Salam. Baru dapat Honda CRV tahun 2005 dan ada beberapa problem nak kena settlekan. Dalam 3 minggu lagi nak bawak ke kolej. Sorry dalam English. Copy paste daripada forum lain tapi tak dapat banyak jawapan. Terima kasih ye...
Sorry I have a question about my 2005 Honda CRV and can't manage to get good response from other threads. Thought i might ask here for help.
Hi guys. Just got a 2005 Honda CRV from my father. the problem is a lot malfunction because of previous accessories attachment and minor defect.
1. Side mirror control is out of service and the side mirror will move a lot whenever i close door.
2. Auto window control on the driver side out of service, sometimes the window will move down and up itself whenever i try to open or close it once. (not paranormal case)
3. Some knock off media player integrated with knock off reverse camera.
4. If all settled then i will like to do overall check up.
I think i will do it one by one according to priority. I'm staying in Seri Kembangan near Equine Park and Pasar Borong Selangor. Any good reliable place to recommend guys? Thanks in advance
Nak reliable hantar balik servis kat Honda dealer
Barang ori unless ko nak pakai yg potong punya |
aku rasa bukan major problem, ni pasal wiring problem je, pasal cermin tu, kena buka panel pintu, chek railing cermin, takut railing tu dah lari sket masa nak turun/naik cermin..... buka dan chek sendiri je bro, lagi puas hati, bukan susah sgt pun....
akupun ada crv model yg sama, tahun 2004....baru beli awal tahun aritu...
so far ok no problem..
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Post time 19-4-2016 12:34 PM
From the mobile phone
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bioessence replied at 19-4-2016 11:12 AM
Nak reliable hantar balik servis kat Honda dealer
Barang ori unless ko nak pakai yg potong punya
Berapa agaknya eh harga kalau hantar honda servis center. Ada baru bukak dekat dgn rumah ni. Seri peringgit ke apa ntah namanya. |
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Post time 19-4-2016 12:35 PM
From the mobile phone
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zulka replied at 19-4-2016 11:33 AM
aku rasa bukan major problem, ni pasal wiring problem je, pasal cermin tu, kena buka panel pintu, ch ...
Baru pakai kereta bro. Takut makin rosak pulak jadinya nanti. Nak hantar dekat workshop biasa2 takut nanti jadi balik rosak nya. |
retrosnare replied at 19-4-2016 12:34 PM
Berapa agaknya eh harga kalau hantar honda servis center. Ada baru bukak dekat dgn rumah ni. Seri ...
Side mirror, reverse camera problem kan? Tak sampai seribu tu. More on wiring bukan tykar barang. Hantar servis ctr |
Orait. Terima kasih bro. Ni baru nak book appointment hari ni.
tryle youtube bro..sometimes its easy DIY je mcm bro zulka cakap tu..and in the process leh belajar pasal kereta |
betul..even sy sndiri pun pomen, kadang2 buka youtube juga utk kepastian...
masa sy mula2 amik kete crv ni dulu, indicator "D" kat meter blinking tak mau berenti....
sy tau ada problem tang gearbok, tapi tak sure part mana yg problem.
selepas buka youtube, baru confident part apa yg nak kena tukar..
Yes bro, sy start dgn tukar window regulator dulu..tgk youtube je time tu, beli parts and tukar sendiri..lelama mcm2 sy diy sendiri ...rasa membazir je lak hantar kedai aksesori..tapi nak diy ni kena byk sabar..
Ya, byk bersabar, try n error...
kadang2 rugi pun ye, kena beli 2,3 kali part yg sama...
paling giler sy DIY, buka lampu depan (kopek kaca/plastik) tu smoked/spray dalam, pastu pasang balik...rasanya yg ni paling susah, sebab nk kopek lampu tu bukan senang, kena cairkan gam tu guna hairdryer, pastu nk kopek kaca tu, silap2 boleh pecah....
terkini sy buat kat CRV ni la...alhamdulillah jadi gak...
..sama bro, few times salah beli brg..tapi bila selesai puas rasanya..rasa terrer jelak..sbb ada benda yg gi workshop kena bayar sampai 1k..buat sendiri brg hanya 200 je..kena cermat je kan...youtube byk mengajar
orait. ni rasa nak kena start belajar diy jugak ni. banyak boleh jimat kan. selagi tak libatkan engine takpe. hehe. thanks bagi idea |
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