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Moderator: ibnur, carisupport
Bukti gempa bumi berpunca dari LBGT
Atheis    |   28-5-2016 08:36 PM    |   View:2527   |   Reply:4    |   Likes: 0
Atheis 28-5-2016 10:03 PM
780 ribu org masuk kristian, apalah sgt dgn zakir naik? attach_img  ...2
Acong_II    |   21-5-2016 08:32 PM    |   View:6816   |   Reply:28    |   Likes: 0
Atheis 27-5-2016 11:04 PM
‘350 million Muslims secretly live as Christian converts’ Newbie Thread attach_img  ...2
Acong2003    |   22-5-2016 08:36 PM    |   View:5753   |   Reply:32    |   Likes: 0
Atheis 27-5-2016 11:01 PM
al-kisah lembu pencen dan anak kuda disagree
ZEUSisLOVE    |   27-5-2016 09:04 PM    |   View:1364   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
FARRAZOOL 27-5-2016 09:29 PM
Evolusi MOONGOD Newbie Thread disagree
IamZEUS    |   26-5-2016 07:09 PM    |   View:1803   |   Reply:9    |   Likes: 0
hijrah8 27-5-2016 02:48 PM
Deism? Religion for the enlightened? attach_img  ...2
Acong_II    |   22-5-2016 03:14 AM    |   View:5076   |   Reply:23    |   Likes: 0
Dwdrum 27-5-2016 10:41 AM
Admin, aku usulkan Ibnur dipecat dari menjadi moderator attach_img  ...2
Acong_II    |   20-5-2016 12:25 AM    |   View:5073   |   Reply:31    |   Likes: 0
ibnur 27-5-2016 08:16 AM
sam1528, apakah bunyi kurang IQ ini? attach_img disagree
Acong2003    |   23-5-2016 01:12 AM    |   View:1938   |   Reply:13    |   Likes: 0
Acong2003 27-5-2016 07:35 AM
kenapa theist kuat menipu? attach_img  ...2
Acong2003    |   25-5-2016 11:55 PM    |   View:5568   |   Reply:30    |   Likes: 0
Acong2003 27-5-2016 07:25 AM
jika tuhan adalah seekor khinzir.... attach_img disagree
Acong_II    |   21-5-2016 12:51 AM    |   View:2375   |   Reply:9    |   Likes: 0
IamZEUS 27-5-2016 03:08 AM
Demonstrasi aman oleh orang2 kafir attach_img
Acong_II    |   21-5-2016 03:08 AM    |   View:2588   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
IamZEUS 26-5-2016 07:21 PM
Acong.... science wujud tak sebelum time & space? attach_img  ...2
ibnur    |   20-5-2016 10:47 PM    |   View:5838   |   Reply:35    |   Likes: 0
Acong2003 26-5-2016 06:56 PM
adakah theist buat baik semata2 ganjaran 72 bidadari? attach_img
Acong2003    |   26-5-2016 12:02 AM    |   View:2620   |   Reply:15    |   Likes: 0
Acong2003 26-5-2016 06:45 PM
Marilah kita sembah tuhan Zeus yg maha esa attach_img disagree
Acong2003    |   26-5-2016 01:32 AM    |   View:1914   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
ibnur 26-5-2016 08:45 AM
apa jadi jika pegangan atheist salah? attach_img  ...2
Acong_II    |   21-5-2016 12:08 AM    |   View:7329   |   Reply:27    |   Likes: 0
IamZEUS 26-5-2016 06:54 AM
Kitab tuhan adalah palsu attach_img
Acong_II    |   19-5-2016 09:25 PM    |   View:2604   |   Reply:16    |   Likes: 0
IamZEUS 26-5-2016 06:47 AM
antara asal usul agama attach_img  ...23456..16
Acong    |   15-3-2016 10:53 PM    |   View:31694   |   Reply:317    |   Likes: 0
Acong2003 26-5-2016 12:56 AM
Penganut agama palsu yg sesat dalam ketakutan attach_img
Acong_II    |   18-5-2016 02:46 AM    |   View:3106   |   Reply:7    |   Likes: 0
Acong2003 26-5-2016 12:33 AM
Kenapa golongan theist mudah rasa terhina? attach_img  ...2
Acong_II    |   22-5-2016 12:58 AM    |   View:6067   |   Reply:25    |   Likes: 0
Acong2003 25-5-2016 11:57 PM
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Maka lahirlah sebuah kitab koran versi baru attachment
Acong_II    |   20-5-2016 02:12 PM    |   View:2998   |   Reply:8    |   Likes: 0
Acong2003 23-5-2016 05:17 PM
kebodohan penganut agama di rancangan TV
Acong_II    |   21-5-2016 12:16 AM    |   View:2771   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
Acong2003 22-5-2016 08:24 PM
Penganut agama kurang cerdik - Doalah dikurniakan akal attach_img  ...23
Acong_II    |   18-5-2016 02:26 AM    |   View:7940   |   Reply:49    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 22-5-2016 08:13 AM
ibnur bila nak bawa bukti tuhan ko tu wujud? attach_img
Acong_II    |   20-5-2016 10:46 PM    |   View:2348   |   Reply:10    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 21-5-2016 03:29 PM
Atheist logic 2: untuk Acong lagi.... sains... attach_img  ...2
ibnur    |   18-5-2016 10:36 PM    |   View:6600   |   Reply:35    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 21-5-2016 02:12 AM
penipuan dalam agama attachment  ...2
Acong_II    |   17-5-2016 10:01 PM    |   View:4809   |   Reply:25    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 20-5-2016 10:15 PM
10 tuhan dan agama yg sudah pupus attach_img
Acong    |   11-5-2016 09:40 PM    |   View:3766   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 20-5-2016 10:08 PM
Agama tiada tempat pada zaman moden attach_img  ...23
Acong_II    |   14-5-2016 10:20 PM    |   View:6648   |   Reply:45    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 20-5-2016 09:39 PM
sorry your post is shorter then 5
monyet_2015    |   19-5-2016 01:03 PM    |   View:1702   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 20-5-2016 08:12 PM
Sebarkan biar satu ayat attach_img
Acong_II    |   20-5-2016 01:32 AM    |   View:2418   |   Reply:7    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 20-5-2016 06:23 PM
Penganut tuhan mempunyai IQ rendah MAT SLOWPOKE attach_img
Acong_II    |   18-5-2016 02:14 AM    |   View:2740   |   Reply:8    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 20-5-2016 02:47 PM
Ceramah Dr Zakir Naik yg mengukuhkan keyakinan para ateis bahawa TIADA TUHAN attach_img  ...23456
Acong_II    |   16-4-2016 02:54 AM    |   View:13178   |   Reply:106    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 18-5-2016 10:33 PM
You can still enter attach_img  ...23
monyet_2015    |   19-4-2016 08:36 AM    |   View:6530   |   Reply:46    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 18-5-2016 08:19 PM
pertanyaan utk para penganut agama attachment  ...2
Acong_II    |   17-5-2016 10:31 AM    |   View:5159   |   Reply:20    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 18-5-2016 08:17 PM
Why would Saudi foreign minister lie???? attach_img  ...2
Truth.8    |   19-4-2016 05:46 PM    |   View:5265   |   Reply:29    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 18-5-2016 08:11 PM
Nasib Muslim seperti Bani Israel...akan wujudkah Talmud versi Muslim? attach_img  ...2345
sabbath_shalom    |   19-3-2016 10:50 AM    |   View:8724   |   Reply:82    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 18-5-2016 04:02 AM
Pengotor punya penganut tuhan
Acong_II    |   18-5-2016 01:47 AM    |   View:1310   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 18-5-2016 01:47 AM
Scottish man who converted to Islam without ever meeting a Muslim attach_img
obelisk    |   10-2-2016 02:09 PM    |   View:4875   |   Reply:15    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 17-5-2016 09:25 PM
sorry your post is shorter then 5 attach_img
monyet_2015    |   16-5-2016 10:58 AM    |   View:1784   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 17-5-2016 12:37 AM
You can still enter 59 characters attach_img
monyet_2015    |   7-5-2016 08:09 AM    |   View:2121   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 15-5-2016 10:54 PM
Lelaki dapat wahyu tuhan supaya bunuh ahli keluarga attach_img  ...2
Acong    |   3-5-2016 12:48 AM    |   View:5721   |   Reply:21    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 15-5-2016 10:08 PM
aku blh buktikan wujudnya graviti... apakah bukti kewujudan tuhan attach_img  ...234
Acong    |   10-5-2016 06:55 AM    |   View:10272   |   Reply:60    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 15-5-2016 10:05 PM
Orang yg percayakan tuhan adalah hipokrit attach_img  ...2
Acong    |   25-2-2016 05:17 PM    |   View:4844   |   Reply:32    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 14-5-2016 01:30 PM
Why Islam is False? attach_img  ...2
Sephiroth    |   29-4-2016 08:46 AM    |   View:5277   |   Reply:32    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 14-5-2016 02:07 AM
100% buatan bumiputra....ada sini ada sana attach_img
Truth.8    |   13-5-2016 11:58 AM    |   View:1780   |   Reply:1    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 14-5-2016 02:01 AM
Proof From Quran, Allah Said Jesus Christ Is Only God Almighty !!! attach_img  ...2345
Truth.8    |   13-1-2016 10:48 AM    |   View:12646   |   Reply:87    |   Likes: 0
imatt 3-5-2016 11:05 PM
Agama, Tuhan, Neraka & Syurga adalah pembohongan semata2 attach_img
Acong    |   26-4-2016 02:32 AM    |   View:2363   |   Reply:7    |   Likes: 0
Mr_Beruk 29-4-2016 08:28 AM
Pembohongan Zakir Naik attach_img  ...2
Acong    |   26-4-2016 05:09 PM    |   View:4132   |   Reply:21    |   Likes: 0
Acong 27-4-2016 05:23 PM
Tuhan tak sempat melarikan diri sebelum dirosakkan attach_img
Acong_II    |   25-4-2016 10:25 PM    |   View:2152   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
Acong 27-4-2016 01:31 AM
American Muslim became Christian after watching debate attach_img
Acong    |   26-4-2016 03:11 AM    |   View:2199   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Acong 26-4-2016 03:11 AM
Former Miss World, Beauty Queen of Czech Democratic Republic embraces Islam attachment
obelisk    |   15-3-2016 09:02 AM    |   View:3799   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
Acong_II 26-4-2016 12:02 AM
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