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Di Jepun Pelajar Dipaksa Warnakan Rambut Menjadi Hitam
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Edited by spiderman80 at 30-10-2017 11:07 PM
An 18-year-old Japanese girl is suing her local government after her school made her repeatedly dye her naturally-brown hair black, media reports say.
The girl says she was told she would have to leave the high school near Osaka if she did not comply with a rule requiring students' hair to be black.
It is being reported that she says the dye damaged her hair and her scalp.
Kaifukan high school said its policy was to ban students from dyeing or bleaching hair.
The school's instruction to the girl to dye her hair was reportedly despite her mother telling the school that she was born with brownish hair.
Reports say the girl has not attended school since September last year.
The history of English school uniforms
She is said to be asking for $19,300 (14,700) in damages. Local media say that Osaka prefecture is asking the court to reject the claim.
Kaifukan's headteacher Masahiko Takahashi did not comment on the lawsuit.
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Many Japanese schools have strict rules about appearance, including hair colour, the use of make up and the length of skirts.
Earlier this year a survey by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper found that nearly 60% of high schools in the capital Tokyo asked students with light-coloured hair for proof that this was natural, for example by providing photographs of them as infants.
The newspaper said that discipline was seen as a strong selling point for schools amid growing competition to attract new students given the country's declining birth rate. |
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ingatkan sekolah kt jepun ni open minded mcm kt amareka  |
sharlenetexas replied at 30-10-2017 12:45 PM
ingatkan sekolah kt jepun ni open minded mcm kt amareka
Japanese bersepab je pprt n judgemental.i know them a bit here n there. Cant imagine if i have to live in Osaka. Pegi sight seeing sesekali ok la |
Tu gmbr gegirl tu ke? Comelnye |
Anime sangat wajah ko dik. So gorgeous |
gmbr yg last tu, comel dan cantiknya ....
Maw cuti sbulan bila kawen nanti  |
puak amno versi jepun la yg buat kerje2 mcm ni. ketuanan sangat tanpa mengenali perubahan zaman sampai menindas yg tidak bersalah |
sekolah kat jepun x mcm kat usa dekk....kat jepun ada uniform.....namun semasa kakak di tokyo dulu kakak tgk skirt diorang memang singkat sampai nmpak panty pu ada....cikki yg color rambut pun byk....mcm2 color dek...perang...ungu..biru....x der la strict mana pun....mungkin osaka prefecture ni kawasan yg agak konservative agaknya....
Baguslah .. di US ni kecik kecik dah bercolor rambut mata tetap sepet. Aii suka sistem di Malaysia ada uniform pakai kasut socks putih. ribben rambut hitam biru dan putih sahaja .. di US private school ker guna uniform. Bila high school bebudak perempuan pakaian cantik sikit dari a hoe. |
budak sekolah sana pakai skirt pendek musim winter sampai kelabu paha. Risau tengok macam daging dalam freezer je.
Modngengade replied at 30-10-2017 01:28 PM
sekolah kat jepun x mcm kat usa dekk....kat jepun ada uniform.....namun semasa kakak di tokyo dulu ...
Kawasan taliban ke? |
kan....dgn rambut karat, mata sepet.....mungkin ini stok2 jepun pprt
entahlah dekkk....ada akak kesah sebab jepun mmg bukan akak punya cawan teh iya
Sebenarnya ummah oriental dan nusantara asia ni hanya cantik kalo berambut hitam jah.. Sbb dah sesuai le Tuhan cipta sesuai dgn kaler kulit, kaler eyeball, kaler rambut
Yg stok2 mata sepet, kulit berkerak indon tp kaler dye rambut ala2 blonde ni serius akak rasa buruk nak mampus |
cmf_premierleag replied at 30-10-2017 02:55 PM
Sebenarnya ummah oriental dan nusantara asia ni hanya cantik kalo berambut hitam jah.. Sbb dah sesua ...
kalau negro blonde sis? hahahah |
Kat Jepun ni bab displin sekolah mereka memang nampak ketara bukan hanya bab uniform sekolah je malah sokin, kasut, bag sekolah, bag kecik, fail pun kena guna yang sama buat semua murid dah dijual di sekolah je. Tak da nya nampak bag sekolah warna warni macam2 design kasut macam kat sini. Kalau yang bekerja dipejabat rata2 hanya pakai pakaian berwarna hitam, kelabu atau cokelat je. Tak da warna2 meriah shocking terang berambu ramba macam kat sini. |
Rambut kene hitam tapi make up sakan diorg ni. Terkejut tgk bdk sekolah msk ttain kuar make up bagai elok je tacap eye liner. Kalau iols dah senget dah time train bergerak  |
Artemesiaa replied at 30-10-2017 03:07 PM
Kat Jepun ni bab displin sekolah mereka memang nampak ketara bukan hanya bab uniform sekolah je mala ...
Kalau pakaian pejabat berwarna pun mereka guna yang warna pastel kan. Honestly, I suka dengan keseragaman pakaian warna kelam macam hitam, kelabu, biru, putih & coklat sebab nampak kemas & professional. |
naper tak check bulu pubis.... yg tu haruslah natural colour kan...
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