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sempena mybrain 15 nie kan government offer financial assistance untuk sambung study
my master & my phd.. since I already obtained Bachelor Degree, rasenya nak considered pursue master (MBA)
so if there are any suggestion
ape kelebihan masing-masing
dual master, MBA/EMBA
boleh laa share your ideas and experience here
really appreciate your kind feedback
sebab serius nak sambung study 2013 nie
thanks yer...
ps. sori banyak rojak |
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sambung oversea..  |
bearkecil posted on 15-12-2012 11:27 PM 
sambung oversea..
tak dapat offer biasiswa p obersea pun... huhuhu  |
syaiful posted on 17-12-2012 09:34 AM 
tak dapat offer biasiswa p obersea pun... huhuhu
boleh apply mara..mybe bulan 2-3 kot bukak..
bearkecil posted on 17-12-2012 09:38 AM 
boleh apply mara..mybe bulan 2-3 kot bukak..
ooo... usia dah 27 nie sayang lak nak berenti kijer
ingat nak wat part time sajer
yer lah wat kat mesia
mybrain15 tu dapat support dalam 40-50% tuition fees
n retain kerja yang ader
dengan experience + qualification
i believe nanti boleh up market value, means my remuneration..
sekarang pun sayang sangat nak lepas jawatan, gaji & bonus sedia ada nie |
bearkecil posted on 17-12-2012 12:59 PM 
oh..umo dah cam tu..buat kat malaysia je la..kalau gomen sambung study boleh x pyh berhenti keje k ...
kalau gomen, ade skim sambung belajar full time separuh gaji
kos pengajian gomen tanggung
kalau badan beruniform, macam ade skim sambung belajar full time gaji pun full
just that sekarang nie ramai jer yang wat part time, untuk master & phd
ada juga terfikir nak wat ACCA/CIMA
tapi wat kat kolej swasta, mahaiii
ACCA kalau wat kat UITM murah banyak
cuma lokasinya jauh sekarang nie.. sebab duduk di selatan |
syaiful posted on 17-12-2012 05:08 PM 
kalau gomen, ade skim sambung belajar full time separuh gaji
kos pengajian gomen tanggung
buat ppj la tt..pjj kalau kat uitm kelas dalam sebulan dua kali kot..kalau x salah bear...kena berulang..johor? 
bearkecil posted on 17-12-2012 06:36 PM 
buat ppj la tt..pjj kalau kat uitm kelas dalam sebulan dua kali kot..kalau x salah bear...kena ber ...
Yer ker? kalau sebulan dua kali tu, gagah gak laaa
nak kena check laaa... apply untuk semester hujung tahun 2013
aah... johor |
syaiful posted on 18-12-2012 09:22 AM 
Yer ker? kalau sebulan dua kali tu, gagah gak laaa
nak kena check laaa... apply untuk semester ...
tt kena tgk website..x pon kol pejabat..good luck..
bearkecil posted on 18-12-2012 09:43 AM 
tt kena tgk website..x pon kol pejabat..good luck..
best gak kan ade ACCA
hehe, tapi tengok iklan kat paper
for position manager, MBA is an advantage
hurm... fikir-fikir |
syaiful posted on 18-12-2012 09:44 AM 
best gak kan ade ACCA
hehe, tapi tengok iklan kat paper
for position manager, MBA is an advantag ...
ACCA tu kalau ada added value tok tt la..boleh letak kat cv..
kalau tt nk naik pangkat ok la amik mba..
bear x minat smbg mba..
bearkecil posted on 18-12-2012 09:49 AM 
ACCA tu kalau ada added value tok tt la..boleh letak kat cv..
kalau tt nk naik pangkat ok la amik ...
pilihan memasing laa kan 
ikut karier path kita, where we are know and what the direction we want to go
masyeh bagi idea untuk dibincangkan |
syaiful posted on 18-12-2012 10:42 AM 
pilihan memasing laa kan
ikut karier path kita, where we are know and what the direction we wa ...
Executive Master of Business Administration
Applications for the above program are open to all qualified Bumiputera once a year (Jul or Dec intake)
This program benefits both the organization and the executives. It provides organizations with the
opportunity to strengthen their management resources and at the same time their participating executives
are able to upgrade their managerial skills, broaden their perspectives and improve their opportunities for
advancement to a higher management level.
Mode : Part-time
Class meetings : Saturday (2.30pm – 7.30pm) and Sunday (9am – 2pm)
Venue : Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru, Jalan Heman, Larkin Jaya, Johor Bahru
Duration : 2 years/ 4 semesters (coursework) & 3 months (Applied Business Research)
Fee : RM 17,590 (sem1;RM4360, sem2;RM4010, sem3;RM4010, sem4;RM5210)
Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management Operation Management
Managerial Accounting Marketing Management International Business
Managerial Finance Managerial Decision Analysis Strategic Management
Economics Analysis Information Technology Management Global Business Issues
Applied Business Research
Admission requirements
• hold a recognized degree (hons) or its equivalent
• proficient in written and spoken English
√ submit a typewritten biographical essay of oneself
√ attend an interview
• a minimum of 3 years of working experience is highly considered
submit reference letters
Application form
Applicants may download the application form from UiTM website ( and
then submit the form together with the relevant supporting documents and RM 50.00 bank draft
payable to “Bendahari UiTM”. |
my training executive, personnel department kata
better ambil MBA dari EMBA
sebab katanya, International Standard tak recognize lgi EMBA nie
kalau nak kerja overseas, tak boleh dapat rate gaji master
pasal boleh sambung phd ker tidak, not sure lah ambil EMBA nie
tapi ambil MBA confirm boleh sambung ke DBA atau PhD |
The International Business School (IBS) was established in 1997 as a graduate school of management to offer
management and economic courses. Formed as a Centre of Excellence at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
(UTM), a premier technology university, IBS is envisioned to lead the education sector in post-graduate
management education.
IBS’s main focus on technology management was founded upon UTM’s core strength in science and
technology. Moreover, the establishment of the school fulfills the university’s vision i.e. to provide
management education and training to engineering students from UTM and other higher learning
institutions. IBS provides MBA in Techno-Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Venture Capital
Management, Healthcare Management, Executive MBA, short course programmes and consulting services.
Master by Taught Course
MBA (Strategic Management)
Technology Management and Innovation MRB1043 3
Management & Cost Accounting MRB1023 3
Financial Management MRB2013 3
Marketing Management MRB2023 3
Economic Analysis MRB1013 3
Strategic Management MRB3013 3
Human Resource Management MRB2033 3
IT Strategy MRB1053 3
Global Business Environment MRB2043 3
Action Research in Organization MRB1033 3
The Legal Aspects of Business MRB1073 3
MBA ELECTIVE (ME) – Compulsory
Designing Strategic Plans MRB3063 3
Creativity and Innovation MRB3043 3
Case Study MRB2124 4
The current fees structure for the academic session 2009/2010 is given below:
Part Time Basis
Local East Malaysia
RM4,000 X 4 Semesters + RM2,500 X 2 Semesters (During Short Semester) = RM21,000 |
INTI University Dual Hertfordshire
• Students who have successfully completed the programme will receive a dual award*:
an MBA from INTI International University and a Master of Arts in Management Studies awarded by University of Hertfordshire, UK
• Our industry-developed curriculum utilises the ‘problem-based learning’ and ‘project-based learning’ approaches;
this exposes students to simulated and real business problems and environments.
It is an opportunity to gain actual skills and real world experience
• INTI’s MBA offers a portfolio of critical management fields:
a) Finance
b) Human Resource Management
c) Marketing
d) Management
Programme structure
Core module
• Business Accounting & Finance
• Business Economics
• Business Ethics & Law
• Business Research Methods
• Marketing Management
• Managing Information Systems
• Operations Management
• Statistics & Decision Analysis
• Strategic Management
• Managing Organisations
• MBA Project
Elective modules
(Choose 2)
• International Marketing
• Strategic Marketing in Practice
Human Resource Management
• Strategic Human Resource Management
• Organisation Development & Change
• Corporate Finance
• Investment Securities & Portfolio Management
• Issues in Global Business
• Managing Entrepreneurship
Intake 2013
RM37,500 for 2 years part time, 6 semester |
Raffles University Iskandar
Master of Business Administration
Course Overview
This is a professionally oriented programme to develop advanced skills in business for students who already have some practical business experience. The aim is to provide the knowledge and skills for them to operate effectively as senior managers or executives.
The MBA programme at RUI is designed to deliver a solid, integrated and multidisciplinary curriculum focussing on general and evolving management theory and practice through the use of lectures, readings, case studies, group projects, presentations, business simulations and the elective of dissertation and business study mission, all of which are emphasized to give students the necessary abilities to handle real-life business situations. The foundation of this MBA curricula centers on an applied business education in a multi-cultural learning environment, comprising of two key management skills, (i) ‘functional skills’ of economics, finance, marketing, operations, management, and accounting, and (ii) ‘performance skills’" of leadership, teamwork, ethics, social responsibilities, and communication that are so critical for effective management in a competitive global economy.
MBA programme normally attracts students from very diverse industries and cultures, and RUI’s MBA programme will leverage on these differences and translating them into learning opportunities.
Beyond the curriculum and classroom learning experiences, RUI will establish a network of MBA students, alumni, faculty, and a professional link to business and community leaders. This network can be very useful for students when beginning a job search, developing a career path, building business relationships in their current career, or pursuing expertise outside their current field.
Course Modules
Module Title
Leadership Skills
Marketing Management and Strategy
Managerial Economics
Managing People and Organisation
Financial Accounting
Information System Management and Strategy
Managerial Accounting
Decision Analysis
Finanical Management
Research Methodology
Strategic Management
Dissertation or Business Studies Mission
Choose any THREE (3) Electives for a total credit points of 9:
Management Focus
Managing Change and Complexity
Project Management
Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
Managing Human Capital
Operations and Quality Management
Ethics, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibilities
Marketing Focus
Contemporary Theme in Marketing
Advanced Marketing Research and Analysis
Consumer Behaviour: Theory, Research Methods and Applications
Strategic Brand Management
Strategic Marketing Communication
Ethics, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibilities
Finance Focus
Financial Instruments, Institutions and Markets
Mergers & Acquisitions
Portfolio Theory and Management
Risk Management
Investment Analysis
Corporate Finance
Ethics, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibilities
Social Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
Entrepreneurship in Practice
Innovation Management
Ethics, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibilities
International Business Focus
International Business Strategy and Analysis
International Marketing Strategy
International Trade and Monetary Environment
Corporate Social Responsibility in the International Business
Ethics, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibilities
Accounting Focus
Business and Company Law 1
Business and Company Law 2
Financial Reporting
Corporate Reporting
Taxation 1
Taxation 2
Performance Management
Advanced Performance Management
Ethics, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibilities
RM35,500 for 7 semester - 2.5 years
Programme Synopsis
The objectives of the Master of Business Administration are to:
Enhance your managerial competences and add value on current managerial knowledge
Sharpen your analytical and conceptual skills, and
Improve your employability and managerial career development.
In a hypercompetitive business environment coupled with rapid changes in the socio economic and political scenario and fast technological developments, business organisations' survival kit is to ensure that it has creative and innovative people who are dedicated and committed towards excellence.
'Le Prix d'Excellence' implies that you need a pool of talented personnel with the cutting edge knowledge and competences to cope with the pressing demands of manegerial work.
The OUM MBA provides you the opportunity to enhance your managerial skills and competences without sacrificing your professional and career development.
The MBA programme is designed to enhance managerial skills and capability in managing organisations efficiently and effectively.
Managerial Economics
Organization & Business Management
Accounting for Business Decision Making
Marketing Management
Managerial Finance
Business Law
Research Method
Information Technology for Managers
Strategic Management
Human Resource Management
Elective Course:
Human Resource
RM26796 for 6 semester |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi