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Jom kita share all about 3D
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Jom kita share all about 3D x kesahlah korang punyer design ker, tutorial best yg korang dapat ker. so yg noob sampai yg pro bolehlah share, kita improve nama Malaysia di persada 3D!! sambil2 kita blaja.
file:///D:/Backup-Akedemik/Sems%204/Multimedia/Koleksi%203d/less%20mirror1.jpgfile:///D:/Backup-Akedemik/Sems%204/Multimedia/Koleksi%203d/less%20mirror1.jpg |
bike td
keta saja n driver dier
[ Last edited by jeppa at 30-4-2008 12:06 PM ] |
augmented reality/ compositing
UMS Logo di Pyramyd Giza
korang keja kampeni 3D ke? hebat ah |
kira korang buat animation 3d jugak la kan.. aku dulu blaja 3dmax tp xpandai2 pon |
yup ada,
bagi pendapat akulah, 3Dmax susah skit klu nk modeling tp dia lebih pada animation. kira payah skit la nk cr8 object gna software tuh. 1st time ak gna blender rasanyer better n senang. sbb
1) software dier x besar juz 8Mb,
2) process plak ringan x cam lightwave.
Tp yg jd klemahan die pasal quality la. klu water element tu susah skit nk real.
dah jd kebiasaan bla open source. |
Reply #9 mziskandar's post
wow... ko guna soft ape? nice.. |
model, stakat nie pakai 3ds max jer. main plan is to create the same model using codes (c++). The demo is an exe file running on opengl 2.0 (with extension). rendering engine made with codeblocks capable to run on linux(tested on ubuntu), windows n possibly mac (not tested, x de budget nak beli mac).
the frame rates shown was using old opengl driver. it was around 400fps. last check, using the latest driver with a minor optimzation was around 1000fps (using ati9600xt, pentium 4 3.0ht - huhu.. gfx lama, processor lama. x de budget nak upgrade pc)
coding dlm c++. targeted file size < 128k (including model, texture(coding) + realtime radiosity (coding)). banyak x siap lagi. x cukup masa n concentration..
nie render kat max
[ Last edited by mziskandar at 3-5-2008 07:39 AM ] |
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FUHH... siap ada cop iskandar mahadi tu.. Congrate. ak kompius gak, apa fungsi c++ tu pada model, make it soft/real?
ak dlu blaja 3d sparuh jalan, punye la payah sgt nk design, brenti trus . ni nk refresh balik... |
err.. c++ tu sesajer je aku nak nyusahkan diri sendiri.. hehe... tapi tujuan utama adalah optimzation sbb nie bukan offline 3d image/animation rendering. its realtime. pakai c++, i'll have more control over level of detail (lod) and polygon tweaking instead of using raw polygon coordinate value (3ds max export)
coding kat c++ aku pakai nurbs which will begin with minimal data (coordinates). the lod will be automatically adjusted depending on the density of polygon shown on the screen and distance of object to viewer. at the same time fast radiosity rendering/relection (or anything using render to buffer) will be possible.
outline of the nurbs are still be made using 3dsmax. |
realtime? wat u mean? online? cehh mcm polis lak,
owh... jd c++ tu juz nk memudahkan dia punyer design la. eventhough still can design manually, is it?
hurm... ko pernah main particle dgn 3DMax x? cthnya nk buat rumput, rambut @ air? |
realtime tu mcm game where by the rendering of images will be done within restricted time. eg. 24 frames per second. c++ yg aku buat tu bukan utk memudahkan design, tapi utk buat rendering engine/game engine/3d viewer.
nak buat rumput/rambut pakai scatter je. nak buat air pakai particle + blob
rumput dlm gambar tu ko gna scatter? scatter ni auto generate ke?maksud aku dia automatic kuar garis2 rumput tu. mcm ak gna blender diaautomatic kuar lepas kita setkan particle properties.
camni rupa dier, ( abaikan kotak merah tu)
ak guna 3 plate sbb nk bagi 3 arah rumput. scatter tu automatic x? coz it look more detail n big, nice. Atau kena modeling 1 1?
[ Last edited by jeppa at 4-5-2008 01:03 AM ] |
scatter.. create 1 scattered many.. on any object surface. shall give more control on the duplicated scattered object or polygon. scatter bleh buat automatic duplication in addition of multiple random translation, rotation n transformation control.
can be exported easily for realtime purpose - and my main priority is control, optimization, beauty n speed. |
oic... hehe... gud job bro. i'll learn 3d max for more detail. juz now i ned to focus on blender. After this maybe 3d max. hope u will help me . can u share ur 3d design? animation oso can? |
satu lg soklan, r u student? |
blender is the future of 3d apps - opensource, lightweight but powerful, multi platform, transportable to various formats. sharing, no prob. tapi x banyak design - biasa buat programming je - on c/c++, director-lingo.
aku bukan student. dan x pernah belajar pun benda2 diatas kat institute/uni/college sbb syllabus kat malaysia mmg hampeh (time aku dulu aa). lecturer2 pun hampeh banyak benda x explore. tapi, time aku jadi lecturer dulu - dah banyak benda explore (3ds4, opengl1.1, directx3.0, 3dfx). tapi terikat ngan syllabus formal yg hampeh tu... student2 aku nak belajar more, kena jumpa aku luar time keje... kesian kat aku. kesian kat diorg.
kalau ada lecturer2 senior/management2 yg baca post aku nie, bawak2 aa upgrade knowledge korang. korang ingat, korang dah tua x yah belaja ke? (ayat utk pemalas2 yg makan gaji buta) rajin2 aa belajar benda baru. IT x sama mcm engineering, medical etc. setiap hari ada benda baru dlm IT. |
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