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[MERGED] Bila start bagi baby makan???

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Post time 19-6-2006 03:45 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
nak tumpang tanya kepada yg berpengalaman,
apa makanan yg sesuai for baby 3 bulan.
or better bg susu aje??

[ Last edited by  shinky_pinky at 22-11-2006 08:28 PM ]

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Post time 19-6-2006 03:56 PM | Show all posts
haku dulu dah bagi dah bubur nasi campur ikan bilis blend
nasi tu ko masak sampai bebtui lembut dan halus

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Post time 19-6-2006 04:54 PM | Show all posts
err..awalnya baby 3 bulan dah nak diberi makanan...anak saya start makan masa dia umur 6 bulan..advise from doctor - 5 months onward..

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Post time 19-6-2006 05:41 PM | Show all posts
baby kita pun 4 bulan dah start makan..makan bubur...nestum..farleys...telur separuh masak...mashed potato..

suma dia poblem..

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Post time 19-6-2006 07:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by metami at 19-6-2006 05:41 PM
baby kita pun 4 bulan dah start makan..makan bubur...nestum..farleys...telur separuh masak...mashed potato..

suma dia poblem..

kalau boleh, elakkan bagi telur separuh masak kat baby, sbb higher risk of getting salmonella food poisoning



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 Author| Post time 20-6-2006 10:51 AM | Show all posts
sebenarnya utk baby 4 bulan... bkn 3 bln.smlm g cold storage..puas cari nestum halus .tp, x tau which one is better.4 bln dah blh bg makan ke?confuse betul la..

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Post time 20-6-2006 10:56 AM | Show all posts
u try masak bubur then blend..jgn bubuh apa2 bahan perasa..then bagi ur baby..kalau dia refuse ..jgn paksa maybe baby belum bersedia but kalau baby ngap..truskan aje tp jgn bg banyak2...cukuplah kalau 4-5 sudu kecik...

tp sebaik-baiknya 6 bulan baru bg baby mamam tp cham bg my son makan start 5 month..

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Post time 20-6-2006 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fairyjasmine at 19-6-2006 07:43 PM

kalau boleh, elakkan bagi telur separuh masak kat baby, sbb higher risk of getting salmonella food poisoning

kasi aiman makan aper skang?

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Post time 20-6-2006 12:49 PM | Show all posts
tig pon baru je bagi aiman makan nie... makan bubur + ikan + kentang / carrot. ari tu try bagi farleys terus kena food poisoning.. tah apa yang dia allergic kat situ tak tau la..

oh my aiman now nie dah 5 bulan setengah

[ Last edited by  tig_cun at 20-6-2006 12:50 PM ]

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Post time 20-6-2006 01:12 PM | Show all posts
baby I ,I belikan brand GARBER (spelling kalau x salah) untuk dia makan.
Ia utk baby 4 bulah keatas.
U boleh try........

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Post time 20-6-2006 01:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mylow at 19-6-2006 03:45 PM
nak tumpang tanya kepada yg berpengalaman,
apa makanan yg sesuai for baby 3 bulan.
or better bg susu aje??

kalo umo baby 3 bulan...mmg tak boleh introduce solid foods kat baby lagik.  Masa bawak anak riko gi jap utk 4 months...padea tanya whether baby still BF ker tak? so riko cakap yg dia tak mo dah BF.  So padea cakap kat riko kalo dah stop BF, dah boleh introduce solid foods to baby cuma bagi makan sehari sekali ajer.

Memula riko bagi Gerber yg rice cereal for 4 mth punya.  Skrg nie riko cuba yg dlm jar pulak..brand Gerber gak cam sweet potato & carrot.  Kalo baby dah umo 8 bulan baru riko nak wat bubur nasi...he..he..he...:love:

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Post time 20-6-2006 01:37 PM | Show all posts
ikutkan kata doktor, seelok2nya 6 bulan ke atas baru kasi solid food

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Post time 20-6-2006 05:51 PM | Show all posts
Sama ..kasik solid food lepas 6 per doctor advised...

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afnan8206 This user has been deleted
Post time 20-6-2006 08:00 PM | Show all posts
i bai baby makan growell dari era edar (set dari homeopati).. mmg elok n baby berak mmg ok tak sembelit.. i bagi start 4 months.. tapi kat tin food tu tulis untuk 3 months and above.. n stakat nie ok.. alhamdulillah...

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Post time 21-6-2006 03:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eyzlyn at 20-6-2006 11:29 AM

kasi aiman makan aper skang?

so far baru bg makan bubur nasi n buah

bubur nasi, masak campur ngan carrots, ikan bilis n kentang, buat byk2 n freeze

buah pulak so far dah bg pisang, pear and apple, Aiman palinng suka apple

asben tingin nak bg anak dia mkn farley's, so kitorang beli la aritu, mmg Aiman suka betul, tapi taknak beli dah lepas ni, mmg kalau ikut tgk nutritional content dia macam iya iya je bagus, tapi tu ahhh..manis sgt la..I don't think sesuai for babies..

next week nak bag carrots n sweet potatoes plak..

me tak follow sgt guideline yg introduce one food at a time tu..macam boring la plak hehhe hee

ohh aritu asben bg lollies, takla bg makan,letak kat bibir je..terkulat2 Aiman sbb sejuk.. sian..kena buli..

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Post time 21-6-2006 09:47 AM | Show all posts
When do I Start My Baby on Solid Foods?
The answer to that question is 4-6 months. When your baby is young, her body is designed to have breast milk, or a similar substitute, because breast milk is the best source of nutrient's for your baby. If you start your baby on solid foods too early, she will be missing out on the vital nutrient's she needs in the early stages.

There are several reasons why you should only start your baby on solid foods when they are 4 months:

Your baby's digestive system isn't able to cope with solid foods until she reaches about 4 months. She lacks some important enzyme's, that help digest carbohydrate's and fats
Your baby's throat muscles aren't developed to swallow properly. Until the age of four months, a baby's natural reaction is to push her tongue forward, instead of moving the food towards the throat to swallow
Your baby needs to have a way of telling you that she is full. When a baby is breast feeding he usually falls a sleep, when feeding on solids she will turn her head, and this only develops around the 4 month mark

Signs of Readiness for Solid Foods
You can tell your little one is ready to start on solid food when:

She is at least 4 months old and weighs twice her birth weight
She can sit with support and can lean forward
She has control over her head and neck muscles and can turn her head to refuse food
She has stopped the extrusion reflex, (sticking her tongue out), when you put a spoon in her mouth
She is drinking at least 32-40 ounces of formula, and still wants more, or you are breast feeding her 8-10 times a day
Shows interest in others eating around her
She wakes in the middle of the night when she used to sleep through

Which Foods Should be First?
Foods that are easily digested, and have the least chance of causing an allergic reaction. You should try and consult with your pediatrician about what foods should be first.

It is also important to remember to try and keep the foods as liquid as possible, as your baby will not to be able to eat any "solid" foods until she has a full set of teeth.

You will be surprised how little you need to feed your baby at it's first meal, in fact, often as little as 2 teaspoons!

When Do I Start Introducing Foods?
For most mothers, a good time to start introducing solids is around the six-month mark (if you've been breastfeeding exclusively), but it can start as early as four months. Until your baby reaches six months, there is no need for solid foods as breast milk contains all the nutrition your baby needs to grow. Look to your baby for cues that he's ready to start eating baby food.

Signs Your Baby is Ready to Eat
Watch for the following signs:
hold up your head : a baby needs to gain head control and can keep his head upright without wobbling to prepare for eating solids
sitting upright : the head isn't the only thing your baby needs to be able to control; being able to sit up with your support is also key
extrusion reflex : there is a reflex to automatically push anything solid out of the mouth with the tongue in order to protect a baby from gagging; around 4-6 months of age, your baby loses this reflex and signals they are ready to start eating
chew, baby, chew : something else has been happening in the mouth-as your baby's digestive system matures, his mouth automatically begins practicing chewing motions; you'll also notice that he's teething at about this time (4-7 months)
growing : your baby grows quickly in the first few months and by the time they hit 15 pounds (double their birth weight), they're ready to start eating baby food; this physical development will be paired with a growing appetite
mentally prepared: it's not only the physical signs you should be watching for; be alert for signs that he's mentally and emotionally prepared to eat, such as showing a curiosity about what you eat
How To Introduce Foods to Your Baby's Diet
It is generally advised that parents follow some loose recommendations in what the order and type of food they give their infant.

age in months  food  amount  
1-6  exclusive breastfeeding suggested  let infant decide when to stop feeding  
4-6  rice cereal: usually doesn't cause food allergies and replenishes your baby's depleted iron stores  start slowly, introducing one teaspoon of cereal with several teaspoons of breast milk; one to two feedings  
6-8  fruits and vegetables: such as peas, carrots, and pears  again start slow, feeding two teaspoons at one sitting and working up to two tablespoons at two or three sittings  
8-12  finger foods: because your baby has now developed his finger grasp, let him practice by giving him finger foods such as soft fruits, macaroni or chunks of cereal  let your child decide how much they want and provide a variety of finger foods; make sure finger foods are very small so that your child won't choke  
12-24  table foods: you may still be supplementing meals with breast milk or formula, but ensure that your child is getting all the nutrients she needs regardless; include foods from five food groups, such as yogurt, chicken, grain dishes, vegetable frittatas, etc.  each child is different and will choose for themselves when they are satiated  

Feeding Tips
remember to use small, soft tipped spoons as regular spoons can cause pain to your baby's gums
babies naturally prefer sweet foods, therefore when introducing fruits and vegetables, start with veggies and eventually start using fruits as a dessert
once your baby is able to, let her feed herself as this gives her a sense of autonomy
never use punishment when meal times isn't going the way you want it to, this could put your baby on edge and make it harder to feed her
make mealtime enjoyable and make it a family affair: start practicing your airplane sounds



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 Author| Post time 21-6-2006 11:50 AM | Show all posts
lately, my baby susah sgt nak bg susu.whether by bf or bottle.dia selalu tarik2 n mengeliat.mcm x suka but i'm not sure to define.

last night, dia jg dr tidur at 9 and sleep at 12.30.
bg susu...mengeliat la..pusing2.. at last, termuntah.
asyik hisap tgn smpi basah sarung tgn.
then, my finger..habis dia nak hisap.
cuak jg.tmbh lg my hb not around... o/station.
what's the sign ye?
ada sapa blh bantu?

she's now 3mth++.

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Post time 21-6-2006 12:09 PM | Show all posts
baby i pun dah 5 bln..ok ye klu i kasi makan solid food..takut gaklah nak kasi makan..stakat ni dia masih BF lagilah ..tapi mlm jer pas i balik keja..klu sinag dia minum susu formula jer..

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Post time 28-6-2006 03:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mylow at 21-6-2006 11:50 AM
lately, my baby susah sgt nak bg susu.whether by bf or bottle.dia selalu tarik2 n mengeliat.mcm x suka but i'm not sure to define.

last night, dia jg dr tidur at 9 and sleep at 12.30.
bg susu.. ...

anak rain dulu pun cam tu.
kata org, some baby macam tu. tak suka susu utk temporary.
so, you jgn bancuh susu byk sangat, nanti bazir.
lepas tempoh tu, dia jadi biasa je.

:love:   :love:   :love:

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Post time 28-6-2006 04:29 PM | Show all posts
baby pink dah start campur nestum dlm susu..
dah seminggu lebih..BF dah kurang..malam je..
sbb lately pink bz sangat ..pagi keluar keje dia belum bangun..bila balik rumah baby dah tido..
tu pasal laaa...bila siang dia refuse to BF....kecik ati pink..nak buat camne...
dia pon dah tak berapa kenal dengan pink...sedeynye....

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