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RAPE, sexual intercourse & such [sukarela/paksa?]
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saye nak bertanye....kalau hubungan sex secare sukerela kedua-dua pihak....lepas itu dengan perasaan dengki pasangan wanita itu membuat laporan polis....adekah laku laporan polis yang mcm itu...?
[ Last edited by fairy_hobbit at 14-2-2007 11:18 PM ] |
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Originally posted by Medium_Term at 19-7-2006 11:04 PM
saye nak bertanye....kalau hubungan sex secare sukerela kedua-dua pihak....lepas itu dengan perasaan dengki pasangan wanita itu membuat laporan polis....adekah laku laporan polis yang mcm itu...?
u mean dia buat report kata kena rape ker?
apa2pun, laporan tetap laporan.. takder istilah laku atau tak. procedure yg sama mcm rape cases akan berjalan. pompuan tu nanti kena buat medical examination, etc. investigation akan jalan. |
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soalan bengap sikit; caner medical examination tu boleh membuktikan yg dia dirogol atau suka sama suka |
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Reply #3 Remy_3D's post
kalau based on medical xmination jer.. seingat aku la.. check for bruises or tanda2 lain kat badan.. ada nampak mcm ada any struggle tak? lebam or melecet or bekas kena tekan dgn tgn ker, luka2 ke. pastu if seks secara paksa the vagina takder pelincir. so if paksa masuk penis bole detect kesan melecet kat area vagina or labia area. kalau yg claim dara plak, structure dinding vagina tu still beralun. kalau dah biasa main dia flat. aku lupa apa lagi yg diorang check. rape victim sebaik2nya jgn mandi or bersihkan diri kalau lepas kena rape. terus gi buat report police supaya semua tanda2 tu ada dan fresh. kalau takder tanda, susahla nak dapat strong evidence drpd med examination. |
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Originally posted by Medium_Term at 19-7-2006 11:04 PM
saye nak bertanye....kalau hubungan sex secare sukerela kedua-dua pihak....lepas itu dengan perasaan dengki pasangan wanita itu membuat laporan polis....adekah laku laporan polis yang mcm itu...?
kalau ikut kanun keseksaan seks dgn org bawah umur 16 tahun paksa atau rela adalah dianggap rogol.
bagi yang dah lebih umur ,kalau ada report... medical check up akan dibuat untuk menunjukkan ia paksa atau tidak. |
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wacayasamalula This user has been deleted
huh...kesian mangsa rogol
lepas kena rogol oleh perogol, kena 'rogol' plak dgn peralatan2 forensik doktor tuh |
Originally posted by Medium_Term at 19-7-2006 11:04 PM
saye nak bertanye....kalau hubungan sex secare sukerela kedua-dua pihak....lepas itu dengan perasaan dengki pasangan wanita itu membuat laporan polis....adekah laku laporan polis yang mcm itu...?
mmg la laku, kalau aku tipu aku kena rape oleh perempuan pun akan laku, cuma tindakan tu yang berbeza.
neway ko tanya ni cam confius jer? apa apahal pun check ic dulu beb.....:ff: |
Originally posted by boogie78 at 20-7-2006 04:31 PM
kalau ikut kanun keseksaan seks dgn org bawah umur 16 tahun paksa atau rela adalah dianggap rogol.
bagi yang dah lebih umur ,kalau ada report... medical check up akan dibuat untuk menunjukkan ...
yg ni takleh buat apa la.. statutory rape.. sukarela or not.. |
definition of rape - s375 of the penal code
375. Rape.
A man is said to commit "rape" who, except in the case hereinafter excepted, has sexual intercourse with a woman under circumstances falling under any of the following descriptions:
First - Against her will.
Secondly-Without her consent.
Thirdly- With her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting her in fear of death or hurt to herself or any other person, or obtained under a misconception of fact and the man knows or has reason to believe that the consent was given in consequence of such misconception.
Fourthly-With her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband, and her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to be lawfully married or to whom she would consent.
Fifthly- With her consent, when, at the time of giving such consent, she is unable to understand the nature and consequences of that to which she gives consent.
Sixthly- With or without her consent, when she is under sixteen years of age.
Explanation - Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of rape.
Exception - Sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife by a marriage which is valid under any written law for the time being in force, or is recognised in the Federation as valid, is not rape.
Explanation 1 - A woman-
(a) living separately from her husband under a decree of judicial separation or a decree nisi not made absolute; or
(b) who has obtained an injunction restraining her husband from having sexual intercourse with her,
shall be deemed not to be his wife for the purposes of this section.
Explanation 2 - A Muslim woman living separately from her husband during the period of 'iddah, which shall be calculated in accordance with Hukum Syara', shall be deemed not to be his wife for the purposes of this section.
kena penuhi kriteria diatas.. baru bole kata rape..
[ Last edited by fairy_hobbit at 23-7-2006 03:01 AM ] |
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belum sempat 'benda' dia dilihat oleh laki dia...
dah dilihat dulu oleh insan-insan yg berhati dan berperut
Originally posted by wacayasamalula at 20-7-2006 07:00 PM
huh...kesian mangsa rogol
lepas kena rogol oleh perogol, kena 'rogol' plak dgn peralatan2 forensik doktor tuh |
kes naya..
lepas sedap kejap je |
Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 20-7-2006 01:27 PM
kalau based on medical xmination jer.. seingat aku la.. check for bruises or tanda2 lain kat badan.. ada nampak mcm ada any struggle tak? lebam or melecet or bekas kena tekan dgn tgn ker, luka2 ke. ...
ko doktor ye? :hmm: |
aku ari2 kena rogol...:nerd: |
kah kah....I.O dia mesti perempuan, buat balik repot dia buat laporan palsu... |
Originally posted by d34n at 27-7-2006 10:01 AM
ko doktor ye? :hmm:
tak ler.. aku bukan doctor.. tak mo jd doctor.. penggeli orgnya... |
depend jugak pada boleh tahu..kesan carikan sex rela dengan sex paksa....kalau kesan carikan dah banya kali...pastu nak buat aduan..hmmm pikir sendiri la...memang polis akan layan aduan tu tapi..malu la...semua cecair vagina jadi bahan bukti...silap silap dalam mahkamah...peguam bela pihak satu lagi akan kata..'didapati pendakwa mempunya kesan carikan persetubuhan yg lalu..pendakwa didapati adalah seorang pengamal seks yg aktif...."tak ke malu...satu mahkamah dengar... |
Saya ada kes macam ni. Client saya had sexual intercourse dgn satu minah ni, pastu alih2 si pompuan ni report rape. dah lah si hakim yg bicarakan kes ni pun mmg sensitip pasai rape kes....(ada kena megena dgn peristiwa lampaunya), kena la verdict guilty. Sekarang ni tgn appeal kt Hg Ct. Stay of exectuion pun dia tolak, hampeh betui!
So, abang2 semua di luar sana berhati-hatilah kalau nak buat jahat. Silap hari bulan jumpa minah wayar putuih, hmm lepak dlm jel le jawapnya! |
Sakit ker kene rogol aaa?
Kalau xde pelincir sakit ek? |
Originally posted by ellameow16 at 12-10-2006 03:24 PM
Sakit ker kene rogol aaa?
Kalau xde pelincir sakit ek?
nie ape nyer soalan nie?...msti la besh kene rogol...:geram: |
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