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Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn, 47 tahun. Lulusan Harvard. CEO dan President baharu PNB #
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Edited by R2D2 at 29-6-2020 07:11 PM
Khazanah's Zulqarnain Onn a candidate to replace Jalil at PNB
Jose Barrock
June 14, 2020 19:11 pm +08
KUALA LUMPUR (June 14): Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn, who is currently deputy managing director (MD) at Khazanah Nasional Bhd, has surfaced as the front runner to replace Jalil Rasheed as the chief executive officer (CEO) of Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB), should the latter step down as the head honcho at the country's largest asset management company.
Sources told that Ahmad Zulqarnain's name is being bandied about, but the appointment is pending PNB's board meeting in coming week to decide whether Jalil, who has held the post for barely eight months, will stay on to steer PNB.
"He (Ahmad Zulqarnain) is the front runner. He is experienced and knows the local landscape pretty well," one source said.
Another source said both Ahmad Zulqarnain and another former MD of an investment fund are being considered, but added that Ahmad Zulqarnain will likely be the chosen candidate.
Ahmad Zulqarnain, 47, joined Khazanah in May 2014. He is one of two deputy MDs appointed by Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, who was then the MD, in 2018.
Previously the CEO of Danajamin Nasional Bhd, Ahmad Zulqarnain graduated with Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Harvard University. He also had stints with UBS Warburg, Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Bhd, CIMB Group, and Symphony Group.
The Edge Weekly reported in its latest edition that Jalil could be stepping down as the CEO of PNB after discrepancies arose over his appointment last October.
PNB, which has as much as RM280 billion in funds under management, is the controlling shareholder of companies such as Malayan Banking Bhd, Sime Darby Bhd, S P Setia Bhd and UMW Holdings Bhd, with stakes held either directly or via its units under Amanah Saham funds.
The companies under the PNB banner have a collective market capitalisation of a few hundred billion ringgit, making PNB the largest investor in the local equities market behind the Employees Provident Fund.
Jalil is said to have started out at Aberdeen Standard Investments in London and after five years returned to expand Aberdeen's operations here. He then took on the top job at Invesco Ltd as CEO for six-and-a-half years, before joining PNB, to which he was appointed by the Pakatan Harapan government.
The youngest PNB CEO at 38, Jalil has been touted as a young dynamic leader — a fresh face who would change things at the conservative PNB.
If he does indeed leave, he will also have the distinction of having had the shortest stint of any PNB CEO.
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Tlg csi dia ni suku sakat siapa.... |
blh tahan kacak orang nya |
geng Tg Zafrul kot ..sama2 MCKK, pernah di CIMB juga.. umur pun lebih kurang je
wild guess |
Dulu2 time jalil rasheed br kena appoint, selalu dgr fund2 manager ni question kenapa dia dpt jd CEO PNB sbb ranking die bkn tinggi sgt  |
Hahaha jalil punya cert mungkin tak se-ori yg digembar gemburkan adoiyai dari politician sampai ke popesyenel berjangkit hehehe |

nampaknya aku tidak terpilih. aku amat sedih
Wah. Ijazah sarjana muda dari Harvard. Curlast |
pokaibanktokyo replied at 14-6-2020 10:37 PM
Wah. Ijazah sarjana muda dari Harvard. Curlast
Hebat anak muda ini...mohon dpt berkhidmat dgn terbaik...kalau boleh nak dia nih jadi one of the menteri...tak pun jd PM.. |
So far, jalil rasheed ni performance dia OK ke? Kalau ranking rendah tapi buat kerja dengan bagus, OK la kan? 
Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn bakal ke PNB?
14 June 2020
KUALA LUMPUR – Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn disebut-sebut bakal dilantik sebagai Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) yang baharu.
Pada masa ini beliau adalah Timbalan Pengarah Urusan Khazanah Nasional Berhad (Khazanah).
Beliau juga adalah bekas Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Danajamin Nasional Berhad.
Nama Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn tiba-tiba ‘hangat’ selepas Abdul Jalil Rasheed dikhabarkan akan meninggalkan kerusi panas yang didudukinya sejak 1 Oktober tahun lalu.
Setakat berita ini ditulis, belum ada sebarang pengumuman rasmi daripada PNB mahu pun Pejabat Perdana Menteri.
Bagaimanapun, spekulasi penamatan Abdul Jalil sudah berlegar dalam pasaran sejak Jumaat lalu. – MalaysiaGazette |
tak lah mereka mereka ini pandai sangat walaupun lulusan Harvard...belum mereka jumpa Simunggu
arnauld replied at 14-6-2020 10:04 PM
Hahaha jalil punya cert mungkin tak se-ori yg digembar gemburkan adoiyai dari politician sampai ke p ...
Biar betul? Sebab aku baca ke main forumer back si Jalil tu hebat. |
sarah82 replied at 15-6-2020 02:48 PM
Biar betul? Sebab aku baca ke main forumer back si Jalil tu hebat.
Ada confusion antara uol dgn lse pnb pening... |
arnauld replied at 15-6-2020 05:05 PM
Ada confusion antara uol dgn lse pnb pening...
Nak baca kat mana tentang dia? Cari semlm tak jumpa.. |
sarah82 replied at 15-6-2020 05:06 PM
Nak baca kat mana tentang dia? Cari semlm tak jumpa..
Try gugel ceo pnb resign ada keluar nanti... |
arnauld replied at 15-6-2020 06:31 PM
Try gugel ceo pnb resign ada keluar nanti...
Wokies.. Mlm ni boleh baca sambil main game. |
sarah82 replied at 15-6-2020 07:15 PM
Wokies.. Mlm ni boleh baca sambil main game.
Dia external student uol so most pobably fake bkn lse. Org msia very well versed uk univ punya system mana mau pulak yg panggil tu adoiyai... |
arnauld replied at 15-6-2020 08:14 PM
Dia external student ...
Jalil disahkan telah mengikuti pengajian sebagai penuntut luar dan lulus pengajian di University of London (UoL) dengan memperoleh Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains dengan kelas ketiga kepujian dalam Perakaunan dan Kewangan pada 1 Ogos 2003.
Dalam sijil tersebut tertera UoL adalah sekutu dengan London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Perghhhh.. Dah mcm Guan Eng... Dia ingat malaysian tak ada alumni LSE. |
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