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What Ticks You Off? 14 Common Pet Peeves
By E. E. Kane
What is a pet peeve? A peeve is usually a feeling of resentment, or maybe even a grievance. Pet peeves, then, are annoyances that never fail to put you in that mood of resentment. They also tend to be a matter of opinion, and are linked to your personality.
Pet peeves can raise your blood pressure faster than salty potato chips. What can you do? You might find some of your own top pet peeves in the following list, but there is help offered to diffuse the annoyance.
14 Common Pet Peeves
1. Looking Over Your Shoulder
As if Big Brother isn’t creepy enough, your colleagues, friends, spouse and children may all tramp on your privacy without realizing how violated you feel when they look over your shoulder as you read or write.
Position your computer desk so your back is to a wall. Now you are prepared to come out of your bubble when anyone approaches, and switch off the screen if you need to.
2. “Whatever!”
This is an especially strong pet peeve when coming from anyone younger than you are. Wouldn’t it be nice to counteract all of the rudeness in the world with the perfect comeback? Cheer up; “whatever” is a fad word and sure to become “so yesterday” any day now. We can only hope.
The attitude behind it is the problem. Brush it off if you think it was used as the young person’s attempt to be funny or hip, and back off if it was his way of saying, “You have pushed me too far.” In more disrespectful situations, you might try feigning deafness or act clueless to deflate the punchline effect. “Whatever, what? What does that mean?”
3. Talking Through the Movie
What can be worse than watching a movie with someone who insists on talking about it as you watch, and sometimes revealing what is about to come next? This is bad enough if it is someone sitting behind you in the movie theatre; it is even worse if it is your own friend or partner.
The answer: ear plugs. Smile and nod pleasantly, and giggle at the appropriate moments.
4. Gum Smacking
You could make up your own Dr. House-ism: “Wow, you look amazingly like the Jersey cow my parents bought me that I never wanted.” Well, perhaps sarcasm is not the polite response. Instead of screaming maniacally with insanity, picture the person as a Jersey cow. (Maniacal laughter is slightly more satisfying.)
5. Food Taken Off Your Plate
After wolfing down his food in three seconds, your partner then goes for yours. Apart from stabbing his fingers with your fork, you might suggest that you will happily share if he will ask first.
6. Lousy Drivers
Other drivers on the road can definitely be a pet peeve for many, especially those who are in a big hurry, honk at you as soon as the light turns green, ride your bumper in a 35 mph zone, or dart in front of you without signaling.
If you don’t need to drive, then ride the bus. If you do need to drive, go out of your way to avoid a busy highway. Country roads can be particularly peaceful, unless you get stuck behind one of those barn-size tractors going five miles an hour.
7. Waiters with Bad Timing
Effusive waiters are a little easier to take than those who abandon you completely. It is easier to understand why they park themselves casually in a seat and start chatting. You know they are working really hard to get that substantial tip.
Some people actually like that kind of thing – how is he to know you have about five miles of personal space floating around you? There is no excuse for the negligent waiter. Flag down the busboy and give the tip to him after he hustles up some help.
8. Know-It-Alls
What is worse than people who say “I know” after you explain something. Especially when you know there is no way they can really know. OK, maybe they did know, but it was rude of them not to pretend they didn’t so you could tell your little anecdote or share your fact. (Now who is the know-it-all?) People who stick their nose into your business, however, are a peevishly different matter.
Miss Manners (aka etiquette guru Judith Martin) recommends looking shocked and repeating “Excuse me?” until they leave you alone.
9. Toothpaste Globs
You thought the toilet paper and toilet seat would be here, but this is decidedly more irritating. When this happens, assign the sink-cleaning chore to the guiltiest parties.
10. Untrained Baggers
This is a common pet peeve unless you do not have issues with mashed bread, cold and warm items sacked together, and cleaning products thrown in with any type of food – well, who doesn’t have a problem with that? The baggers, evidently, must have been trained for speed rather than categorization.
Place the items on the conveyor belt as you would like them to be packed together. Stand next to the bagger and give polite direction, or take your own cloth bags; then you will likely be left to happily bag your own.
11. “Made in China”
This has nothing to do with Chinese culture or actual people, but with economics. When the almighty dollar is more important than the economic future of our nation … Well that is another topic. Buy American, if you can find it. And if you cannot, ask to speak to the store manager or owner and request more American-made products.
12. Faulty Fast-Food Communication Systems.
When some devices are on their last leg, hearing and being heard is of such a poor quality that it would be funny if it was not so irksome.
Upon reaching the drive-through window of a McDonalds in Harrisonville, Missouri, after a particularly taxing order, we asked the elderly lady if her job was difficult. She nodded and said, “I have been a bus driver and took care of two sets of twins.
This job is the most stressful thing I have ever done.” But by the time we passed to the next window, she was smiling. It helps to show sympathy and understanding to service personnel.
13. Discontinued Products
It is a major pet peeve to find the perfect shade of lipstick, flavor of toothpaste, shampoo product – and then it is discontinued. Two words: Stock up.
14. People Touching Your Food or Drink
It can irk you when you notice someone touch the rim of your glass when handing it to you. Or how about a server who touches your food as she sets it down? Have you ever seen people lean over your plate or drink as they talk?
OCD sufferers will sympathize. Germs and bodily fluids are to be feared above all! (Can we have a show of hands for all those who call themselves Adrian Monk?) There is no reason to become hyper in your response; a simple and polite request should do it. Preaching about germs might help, too. It will not change all of the care-free people around you, but you will gain a reputation and people will begin to respect your territory.
Whether you are a janitor, professor, editor or dentist, you have your own set of pet peeves. Your pet peeve likely leaves you feeling peevish because you are helpless to do anything about it, or the objects of your pet peeves refuse to change their behavior. Likely you have come up with your own coping skills, but if the objects of your pet peeves still drive you up the wall, try laughter.
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What's yours? ![](static/image/smiley/onion/2conggal.gif)
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One of my most frequent pet peeves is definitely lousy driver. Sampai rasa nak bagi flyers kat depa supaya tak langgar lampu merah dan yang paling penting, flyers cara2 nak guna signal. Haha.
Once in a while, faulty fast food communication breakdown does bother me especially when I made in bulk order.
Talking about people touching my foods or drinks, I dont mind sharing but make sure they wash their hands in the first place. Okay - ada ciri2 OCD rupanya.
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People asking the same question again and again and again and again and...
You get the gist. I just CANNOT ![](static/image/smiley/default/huffy.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif)
People chewing with their mouth open. HUGE TURN OFF. That smacking noise, UGH! |
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"aq ta vley bla ko tlis cmney"
Need I say more? no one's interested in deciphering your message, just write properly and save everyone's time |
Edited by moonbug at 16-3-2018 09:54 PM
And to a lesser extent; people not understanding what PET PEEVES actually mean many times I come across people who say that their biggest pet peeves are cockroaches and even cats. Oh nooooooo
So momod it's good that you decided to open this thread, thank you ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/flower.gif) |
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Mati2 ingatkan pasal pet. Baru nk cerita pasal kucing2 i ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
Btw, pet peeve paling tak boleh tolerate of course lousy driver. Yg lain2 tu menyakitkan hati tp xmelibatkan nyawa but if lousy driver boleh akibatkan org lain ditimpa masalah.
2nd fast food order. Kalau tgh lapar mmg boleh buat jadi takde mood. Either drive thru mahupon delivery. Cth kita dah drive thru sometime mana sempat nk belek2 takut kereta belakang dah tggu, sampai2 rumah, order slh atau xckup mmg menyirap la |
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moonbug replied at 16-3-2018 09:53 PM
And to a lesser extent; people not understanding what PET PEEVES actually mean many times I come ...
Ni i stuju. I lah tu yg xtau apa mksud pet peeve. Nasib baik mod tlg bukak thread ni & kasi meaning siap2 |
yes lousy driver..kekadang guna signal tapi tak matikan.. dah pergi kiri tapi tak matikan lagikan.. so kita pun teragak2, nak gi kiri lagi ke? tetibe g kanan pula, ehhhh..
ada satu lagi.. ne selalu berlaku kat kelig.. dah guna barang kita, tapi tak pulangkan.. bila tanya kat mna, ada dengan ali, pergi ali, ada dengan abu.. pergi abu, kata tak tahu.. hello please be responsible derr.. kekdahnyaaaa
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My pet peeves pulak:
Discontinued Products
-tengah merentan coz cleansing milk brand X dah ganti ngan baru. Yg baru tu berbau wangi menusuk2 hidung n muka jadi gatal2 lepas pakai. Geram.
Mud mask kegemaran pon dah dihentikan pengeluaran.
Yg x discontinued pulak i geram vanilla perfume kegemaran makin lama makin mahal. So x pakai dah. Ralat gak coz wangi ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif)
Toothpaste Globs
-cukupla pantang kalau tisu xde dlm toilet coz i suka lap toilet seat.
Yg lain2 xde tu iols try kompromi lg walau rase OCD teruk gak
Lousy Drivers
-asyikla terjumpa yg tukar lane x tgk kiri kanan.
-lg 1 pesen x menyempat nak masuk simpang, mengekor mcm nak masuk bonet keta sampai org xbleh nak reverse. Chill la wei.. xdenye bleh g london balik hari ngan gaya bawak keta uols tu ![](static/image/smiley/default/huffy.gif) |
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pet peeves?
org makan mulut berbunyi mengunyah.. ohh please mana table manners kau oi?
kalau makan dgn org mulut berbunyi tak reti tutup mulut time kunyah ni terus potong selera aku nak makan.. senang kata org yg takde table manners ni sgt tunf off la.. tolong la sekolah2 kat Malaysia ni ajar budak2 table manners.. ajar yg basic cukup la, no picture and please chew silently.. |
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1) lousy driver off course. Signal mana??? Tak kisah lah itu kampung atau tidak. Langgar traffic light and masuk jalan yang no entry. Cant you see no entry sign idiot!!!
2) orang front desk tapi rude and tak senyum. Sila kerja belakang belakanggg
3) kita dah tolong, cakap thanks or senyum pon tidak
4) orang yang suruh kita cerita lepas tu boleh kata not my problem. Like wth???!!!!
5) makan bunyiii
6) naik escalator berdiri sebelah kanan tapi tak gerak. Demyuuuu |
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1. Mencikkk lousy drivers!!!! Bile org horn, muka mcm hape jekkk.. as if kite yg buat slh besar dgn depa.. helllllllooooo, xblaja time management ke??? Xde ke urgency dlm khidupan sharian??? Pls consider org yg rushing kne ikut time...
2. Knows it all tp bkn yg ckp i know, tp jwn "SEMEMANG".. Asik jek sememang sememang, panggggg kang!!
3. Faulty fast food commmunication - yiiiiiiisssshhhhh stress sgt.. when u hv 4 minions, order byk kn.. susah sgt ke klu i ckp *no lettuce, no chilli sauce or ketchup*.. gelabah sgt dh knapeee???
4. Talking in a movie - dh bckp satu hal... ko rase tgk hindustan ngn mak ko kt kg ke???? Pastu duduk sejenis x diam.. buasir keee??? Sepak2 kerusi org.. yg beromen tu punnnnnnn, x tau ke org bwk kids jugk g tgk wyg??? X kn tgk frozen jumanji pun stim!!!!!!! Sjnis oink2 sgt kn...
Skian luahan pet peeves iollss.. love u TT..
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1) Loud chewing, or people chewing with their mouths open.
- ni i menyampah sangat. ada je my friends ngan family members sendiri makan bunyi chup chup chup kunyah kuat2. ingat cute ke apa.
2) Orang yg upload 10-20 posts at once kat Instagram.
e.g selfie. macam2 posing. right side view, left side view, front view, pastu buat duck face. ataupun gambar makanan different angle. OMG these kind of people I unfollowed terus. kosser tengok selfie pelbagai angle.
3) Orang yg upload FB posts hinting yg dorang ada masalah/putus cinta/sedih/kecewa. Bila kita tanya, dia kata takde apa2. pastu hint2 yg takde org care about her/him. padahal org tanya, dia tak nak jawab.
kalau dia tak beritahu, macamana org nak tolong? ingat kita ni mind reader ke apa?
4) Orang tolak2/langgar kita especially nak masuk train ke apa. tolak2 pulak. tak cakap sorry pulak tu.
5) Kawan kerja jenis musuh dalam selimut. bahaya wohhh. depan kita baik, belakang kita dia ngumpat.
6) Orang yg bukak lagu kuat2 masa dalam public transport. especially loud music. Pakai headphones la!
7) Budak2 yg buat bising kat public places. Parents boleh lagi cakap kuat bising2 sama mcm anak2 dia. bukan suruh bebudak tu pelan kan suara.
8) Orang yg tulis pakai short form macam kat Whatsapp.
Susah nak baca.
9) orang yg tekan butang traffic light atau butang lif.
tekan2 banyak kali agaknya trafik light bertukar jadi lampu merah and lift boleh datang cepat agaknya.
10) lepak dengan kawan atau family, masing-masing busy main hp atau talk about themselves memanjang. Rasa mcm tunggul kat situ.
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Interesting info ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif)
My biggest pet peeves
1. Smokers who smoke in public, especially when there are children around and others are having their meal
2. Lousy drivers. Those who dont know how to use the signal stick. Those who drive slow on fast lanes. Those who cut queue. Etc etc
3. Latecomers who never say sorry. Its unfair that u take ur own sweet time then waste other people's time. And u dont feel bad about it. Time is precious. Think of those people who have to wait for u |
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My pet peeves would be:
1) species yang x pandai nak beratur....x kisah beratut nak naik lrt, bayar parking, bayar and etc
2) yerp lousy drivers...yang bawa kereta mcm jalan nie dia sorang yg punye
3) waiter/cashier/sales assistant yang x friendly and bad mood yang malas nak layan customer
4) org yg in denial yang dia ada issues and budget org kena simpati dgn dia...macam dia sorang je ada masalah kt dunia nie...
5) parents yang x reti nak tegur their kids behaviour....i know it's normal for kids to jumping around and make noises....but should have limitation and respect to people
6) org yang lepas makan kt tmpt self service x pandai nak kemas and clear the tables - like ikea food. court. Dah tau ramai org, kan senang lpas makan tlg clearkan table...just like how u got the table clean
7) org yang nak org lain respect and hormat dia tp dia sendiri x respect and hormat org lain...respect is earned ok...
8) vandalisme and x reti nak appreciate benda2 free provided
9) bangsa yang jenis x reti appreacite lepas dh kena tlg...
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Smokers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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