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Komunikasi, Kebudayaan & Kesenian
Moderator: fahdramli, seribulan
[Seni] Lets TALK Lirik Kemanusiaan... attach_img agree  ...23
seribulan    |   28-8-2019 03:31 PM    |   View:16204   |   Reply:54    |   Likes: 0
Erinna 26-9-2020 01:38 PM
[Budaya] Choose Some Trends And We'll Tell You Which Decade You Belong In Newbie Thread attach_img agree  ...2
blurp    |   31-12-2019 07:11 AM    |   View:9078   |   Reply:23    |   Likes: 0
Erinna 26-9-2020 01:32 PM
[Seni] Lets TALK Lirik Kemerdekaan... agree  ...2
seribulan    |   28-8-2019 03:27 PM    |   View:14466   |   Reply:28    |   Likes: 0
Erinna 26-9-2020 09:13 AM
[Budaya] POP CULTURE QUIZ... attach_img recommend agree  ...2
seribulan    |   28-2-2019 08:27 AM    |   View:12645   |   Reply:35    |   Likes: 1
Erinna 25-9-2020 09:07 PM
[Komunikasi] Quiz:What's Your Herbs And Spices IQ? attach_img agree  ...2345
farhana008    |   12-10-2019 08:57 AM    |   View:30110   |   Reply:97    |   Likes: 0
Erinna 25-9-2020 08:54 PM
[Budaya] Quiz: Which Self-Care Ritual Should You Be Doing Right Now? attach_img agree  ...23
edoraixora    |   13-9-2019 03:41 PM    |   View:16245   |   Reply:44    |   Likes: 0
Erinna 25-9-2020 08:40 PM
[Bahasa] ...ANYTHING CREATIVE... attach_img digest recommend agree  ...23456..100
seribulan    |   26-5-2017 11:04 PM    |   View:232822   |   Reply:2002    |   Likes: 3
seribulan 21-9-2020 05:09 PM
[Bahasa] Nama ikan yang korang kenai dan tau, tunjuk gambar sekali attach_img digest recommend agree  ...23456..8
fahdramli    |   1-11-2019 09:05 AM    |   View:95524   |   Reply:153    |   Likes: 3
ellez 6-9-2020 06:27 AM
[Budaya] jangan terus pakai baju baru beli, tak bersih sebenarnya agree  ...2
johan-adx    |   31-12-2019 02:36 PM    |   View:13111   |   Reply:20    |   Likes: 0
ellez 6-9-2020 06:12 AM
essay contest 2008
seribulan    |   3-5-2008 10:17 AM    |   View:4941   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 13-8-2020 09:04 AM
[Komunikasi] [PROSODY CENTRE]: MEMAHAMI PROSODY DI DALAM PERCAKAPAN attach_img digest agree  ...234
ipes2    |   4-2-2019 12:37 AM    |   View:27654   |   Reply:70    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 17-6-2020 11:26 AM
[Pelbagai] Meh gantung kad ucapan kat ranting pokok :) attach_img digest recommend  ...23456
seribulan    |   1-5-2019 08:25 AM    |   View:45677   |   Reply:104    |   Likes: 3
seribulan 27-5-2020 03:42 PM
[Budaya] Korang Pernah Tak Kerja Masa Hari Raya? attach_img digest agree  ...23456..9
KILL_NANCY    |   27-5-2019 08:57 PM    |   View:51347   |   Reply:169    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 19-5-2020 12:47 PM
[Pelbagai] Kisah menarik menyambut puasa :) digest agree  ...2
seribulan    |   29-4-2019 06:23 PM    |   View:13379   |   Reply:36    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 19-5-2020 12:44 PM
[Budaya] Lets TALK saman... digest agree
seribulan    |   13-10-2019 12:06 PM    |   View:7170   |   Reply:18    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 19-5-2020 12:42 PM
[Budaya] Biskut raya tradisional semakin luput daripada lidah masyarakat Melayu attach_img digest recommend agree
lanesra    |   13-6-2019 01:47 PM    |   View:8282   |   Reply:16    |   Likes: 1
seribulan 19-5-2020 12:26 PM
[Pelbagai] Kisah menarik menyambut raya :) digest agree  ...2
seribulan    |   29-4-2019 06:25 PM    |   View:13514   |   Reply:32    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 19-5-2020 12:24 PM
[Pelbagai] Survei untuk memahami pendapat anda mengenai isu-isu sosial attach_img agree
psych_research    |   18-5-2020 08:25 PM    |   View:3794   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
psych_research 18-5-2020 08:25 PM
[Seni] Quiz: Do You Remember If These 18 Movies Actually Came Out In 2018 Or 2019? Newbie Thread attach_img agree  ...2
yukisakura    |   17-12-2019 02:57 PM    |   View:10235   |   Reply:30    |   Likes: 0
Shaian 13-5-2020 10:41 PM
Follow Us
johan-adx    |   27-6-2019 08:30 AM    |   View:7264   |   Reply:19    |   Likes: 0
miarshya 13-5-2020 02:56 PM
[Seni] AKU, POTLOT DAN LUKISAN attach_img digest agree  ...23456
KILL_NANCY    |   19-7-2019 02:59 PM    |   View:40032   |   Reply:111    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 13-5-2020 12:08 PM
[Pelbagai] Quiz: Tell Us Which You Find More Annoying attach_img agree  ...234
mamahs    |   2-12-2019 02:35 PM    |   View:15713   |   Reply:73    |   Likes: 0
Shaian 13-5-2020 11:11 AM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 51] KHILAF agree  ...2
seribulan    |   3-3-2020 07:29 AM    |   View:7451   |   Reply:21    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 3-5-2020 08:13 PM
[Pelbagai] Kuiz Bahasa Melayu 2 attach_img agree
yukisakura    |   18-12-2019 03:02 PM    |   View:5288   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 0
pisang_tanduk 29-4-2020 11:24 AM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 52] HALUAN agree
seribulan    |   10-3-2020 07:43 AM    |   View:4088   |   Reply:9    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 17-3-2020 09:16 AM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 50] Pendosa agree
seribulan    |   26-2-2020 07:53 AM    |   View:4275   |   Reply:17    |   Likes: 0
ipes2 13-3-2020 03:39 PM
[Budaya] QUIZ: How Much Do You Care aabout Your Appearance? attach_img agree  ...2
ciksepatu    |   24-9-2019 07:16 AM    |   View:10825   |   Reply:32    |   Likes: 0
kakiporet 12-3-2020 07:01 PM
Classical music digest agree  ...2
DFP_friend    |   9-3-2006 03:06 PM    |   View:14551   |   Reply:36    |   Likes: 0
Erika2233 8-3-2020 01:21 AM
[Bahasa] ...coretan hati puisi syahdu... attach_img digest recommend agree  ...23456..28
seribulan    |   1-3-2017 02:15 PM    |   View:115206   |   Reply:544    |   Likes: 5
jas7512 1-3-2020 12:30 AM
[Komunikasi] Tempat shoping online barang murah dan berbaloi attach_img digest agree  ...23
johan-adx    |   1-7-2019 09:17 AM    |   View:19722   |   Reply:44    |   Likes: 0
johan-adx 26-2-2020 02:40 PM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 49] Then and Now, Later attach_img agree
seribulan    |   18-2-2020 07:56 AM    |   View:4006   |   Reply:10    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 26-2-2020 07:44 AM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 48] Akulah Penemanmu attach_img digest agree  ...2
seribulan    |   11-2-2020 07:55 AM    |   View:12679   |   Reply:26    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 18-2-2020 07:51 AM
[Bahasa] Macam mana nak bantu anak2 kampung untuk belajar English digest agree  ...23
fahdramli    |   28-2-2019 01:56 PM    |   View:20353   |   Reply:49    |   Likes: 0
ReginaGeorge 17-2-2020 10:22 PM
[Budaya] Are You Addicted to Your Cell Phone? attach_img agree  ...234
farhana008    |   22-9-2019 08:32 PM    |   View:18680   |   Reply:62    |   Likes: 0
ReginaGeorge 17-2-2020 09:48 PM
[Bahasa] Kongsi gambar pemandangan dalam fon attach_img digest  ...2345
fahdramli    |   27-10-2019 02:41 PM    |   View:40786   |   Reply:96    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 16-2-2020 12:35 PM
[Seni] Lets TALK Lirik Makanan... recommend  ...23
seribulan    |   28-8-2019 03:28 PM    |   View:17270   |   Reply:42    |   Likes: 1
seribulan 13-2-2020 01:16 PM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 47] Kita attach_img recommend agree  ...2
seribulan    |   4-2-2020 06:05 PM    |   View:7412   |   Reply:29    |   Likes: 1
seribulan 11-2-2020 07:44 AM
[Pelbagai] Test Your Food Knowledge attach_img agree  ...2
farhana008    |   23-9-2019 06:45 PM    |   View:10310   |   Reply:27    |   Likes: 0
sojambu 9-2-2020 09:00 PM
[Seni] Menurut Formula Saintis, Lagu-lagu Ini Menaikkan Semangat Pendengar digest agree
dani-rox    |   11-8-2019 01:55 AM    |   View:6987   |   Reply:14    |   Likes: 0
sojambu 8-2-2020 04:29 PM
[Pelbagai] ...LETS JOKE TO TICKLE THE MIND... attach_img digest recommend agree  ...23456..42
seribulan    |   14-2-2017 09:14 PM    |   View:146340   |   Reply:834    |   Likes: 1
sojambu 5-2-2020 08:45 PM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 46] KEPOMPONG... attach_img digest agree
seribulan    |   28-1-2020 09:53 AM    |   View:6726   |   Reply:16    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 4-2-2020 03:54 PM
[Budaya] Sudu dan tangan mana satu pilihan nak makan attach_img digest recommend agree  ...23456
fahdramli    |   5-11-2019 07:32 PM    |   View:35241   |   Reply:107    |   Likes: 1
Cassieopeia 4-2-2020 10:58 AM
[Budaya] Tekak anda tekak melayu or tekak negara lain digest agree  ...23
fahdramli    |   31-10-2019 04:25 PM    |   View:18787   |   Reply:55    |   Likes: 0
sojambu 2-2-2020 01:40 AM
seribulan    |   1-12-2019 07:28 AM    |   View:4621   |   Reply:14    |   Likes: 0
realist_13 29-1-2020 11:11 PM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 45] Hajat...
seribulan    |   21-1-2020 12:39 PM    |   View:3761   |   Reply:13    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 28-1-2020 09:38 AM
[Pelbagai] Lets TALK coconut... attach_img digest agree  ...23
seribulan    |   14-7-2019 03:41 PM    |   View:21613   |   Reply:55    |   Likes: 0
YuyaToma 25-1-2020 04:00 PM
[Pelbagai] Lets TALK pucuk.. attach_img digest agree  ...234
seribulan    |   26-10-2019 03:32 PM    |   View:23754   |   Reply:74    |   Likes: 0
sojambu 24-1-2020 09:30 AM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 44] AKU recommend  ...2
seribulan    |   14-1-2020 08:09 AM    |   View:7277   |   Reply:22    |   Likes: 2
seribulan 21-1-2020 12:28 PM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 43] Hidup Ini... agree
seribulan    |   7-1-2020 08:30 AM    |   View:4093   |   Reply:17    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 14-1-2020 08:06 AM
[Bahasa] [Takwil Puisi 42] TOREHAN LUKA... attach_img agree  ...2
seribulan    |   31-12-2019 11:15 AM    |   View:7752   |   Reply:21    |   Likes: 0
seribulan 7-1-2020 08:22 AM
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