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ni cite2 ni....tak rahsia ke benda yg rahsia tak jadik rahsia lagi???? |
as long x blurt out kat gepren or bini which is ada yang kekadang lupe, yang info boipren or hubby bagitu only for her to know basis kekadang 'ter'blurt out gak kat tenet.... |
4# LangBuana
tak...maksud wa...kan jenis rahsia yg dah ter open tu masih dikategorikan rahsia lagi.......itu sebab "I cannot confirm nor deny ...." open secret tak semestinya yg betul2 rahsia pun... |
6# guyfawke
MAKNAnya....ia akn tetap rahsia kerana tiada pihak yg mengesahkan bahawa ia "rahsia" walaupun rahsia itu sudah tidak rahsia lagi...
....itulah rahsia dalam rahsia.... |
7# LangBuana
ya betul..biarlah rahsia itu kekal rahsia............... |
thread closed!!! |
apa citer la weh... rahsia.. rahsia nih... amende yang korang rasa kategori rahsia nih... citer artis pakai suar dalam kaler apa pon org bleh tau kat internet dah.... |
| biarlaah rahsiaaaa.. |
as long x blurt out kat gepren or bini which is ada yang kekadang lupe, yang info boipren or hubby bagitu only for her to know basis kekadang 'ter'blurt out gak kat tenet....
cmf_yipun78 Post at 13-7-2009 13:14 
Hehe contoh terbaik ialah yg terjadi pada chairman Brits Mi-6 (Military Intelligence)
MI6 chief blows his cover as wife's Facebook account reveals family holidays, showbiz friends and links to David Irving
Sir John Sawers pictured on his wife's Facebook page
Compromised: Incoming MI6 head Sir John Sawers in a picture his wife published on her Facebook profile page
The new head of MI6 has been left exposed by a major personal security breach after his wife published intimate photographs and family details on the Facebook website.
Sir John Sawers is due to take over as chief of the Secret Intelligence Service in November, putting him in charge of all Britain's spying operations abroad.
But his wife's entries on the social networking site have exposed potentially compromising details about where they live and work, who their friends are and where they spend their holidays.
Amazingly, she had put virtually no privacy protection on her account, making it visible to any of the site's 200million users who chose to be in the open-access 'London' network - regardless of where in the world they actually were.
There are fears that the hugely embarrassing blunder may have compromised the safety of Sir John's family and friends.
Lady Shelley Sawers' extraordinary lapse exposed the couple's friendships with senior diplomats and well-known actors, including Moir Leslie, who plays a leading character in The Archers. And it revealed that the intelligence chief's brother-in-law - who holidayed with him last month - is an associate of the controversial Right-wing historian David Irving.
Immediately after The Mail on Sunday alerted the Foreign Office to the astonishing misjudgment, all trace of the material – which could potentially be useful to hostile foreign powers or terrorists - was removed from the internet.
The move suggests that MI6 or the Foreign Office, which is also responsible for the GCHQ electronic eavesdropping centre in Cheltenham, had not vetted what sort of information Sir John and his family were distributing over the internet.
Mungkin kat Malaysia nih yg sensitif kat KSN ngan DOR la kot! |
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rahsia.....ada segelintir dari kita yang mengambil mudah mendedahkan identiti anggota Pasukan Keselamatan (terutamanya yang pakar dalam sesuatu tugasan) dalam website.
Contohnya di
kenapa la tidak dikaburkan identiti, unit serta pangkat dalam pic tersebut....satu dunia kenali.... |
14# zulupapa
malaysian armed forces@milphotos tu mmg a bit overdone la..kadang2 penuh details profile anggota..hatta dari rgk pun.. |
Theme song:
"biarlah rahsia" by siti haliza
15# innocentti
profile tuh , tak per kot cth unit mana, negara mana...jgn la tak dak langsung nnt ada la plak negara mana2 ntah yang dok ngaku ATM nie askar diorg... |
Post Last Edit by innocentti at 16-7-2009 09:43
17# sparhawk
kalo macam tu okja lagi..mmg ada published di media perdana..maksud wa profile anggota yg masih dlm misi dan a bit overdone..unit mana,nama penuh, pangkat/peranan dalam unit..
tp ntahlah..tu pandangan wa jer..tak tau nak define how rahsia is rahsia bagi ATM. |
tapi jangan dilupakan keghairahan anggota sendiri nak berposing nak show satu dunia, rupa dia dalam uniform dalam blog atau Friendster.... :re: slalu gak terjumpa mende camni, kantoi amik pic dalam kapal ler, x pon posing ngan military hardware, so camne nak cegah derang ni dari taksub nak berblog atau friendster? |
rasanya takde masalah kalau nak bergambar dengan uniform dan peralatan tentera ni... cuma kalau sebut 'peralatan' tu apa peralatan yang dimaksudkan? kalau takat dengan machine gun.. dengan keta kebal 'stormer' tu takde hal... semua benda-benda yang org ramai bleh tengok dalam pameran kerjaya ATM... lain halnya kalau melibatkan peralatan sensitif... esp sigint equipt...
selalunya yang 'Ghairah' (OMG) nih budak-budak baru le... baru 4-5 tahun service.. kalau dah lama takdenya dia minat nak bergambor dengan benda kaku dah... baik bergambor ngan 'burung-burung' yang berkicauan kat pusat koke... hehehhehe |
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