Post time 15-2-2015 08:54 AM | Show all posts
mnm77 replied at 15-2-2015 04:06 AM
Tak kira siapa pun yang buat amalan yang bercanggah dengan Islam, mana-mana orang Islam tak perlu  ...

1.) in religions terms i can't argue with you, but in universal context cross the religion... u don't smart enough to know that only candle and pigeon is a symbol for hope and peace. are u think malaysia not connected to international issue? why people around the world lightning a candle for gaza last year it's because religions or humanity?
2.) in terms with Anwar Ibrahim??? are people must die so you can candle light, or u just hope that world know the truth and other people join and support u???
use google or safari or firefox..etc and learn anything u don't know

By The Way did u know.... without fredom acces from west that u can learn anything around the world. u think u can same the level as them who create that technology?

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Post time 16-2-2015 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mnm77 at 16-2-2015 11:46 AM
ranam_in_testa replied at 15-2-2015 08:54 AM
1.) in religions terms i can't argue with you, but in universal context cross the religion... u do ...

Dear ranam,

I think you just get some impression out of context... really I'm asking those MUSLIM who are saying AS IF candlelight practise is within boundary of Islamic Law. Hence this is SURELY related to religious issue for the MUSLIM, not for the non-Muslim.

I'm not condemning the non-Muslim, nor the universal context of the candlelit practise. If non-Muslims to bring candles or pigeons for whatever reason according to their religuous belief, it is their rights.

u don't smart enough to know that only candle and pigeon is a symbol for hope and peace. are u think malaysia not connected to international issue? why people around the world lightning a candle for gaza last year it's because religions or humanity?

You just don't get my point right. You should be smart enough to read my points thoroughly. Did I condemn any non-Muslim for any ritual using candle and pigeon?

Are you MUSLIM or you are a non-Muslim? If you are a non-Muslim, you should not worry because I'm not condemning you. I'm asking the proof from MUSLIM who are practising candlelit tradition.

If you are really Muslim, please give the proof.

Get it?

2.) in terms with Anwar Ibrahim??? are people must die so you can candle light, or u just hope that world know the truth and other people join and support u???
use google or safari or firefox..etc and learn anything u don't know

I do use google but not restricted to google to learn anything i don't know. I've been living in Europe for about 10 years. Been to America as well as Arab countries. Please get my point correctly, you seems just burst out thinking that as if I'm just learning how to use internet?

A MUSLIM forumer try to JUSTIFY his point by comparing with CANDLELIGHT practise which is similar to Christian practises, giving the example of Muslim who died due to some disaster. This is exactly as the pratices from Churches. It is called CANDLELIGHT MEMORIAL, and the services are normally carried out by churches and chapels. Google yourself if you are not sure! You will see many candlelight memorial service from many churches around the world.

So I asked, why giving that example of candlelight memorial to justify candelight gathering for Anwar?

By The Way did u know.... without fredom acces from west that u can learn anything around the world. u think u can same the level as them who create that technology?

Do you think I'm anti-western, anti technology? How on Earth you get to that conclusion?

There are surely good things from western knowledge, as well as there are bad things.

Freedom of living is not measured by worldly material things only. Are you a liberalist?


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Post time 17-2-2015 03:37 PM | Show all posts
mnm77 replied at 16-2-2015 09:59 AM
Dear ranam,

I think you just get some impression out of context... really I'm asking those MUSL ...

if i continues this debate it's not muslim way did you?
if i denial your poor mindset can u agree with me? ---> i think u don't
if i used money to buy anything, u must be upset cause money it's not muslim way did u?
if i throw an opinion that woman rights must equal with a man, u must be angry cause that not muslim way did u? ---> sometimes some theory far from reality
if i used zero as arithmetic symbol, u must be agree cause u think that from islam way don't you? ---> think twice
if i bla...bla...etc...
sometimes some people use that source for something, and sometimes they use this source for another reason.
what they called for that...? if im not mistake that called DOUBLE STANDART

this is my last statement,
I know islam is the basic foundation on malaysia, but you forget one litle think it's called DEMOCRACY repeat this D.  E.  M.  O.  C.  R.  A.  C.  Y.
In the name of DEMOCRACY everyone got their rights what ever who you are. U can do anything as far thats not against the law
Back to candlelight, is that against the LAW? did malaysia used shari' a LAW?
some lesson for candlelight, what if...?
have a nice day

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Post time 17-2-2015 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mnm77 at 17-2-2015 04:22 PM
ranam_in_testa replied at 17-2-2015 03:37 PM

if i continues this debate it's not muslim way did you?
if i denial your poor mindset can u agree with me? ---> i think u don't
if i used money to buy anything, u must be upset cause money it's not muslim way did u?
if i throw an opinion that woman rights must equal with a man, u must be angry cause that not muslim way did u? ---> sometimes some theory far from reality
if i used zero as arithmetic symbol, u must be agree cause u think that from islam way don't you? ---> think twice
if i bla...bla...etc...
sometimes some people use that source for something, and sometimes they use this source for another reason.
what they called for that...? if im not mistake that called DOUBLE STANDART

Hmmm... it seems you did not get my point. Never mind... please check your WRONG SPELLING

I have made my point clear before posing my questions to you, but it seems you just don't get it.

this is my last statement,
I know islam is the basic foundation on malaysia, but you forget one litle think it's called DEMOCRACY repeat this D.  E.  M.  O.  C.  R.  A.  C.  Y.
In the name of DEMOCRACY everyone got their rights what ever who you are. U can do anything as far thats not against the law
Back to candlelight, is that against the LAW? did malaysia used shari' a LAW?
some lesson for candlelight, what if...?
have a nice day

Are you sure your last statement? And still you did not get my point. Poor kid!

Did I say I opposed democracy?
And secondly do you know that democracy is NOT the supreme law to dictate what is right what is wrong. Democracy is only use to select national leader. Not everything within democracy is according to Islam.

I'm talking about certain MUSLIM's action on the issue of candlelight vigil, not about democracy.

Learn to understand my point first!


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Post time 17-2-2015 04:19 PM | Show all posts
ranam_in_testa replied at 17-2-2015 03:37 PM
if i continues this debate it's not muslim way did you?
if i denial your poor mindset can u agree ...


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Post time 17-2-2015 04:25 PM | Show all posts

dia paham kan..
nampak beza kan org bijak & buat2 bijak?

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Post time 17-2-2015 04:26 PM | Show all posts
moslem US ni tak syumul betul la

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Post time 17-2-2015 04:28 PM | Show all posts
ikot otak macai jumud @Modngengade candle lite vigil ni agenda halusssss barat


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Post time 17-2-2015 04:35 PM | Show all posts
beza dia Anwar masih hidup

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Post time 17-2-2015 04:55 PM | Show all posts
abis lah nyala lilin pun dah tiru amalan kristen
silap2 satu hari loceng pun ummah jadi fobia

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Post time 17-2-2015 04:58 PM | Show all posts
tafakur depan tugu negara ummah x kesah lak
nyala lilin pulak yg jadi gegak gempita


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Post time 17-2-2015 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Innrukia replied at 17-2-2015 04:25 PM
dia paham kan..
nampak beza kan org bijak & buat2 bijak?

Lega I bila ada orang cerdik bg point dlm bod ni...sesama kita bleh merapu tp bila melibatkan religion kena berhati hati ...

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