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skinskin    |   4-2-2019 10:05 PM    |   View:96   |   Reply:46    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 14-7-2024 09:48 PM This Forum
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Mbappe akur Real Madrid tidak benarkannya beraksi dalam Sukan Olimpik Paris 2024 mewakili Perancis New
Vellfire    |   26-7-2024 08:39 PM    |   View:14398   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 26-7-2024 08:39 PM
Maghribi tundukkan Argentina 2-1 New
Vellfire    |   26-7-2024 03:34 PM    |   View:16457   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 26-7-2024 03:34 PM
Bintang Perancis Kylian Mbappe tandatangan kontrak dengan Real Madrid
Vellfire    |   17-7-2024 10:52 AM    |   View:14292   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 17-7-2024 10:52 AM
Sepanyol sambut kepulangan wira
Vellfire    |   17-7-2024 10:50 AM    |   View:14217   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 17-7-2024 10:50 AM


Argentina menang rekod Copa kali ke-16
Vellfire    |   15-7-2024 10:31 PM    |   View:27416   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 15-7-2024 10:31 PM
Euro 2024: Sepanyol juara, England berduka lagi agree
Vellfire    |   15-7-2024 06:57 AM    |   View:19595   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 15-7-2024 06:57 AM
England tak patut dapat penalti - Neville
Vellfire    |   11-7-2024 08:10 AM    |   View:10115   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 11-7-2024 08:10 AM
Koeman sukar terima kekalahan di tangan England
Vellfire    |   11-7-2024 08:05 AM    |   View:9196   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 11-7-2024 08:05 AM
England temu Sepanyol final Euro 2024
Vellfire    |   11-7-2024 08:02 AM    |   View:9178   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 11-7-2024 08:02 AM
Sepanyol ke final Euro 2024
Vellfire    |   11-7-2024 07:51 AM    |   View:8830   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 11-7-2024 07:51 AM
Perancis gagal tepati ramalan
Vellfire    |   11-7-2024 07:46 AM    |   View:8624   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 11-7-2024 07:46 AM
EURO 2024: Itali tekad bangkit daripada aksi berkarat agree
Vellfire    |   24-6-2024 10:34 PM    |   View:6581   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
sekngucing 5-7-2024 11:15 PM
UEFA bakal hukum budak lelaki 'selfie' dengan Ronaldo agree
Vellfire    |   24-6-2024 10:32 PM    |   View:6235   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 24-6-2024 10:32 PM
Euro 2024: Helang ramal England benam Slovenia agree
Vellfire    |   23-6-2024 09:19 PM    |   View:14833   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 23-6-2024 09:19 PM
Nasib Austria, Belanda di tangan mereka sendiri agree
Vellfire    |   23-6-2024 09:17 PM    |   View:14593   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 23-6-2024 09:17 PM
Denmark dijangka tampil penuh yakin agree
Vellfire    |   23-6-2024 09:15 PM    |   View:14620   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Vellfire 23-6-2024 09:15 PM
KL City enggan ulangi kesilapan sama agree
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 04:18 PM    |   View:4412   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 04:18 PM
Pan-gon akui berdepan tekanan luar jangka agree
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 04:17 PM    |   View:4325   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 04:17 PM
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Terengganu FC batalkan penajaan XFOX Market Holdings agree
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 03:05 PM    |   View:4235   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 03:05 PM
Mana lagi 'ekor Harimau Malaya'? agree
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 03:02 PM    |   View:4361   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 03:02 PM
Ronaldo pemegang rekod Euro
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 03:01 PM    |   View:4210   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 03:01 PM
Kenapa Malaysia-Taiwan main dulu?
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 03:00 PM    |   View:4238   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 03:00 PM
Fullkrug berang dibuli Rudiger
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:59 PM    |   View:4355   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:59 PM
Euro 2024 peluang terakhir Southgate
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:57 PM    |   View:4241   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:57 PM


Robinho belajar baiki TV, radio di penjara
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:56 PM    |   View:3915   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:56 PM
Awas perubahan taktikal Perak - Ubaidullah
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:55 PM    |   View:3381   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:55 PM
Vinicius sambut baik hukuman penjara terhadap penyokong rasis
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:53 PM    |   View:3416   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:53 PM
Euro 2024: Slovakia bukan pasukan belasahan
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:51 PM    |   View:3209   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:51 PM
Euro 2024: Belanda harap tuah bumi Jerman
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:47 PM    |   View:3272   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:47 PM
Euro 2024: Isyarat Itali pertahan kejuaraan
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:46 PM    |   View:3244   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:46 PM
Euro 2024: Corak menyerang pilihan Jerman
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:45 PM    |   View:2953   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:45 PM
Taiwan anggap hajat Malaysia mustahil
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:38 PM    |   View:3219   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:38 PM
Josue minta rakan kawal ‘ghairah’
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:36 PM    |   View:3124   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:36 PM
Real Madrid siap dana bawa masuk Wirtz
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:35 PM    |   View:3041   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:35 PM
Kim Pan-gon yakin Harimau Malaya ledak 7 gol
mattzzx    |   11-6-2024 02:34 PM    |   View:3026   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 11-6-2024 02:34 PM
Taiwan keliru Malaysia mahu menang besar
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 03:30 PM    |   View:3049   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 03:30 PM
Jangan tertekan, buru gol seawal mungkin - Josue
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 03:29 PM    |   View:2910   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 03:29 PM
Lima slot jadi rebutan pada Piala Dunia zon Asia
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 01:09 PM    |   View:5103   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 01:09 PM
Euro 2024: Denmark mahu ulang prestasi cemerlang
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 12:06 PM    |   View:5008   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 12:06 PM
Fokus Euro 2024: Belgium miliki banyak kelebihan
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:46 AM    |   View:5384   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:46 AM
Bolt retak tumit main bola
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:45 AM    |   View:5522   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:45 AM
Di Maria sumbat gol kemenangan Argentina
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:43 AM    |   View:5460   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:43 AM
Itali atasi Bosnia aksi pemanas badan terakhir
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:41 AM    |   View:5567   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:41 AM
Frattesi pastikan Itali benam Bosnia
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:34 AM    |   View:5664   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:34 AM
Perancis gagal tembusi kekebalan benteng Kanada
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:33 AM    |   View:5552   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:33 AM
Tuchel ganti Ten Hag?
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:30 AM    |   View:5442   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:30 AM
Euro 2024: Sepanyol layak dilabel pilihan utama
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:25 AM    |   View:5455   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:25 AM
Euro 2024: England tidak mahu sekadar ‘popular’
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:23 AM    |   View:5086   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:23 AM
Portugal tak goyang kalah mengejut
mattzzx    |   10-6-2024 11:21 AM    |   View:5089   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
mattzzx 10-6-2024 11:21 AM
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