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Adusss.... Kita dah kena kenching lagi ke? Awas bideo panjang ala movie di pangg

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Post time 6-7-2021 08:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Normabaru at 6-7-2021 08:26 AM

Naaaah....Terjawab sudah beberapa soalan yang berlegar di kepala dan benak fikiran forumer cari yang duduk atas pagar ('wait n see') macam kaka..

Amaran keras: video agak panjang dan sama level makian macam diba AA tapi sebab mmg byk make sense dan logik so kaka layan sambil makan popcorn lawyer ni pon berani siap cabar govt utk saman dia..  so bukan kaleng2 la khuens.. hehehe..


The Vaccines will according to their own 'fact sheet ' only reduce SYMPTOMS. Not cure covid.  
Tapi byk betul syarikat dapat job dari covid ni... Syarikat xde kaitan dgn pharmaceutical dan medical pon dpt job ratusan juta.. Takkan la govt buat massive global scams kat rakyat sendiri?

Ikut statement KKM sendiri ckp AEFI xsemestinya keluar sejurus lepas cucuk..ada yg amik masa lepas beberapa hari.. beberapa minggu.. beberapa bulan baru kesan sampingannya kelihatan dan kesan dia mungkin serious.. mungkin mild sahaja.. Ikut nasib badan

Sudah 24 negara tolak vaccine astra zenica...tapi malaysia terus cucuk rakyat nya termasuk usa haramkan astrazenica....ini menunjokkan khairy & norhisyam pembunoh??...tak peduli keselamatan rakyat Malaysia??..ini kata lawyer cina ni la..


Matthias Chang is a Malaysian of Chinese descent. He is a practicing Barrister and an Advocate & Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya since 1976. He once had the honour to serve as the Political Secretary to the 4th Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

He is the author of the best-selling “The Future Fastforward Trilogy” – Future Fastforward, The Zionist Anglo-American Meltdown; Brainwashed For War Programmed To Kill, The Zionist Global War Agenda; and The Shadow Money Lenders And The Global Financial Tsunami published by the American Free Press in US.

He also wrote the book, “Prisoner Of Conscience” after he was unjustly incarcerated in the Kajang Prison in Malaysia for an alleged contempt of Court in 2010 for opposing judicial abuse.

In 2015, he was arrested, charged and incarcerated in Sungai Buloh Prison in Malaysia under the draconian Security Offences (Special Measure) Act 2012 “SOSMA” and Section 124L of the Penal Code for attempting to sabotage the Banking and Financial Institution in Malaysia for exposing the 1MDB financial scandal and the criminality of the Najib regime in relation to that Scandal. On 20th July 2016 the Department of Justice (DOJ) of USA classified the scandal as the largest kleptocracy investigation in the history of DOJ.

He is also actively involved in the anti-war movement for the last 49 years and has participated and led in 3 missions to Gaza and was imprisoned by the Israelis for his efforts.

He is a Catholic but enjoins all to promote inter-faith understanding. He resides in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

He can be contacted at

Lagi... Dengar kabar abah kat spital bukan cirit biashe2.. Agak serious sampai doktor peribadinya dr SG pon akan turun.. Kinching rakyat kuat sgt sampai jatuh sakit ke cmne..dah hari ke 6 pon masih dok spital... Adakah ini Adverse Effect vaksin yang dia ambil?  

So...  kaka decide nk tepek sini utk kasi yang hardcore pro vaksin jawab, manala tahu dorg ada jawapan bernas utk benda2 si matthias ni bebel

At least boleh la meyakinkan kaka utk pergi cucuk myAZ ka cansino ka sinovac ka..khuenss?

Ke korang yg dah cucuk ur ass rasa seperti sudah kena kinching juaaaa? Dah cucuk2 skali european pon xrecognized astrazeneca.. Habis euro travelling dream bkecai

Yang atas pagar mahupun pro vax dan anti vax.. marila vote kat benang kaka ni..macam biasa, undi anda adalah rasie aggittewww~
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 Author| Post time 6-7-2021 09:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
otai_g replied at 6-7-2021 08:31 AM
Da kena remove la plk videonya. Aduh kecewa tul.

Untuk lihat video yang telah diremove boleh lawati link telegram di bawah


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Post time 6-7-2021 08:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Da kena remove la plk videonya. Aduh kecewa tul.

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2021 08:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alamak.. Baru semalam kaka tgk... Dah kena remove ke.. Choiii

Jap cmne nk tepek bideo ni? Kaka ada save dalam ipad kaka

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Post time 6-7-2021 09:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kenot bkn antivax tp ai mmg x prefer AZ sbb byk sgt adverse effects so far,kwn2 ai y cucuk AZ mcm ok je..hidup segar bugar..
Tp ai agak heran knp baik sgt Japan kasi percuma az,rupenye barang reject laa ye..

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Post time 6-7-2021 09:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah lama musykil, banyak negara tolak vaccine az, tapi kenapa malaysia ambik asal open aje slot daftar, berebut masing2.

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2021 09:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 6-7-2021 09:04 AM
Kenot bkn antivax tp ai mmg x prefer AZ sbb byk sgt adverse effects so far,kwn2 ai y ...

Ye dik.. Even thai sendiri ada kilang AZ pon xhingin bagi rakyat dia pki AZ.. India yang ada kilang vaksin pon pakai ivermectin.. Now china plak nak bg 'sumbangan' vaksin kat msia selepas jepun n usa.. Dorg xmo pakai ke.. And nape msia kena mengemis minta sumbangan vaksin.. Kata bajet billion dah bg so nape masih xcukup smpi perlu kutip donation

Acaner tu?

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2021 09:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Normabaru at 6-7-2021 09:14 AM
kuzaime replied at 6-7-2021 09:06 AM
Dah lama musykil, banyak negara tolak vaccine az, tapi kenapa malaysia ambik asal open aje s ...





Untuk lihat video yang telah diremove boleh lawati link telegram di bawah

Situ dia ada ckp pasal byk isu.. Mmg eye opening laa

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Post time 6-7-2021 09:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Semua melainkan tiada diatas

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Post time 6-7-2021 09:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Normabaru replied at 6-7-2021 09:08 AM
Ye dik.. Even thai sendiri ada kilang AZ pon xhingin bagi rakyat dia pki AZ.. India yang ada kilan ...

Kannn..lg satu knp az xmasuk dlm senarai vax y official..sinovac y drpd cina pn masuk,az ni siap bukak kt sapa2 y nak..
Lg satu kaka,ivermectin tu betul2 okay ke?sbb tgk ig kkm sblm ni duk ckp psl iver tu tp katanya tetap xleh ubat covid n xde kajian pn psl effectiveness iver tu..

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2021 09:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 6-7-2021 09:14 AM
Kannn..lg satu knp az xmasuk dlm senarai vax y official..sinovac y drpd cina pn masuk,az ni siap b ...

Untuk lihat video yang telah diremove boleh lawati link telegram di bawah


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Post time 6-7-2021 09:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Normabaru replied at 6-7-2021 09:16 AM
Untuk lihat video yang telah diremove boleh lawati link telegram di  ...

Hope dpt vax y betul2 bagus laa utk is out of question laa..hihihi~

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2021 09:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 6-7-2021 09:17 AM
Hope dpt vax y betul2 bagus laa utk is out of question laa..hihihi~

Beruntungla dik suki rebut2 tak dapat mai azz hr tu..impian g honeymoon kt euro countries masih belum bkubur. Ahahahah

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Post time 6-7-2021 09:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Peliks juga kan jepun bg vaksin astra zeneca
Adek iols dah amek..
Masa memula lepas jab tu dia demam teruks juga..

Iols n mak iols dapat far so good..tak.tau la masa depan mcmana..23 july ni iols appt 2nd dose..mak iols jumaat ni..

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Post time 6-7-2021 09:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Normabaru replied at 6-7-2021 09:20 AM
Beruntungla dik suki rebut2 tak dapat mai azz hr tu..impian g honeymoon kt euro countries masih be ...

Hahahaha..nak hanimun kt japan..ehhh tiberrrr.. kekeke~
Bab kawin pn ai dah x pk dah kaka..kalau ada,ada laa..kalau x,ai menyingle je kt perantauan ni .ehhhh...hihihi~

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2021 09:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 6-7-2021 09:24 AM
Peliks juga kan jepun bg vaksin astra zeneca
Adek iols dah amek..
Masa memula lepas jab tu dia dem ...

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Post time 6-7-2021 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Normabaru replied at 6-7-2021 09:25 AM

Huhu..sadis nya..
Barang reject kita terima ni?

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2021 09:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 6-7-2021 09:24 AM
Hahahaha..nak hanimun kt japan..ehhh tiberrrr.. kekeke~
Bab kawin pn ai dah x pk dah kaka..kalau  ...

Since pkp ni byk masa.. Kaka suggest dik suki try tgk bideo ni.. At least kalau nnt nk amik vaksin.. Kita tahu hak kita as rakyat.. As penerima vaksin dan apa perlu buat

Kaka semalam lps dgr bideo lawyer ni.. Terus macam terfikir.. Ehhhh betul laaa apa cina tuwe ni ckp..dia bash semua politician.. Xkisa parti mana.. Atok M yg dia pernah kerja pon kena maki. Mufti dgn menteri agama xguna pon sama kena. Hahaha

Siap dia tunjuk bukti.. Betapa xkonsisten ayat DG, ayat KJ yang semua mcm xde fiduciary duties dan accountability dalam semua statement dorg ckp

Kejap bulan ni kata preggy mommies n ibu myusu xblh amik vaksin.. Lepas tu xsampai setengah tahun not even 3bulan tibe2 ibu menyusu n preggy mommies blh amik plak.. Alasan xde kes aefi recorded

Masalahnya apa peranan dan kajian NPRA dah buat? Kalau dah mati siapa nk responsible? Dah la darurat.. kJ plak bukan doktor.. Dia bukan ada qualifications utk advise siapa yang boleh dan xboleh terima vaksin..

Kaka dgr smlm pon macam...hmm no wonder la kita msian dpt politaik yang xguna jadi pemimpin.. Semua xkisah demi periuk masing2..  

Doala byk2 kita dilindungi dr pemimpin2 zalim dan menindas ni..

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Post time 6-7-2021 09:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Normabaru replied at 6-7-2021 09:32 AM
Since pkp ni byk masa.. Kaka suggest dik suki try tgk bideo ni.. At least kalau nnt nk amik vaks ...

Masalahnya menteri yg ada dr pun x bleh pakai, x leh bg fakta yg bernas. apatah lg menteri yg bkn dr ni. Lg ke laut lah kita.

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2021 09:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 6-7-2021 09:27 AM
Huhu..sadis nya..
Barang reject kita terima ni?

laaa kaka ingat awak perasan..

Ye dik.. Kita ni dah macam tong sampah negara maju.. Dlu setakat kereta potong.. Kereta atas 5tahun je dicampak kat negara vaksin pon kita kutip. Level lab rat dah kita2 ni..  Hahahaha

Syarikat vaksin sendiri pon dah escape clause on responsibility ke atas kesan vaksin..
Kenapa kerajaan msia yang xbuat sebarang kajian blh bg jaminan siap ckp xde apa2 kesan dan vaksin2 ni sume selamat?

Kalau kaka jadi awak.. Kaka tunda je appt kaka..
Kaka dgr dlu apa cina tuwe ni ckp.. Xrugi pon kita dgr info dia cerita.. At least sampai awak yakin apa yang di masuk dlm badan.. Nyawa bukan benda main2

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