this will be posted in my blog soon, but you're the first to read it here....
I never thought I would ever say this |
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o okay ..
Anne frank - how about her? poor little jewish gal eh? what do you think of her? |
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 18-12-2005 12:57 AM
Their greed?..and is that such a unique crime of theirs that they are punishable by extermination??
there's another race known for their greed...which I won't name, so don't you all wiggle
that out of me...pleez...but that race have not been punished or anything amounting to
that... |
would you believe that Sydney sheldon and danielle steel are Jewish!!!...i gladly let these two go to the oven....but not too hot...and only a for a few minutes...don't want to kill anybody...just to punish them for writing for money for people with no brain ( i know somebody is gonna kill me for saying this but it's true these people write garbage...)
some of the iconic and better jewish writes are/were
j d sallinger (the write of catcher in the rye)
norman mailer
saul bellow
elias canetti (bulgarian jew nobel prize winner for auto da fe)
phillip roth
jerzy kosinski (polish jew writing in english...committed suicide several years ago)
Franz kafka
boris pasternak
marcel proust
and many many more
cik sribulan;
i EXCACTLY know what/wchich race you mean...
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simplelife This user has been deleted
I hope you don't be blindfolded that easily with all the facts that famous people are Jewish. Plz also take into account about all the conspiracies and scandals happening all over the world that were supported and backboned by the Jewish organizations and you'll be amazed just how genius they are to manipulate people of the world especially America as their finger pointing....
[ Last edited by simplelife at 19-12-2005 10:51 PM ] |
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i work for a jewish company
no matter what, i have to love them for the good money
heyyy....it rhymes |
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klkl.... ha ha ha..love of money....you sound soooo jewish now!!!
simplelife...there are good people and bad people in every race...
conspiracies?...no...actually jews are very successful in getting their views heard and make people sympathise with them...americans don't exactly love jews but they somehow have this guilt and feel that it's their responsibility to protect jews... |
simplelife This user has been deleted
are you sure about that? no conspiracies?
what about 9/11?
what about US President's scandals?
what about the urge to war against terrorism?and etc?
successful getting views heard or successfull using money as weapon to win their favor?
or is it successful blackmailing the President to do what's not right? |
Originally posted by seribulan at 19-12-2005 09:16 PM
there's another race known for their greed...which I won't name, so don't you all wiggle
that out of me...pleez...but that race have not been punished or anything amounting to
well i think they too had faced this "punishment" probably at Nangking ? when the Japs killed those Chinese countrymen? ? soldiers probably - In addition, it had severely offended the Chinese when these Japanese " Historians" were trying to wipeout or erased the traces of their doings during the war with the Chienese really -when rewriting the History txbook . |
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some of their brainy contributions we must not deny though, you reckon especially the field of knowledge tu.
oh ya - Magdaline All ( Madeliene Allbright??) tu pun sama jugak... |
destiny_01 This user has been deleted
Bukan semua Jews jahat dan bukan semuanya juga yang baik. Sama gak macam orang Islam ke Buddha ke Hindu ke Kristian ke, mesti ada golongan yang mengikut ajaran agama dan ada yang tidak. Setiap manusia mempunyai idola masing-masing tetapi tidak semua yang ada pada idola itu patut diikuti 100% kerana manusia ada kelemahan dan kekuatannya, jadi kenalah ambil yang jernih sahaja dan buang yang keruh-keruh.... |
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something Jewish today:
1. done watching The Merchant of Venice
2. read news on the Hamas... |
you mentioning hamas... it reminds me
There are three things from political side that make me very happy for the fisrt month of 2006...
1) The new Osama tape that proves that he's still living
2) The victory of hamas in palestine
3) Iranian strong stand to continue to go ahead with nuclear research... i pray that iran will have nuclear weapons as soon as possible... god bless you ahmedinejad!!! |
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 1-2-2006 10:54 PM
3) Iranian strong stand to continue to go ahead with nuclear research... i pray that iran will have nuclear weapons as soon as possible...
ooops...will we be heading for ARMAGEDDON soon...![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
kids do not know how to handle love but only to express love. |
percaya atau tidak... nabi dan rasul kita terdiri drpd bangsa Israel... Nabi Yusof Rasul yg Tertampan,
Nabi Daud rasul yg bersuara merdu ...
dan trait2 dan gen mereka diwarisi oleh kebanyakan org yahudi skrg... ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
pasal yahudi tampan...
saya berkesempatan melawat Jerusalem (Beitulmuqaddis) tiga tahun lepas.... di kawasan masjidil aqsa di awasi oleh askar2 yahudi yang nampak muda2 malah mungkin baru awal dua puluhan...kesemua nya nampak muka2 mereka jernih2 dan mereka kacak sekali...saya terfikir...orang macam ni mana mungkin boleh membunuh dan kejam dan merampas wilayah orang??...
tapi itu lah dunia...saya fikir mereka ini hanya rasakan mereka mempertahankan kedaulatan dan hak mereka...kita yg islam ni pula fikir mereka kejam dan perampas hak mutlak kita... |
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 11-2-2006 11:25 PM
pasal yahudi tampan...
saya berkesempatan melawat Jerusalem (Beitulmuqaddis) tiga tahun lepas.... di kawasan masjidil aqsa di awasi oleh askar2 yahudi yang nampak muda2 malah mungkin baru awal d ...
wahhhhh.......ini sangkaan2 ker atau memang melalui selidikan kan mendalam tentang sikap orang yahudi??? |
Reply #17 Greenbottle3's post
sbb mereka bangsa yg tertua, ada dlm mana2 kitab (zabur, taurat, injil dan Quran) maka mereka berasakan mereka adalah bangsa pilihan... sedangkan Allah menjadikan kita berbangsa2 utk kita berkenal-kenal dan menyayangi antara satu sama lain... ntah ler.. krn byk drpd mereka org yg bijak.. kenapa le kebijaksanaan itu menjadikan mereka takbur... kenapa kecantikan mereka menjadikan perangai mereka hodoh, kenapakah kemerduan suara mereka menjadi jeritan banshee yg menakutkan...... |
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Originally posted by joe1983 at 11-2-2006 11:29 PM
wahhhhh.......ini sangkaan2 ker atau memang melalui selidikan kan mendalam tentang sikap orang yahudi???
mmg kebanyakan org yahudi tampan dan jelita joe.. walaupun mereka hanyalah seorang buruh kasar atau maid ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
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