Based on one of the best-selling, most critically acclaimed video game series of all time, Uncharted introduces audiences to the young street-smart Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) and showcases his first treasure hunting adventure with wisecracking partner Victor “Sully” Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg). In an action-adventure epic that spans the globe, the two go in dangerous pursuit of “the greatest treasure never found” while also tracking clues that may lead to Nathan’s long-lost brother.
Post time 24-12-2021 06:45 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Orix replied at 24-12-2021 03:50 PM
enchanted Hugh Dancy tu ke chuols maksudkan ?
Bukan, Enchanted tahun 2007 yang ada real live action
ala-ala Disney Princess Snow White telan @dino Apple Suka Amy Adams jadi Princess Giselle sebelum dia dirosakkan lakonannya oleh Man of Steel Superman yang hazabannar tu
Dah habis tgk....jln cerita ni pantas & konflik pun xmeleret2....klu org yg ska tgk filem bertemakan pengembaraan, punya babak2 aksi & witty bleh tonton filem ni...