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Skandal2 Kewangan Malaya

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Post time 24-6-2015 02:57 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Corrupt Malaysia money distorts Melbourne market
Date June 23, 2015 - 10:41AM
Nick McKenzie, Richard Baker, John Garnaut

In 2013, the private sale of an unassuming five storey apartment block near Monash University in Caulfield stunned local observers.

Even in Melbourne's booming property market, the $22.5 million price tag for a  building designed like an IKEA cupboard seemed well above the odds. That's because it was.

The victim: John Bond. Photo: Simon Schluter

Named Dudley House by developers keen to imbue it with a sense of grandeur, it seems the last place to host any untoward dealings.

But the sordid tale of this building highlights one reason that federal treasurer Joe Hockey is so concerned about the foreign funds flowing into an already overheated property market, as well as why local and international corruption fighters say Australia has become an investment hot spot for the crooked and corrupt.

An eight-month Fairfax Media investigation has traced suspicious money flows, court files and corporate records across three continents to uncover why Dudley House's purchase price was so high.

Student accommodation, Dudley International House in Caulfield East.

Sold for $22.5m Student accommodation, Dudley International House in Caulfield East.
Its sale was part of a global money laundering and bribery scheme engineered by greedy local developers and powerful officials overseas who pocketed $4.75 million in bribes on this single deal.

Fairfax Media has also discovered that some of these same figures are linked to tax haven companies which are also behind the purchase of around $80 million in Australian properties.

By following a complex money trail - which, in a curious twist, includes front companies set up by a Singaporean wedding-cake maker – Fairfax Media has identified the foreign officials who appear to be using Australia as a money laundering hub.

The Malaysians: Mohammad Lan Bin Allani says he cannot recall the Dudley House dealings.

There are also Australian facilitators tied to these suspect dealings, including Melbourne man Peter Mills, who once did a stint in Pentridge prison for corporate fraud. Mills was recently quizzed in a civil court case about whether the $4.75 million generated by inflating Dudley House's sale price was used "to grease palms" overseas.

His reply was short but surprisingly honest. "Yeah, I think so".

Financial laundromat

For a country whose leaders claim it to be a world leader in integrity, Australia is developing an ugly reputation.

In 2012, PNG's chief corruption fighter labelled Australia the "Cayman Islands" of the Asia Pacific, due to the ease in which PNG politicians could invest their ill-gotten wealth in Australian property.

The Chinese government has more recently launched its own campaign, warning that crooked officials are taking refuge and squirelling away embezzled funds in Australia.  

Fuelling this developing scandal have been incentives, including fast-tracked Australian residency visas, for overseas businessmen who invest large amounts here.

Earlier this year, Joe Hockey himself intervened to force one of China's richest men  to divest a $39 million Sydney Harbourside pad because he'd tried to use front companies based in tax havens to avoid foreign investment restrictions. Last month Fairfax revealed that another Chinese businessman hid behind an elderly Melbourne couple to disguise the purchase of an even bigger mansion in the same neighbourhood, the $52 million Altona.

Only last month, the Paris-based anti-laundering agency, the Financial Action Task Force, warned that "Australia is seen as an attractive destination for foreign proceeds [of crime], particularly corruption-related proceeds, flowing into real estate, from the Asia-Pacific region."

The Dudley House deal is the clearest example to date. But it would have almost certainly remained a secret without Melbourne tradesman John Bond.

The Malaysian connection

Bond, 53, is a man who doesn't walk away from a fight. The barrel-chested former suburban footballer helped manage a jail for young offenders before starting his own window and door company. When the window-maker won a lucrative job to help outfit Dudley House, he dreamed of dramatically expanding his business. But employees need to be paid. And after working on the development for many months, Bond, along with his own staff and dozens of other contractors, were owed several million dollars.

"They [the developers] kept putting it off. It became one week. Then one month. Then six months.  And I thought to myself, something is terribly wrong here. They seem like they are never going to pay us."

The 'they' were Melbourne developers, Chris Dimitriou and Peter Mills, along with their joint venture partners – two mysterious Malaysian businessmen.

The Australians: Property developer and suspected facilitator Peter Mills.

These two businessmen, Yusof Gani and Ahmad Azizi, appeared keen to keep a low profile in Australia.

"We knew they were influencing things behind the scenes, but I never met them," says Bond. "All I know is that they are powerful back in Malaysia."

Emails uncovered by Fairfax Media and sent to the Malaysian pair suggest this low profile was aimed at avoiding scrutiny by the Australian Foreign Investment Review Board.

In one missive, their Australian manager, Dennis Teen, suggests that Gani and Azizi understate their true investment in the Dudley House development by falsely nominating Teen as the majority shareholder.

The Australians: Dennis Teen managed the local affairs for Dudley House's Malaysian developers. Photo: Luis Ascui

"The maximum for each individual foreigner without FIRB approval is 15 per cent," wrote the manager in one email, so he suggested the Malaysian duo claim their shareholding was only "14 per cent."

"I'm agreeable," one of them replied.

In Malaysia, Gani and Azizi have a much bigger profile. Each has been anointed a "Dato" by the Malaysian government -- the Malaysian version of a knighthood.

Facebook posts show Azizi and his two sons, Erwin and Erwan, mixing with the elite and getting around in Porches and Ferraris. Erwan hangs out at the Kuala Lumpur Porsche club. There is plenty of international travel, including a family trip to Paris.

The Malaysians: Erwan Azizi, the son of a Malaysian “Dato”, helped facilitate the property deal using his network of contacts.

In Malaysia, where wealth and political connections go hand in hand, the Azizis didn't just have the funds to invest in a multi-million dollar Australian property development. They also had the contacts to pull off a remarkable deal: the sale of this development to the Malaysian government at a massive mark-up.

According to confidential documents, it was Dato Azizi's Porsche-loving son Erwan who facilitated this deal via a network of contacts connected to a multi-billion dollar Malaysian government institution called MARA.

Created in 1965 with the noble aim of helping the rural poor, MARA is a household name in Malaysia. But MARA's decision to buy Dudley House through a subsidiary, MARA Inc, shows how far it has strayed from its core values.  

The right price

The property that John Bond had helped to build was worth $17.8 million and Mills, Dimitriou, Azizi and Gani were, according to paperwork, intending to sell it for this amount.  

But, around the time that the Porsche-driving Azizi junior helped introduce certain Malaysian officials to the deal, the sale price was suddenly inflated by $4.75 million.

As the two Datos' Australian manager Denis Teen later explained in civil court proceedings lodged on behalf of the Dudley House creditors: "If we didn't agree on the $4.75 million, we would not have the deal".

This inflated sale price of $22.5 million should have increased the prospect of tradesman like John Bond getting paid. But Bond's fears that he and his fellow creditors were about the be ripped off dramatically increased when the Australian developers Mills and Dimitriou appointed an administrator, indicating their company would not be able to pay the bills of the tradesmen who built Dudley House.

By 2013, Bond had spent two years working on the project. He was broke and desperate. His tipping point had come when his son, Cooper, asked his dad to pay for a trip to an interstate football carnival to represent Victoria.

"I couldn't afford it," says Bond quietly in an interview with Fairfax Media. "I had to borrow money from my own parents to send Cooper to Darwin."

The experience left Bond determined to find out who had got rich from Dudley House while he was left facing ruin.

Harking back to his days as a suburban footy player, he pushed back. Hard. With several other creditors, he went to the Victorian Supreme Court, and demanded the appointment to the project of a new liquidator, Pitcher Partners boss Andrew Yeo.

Yeo assigned the case to a bright young Pitcher Partner employee, Odie Henzel, and told him to start digging.

With his well cut suit, neat hair-cut and quiet demeanour, Henzel and Bond could not be more different. But the financial analyst and the window maker soon struck up a rapport. Incensed at Bond's treatment, Henzel joined the mission to unearth the secrets of Dudley House.

Among a cache of documents, Henzel discovered a strange email. It was dated March 8, 2013 and sent by a man purportedly working for Malaysian government officials. It stated that in return for the Malaysian government agency MARA buying Dudley House, a payment of "AUS$4,785,000 in the form of introduction and consultancy fees" would have to be wired to a mysterious Singapore shelf company.

Taking the cake

Fairfax Media tracked down the director of this company to a cake shop in a busy, upmarket Singaporean shopping strip. Her name is Hanna Kamruddin and she nervously revealed she'd been appointed a director of the shelf company after her brother, a Harley Davidson-riding Malaysian called Hishan Kamruddin, introduced her to three men who wanted an offshore company and bank account set up. Hanna Kamruddin agreed to help them in return for $1000. "I'm so naïve," she said when asked about the arrangement.

"When I look back it was a very stupid decision."

Kamruddin insists she does not know the identity of the Malaysians who paid her the $1000.

But she remembered one thing. They were somehow linked to a Malaysian government agency.

Corporate records in Australia reveal more about those linked to front companies directed by the young cake maker. One of the firms was taken over by several powerful Malaysian officials: a former politician turned MARA Investment chairman, Dato Mohammad Lan Bin Allani, and a MARA chief executive, Dato Halim Bin Rahman.

When contacted by Fairfax Media, Allani said he couldn't recall the Dudley House dealings, even though he visited Melbourne to inspect the property in May last year, according to a Malaysian Consulate website. He said he was involved in setting up offshore companies in tax havens as a "convenient" way of selling property bought by the Malaysian government. When questioned about his knowledge of any alleged kickbacks, the former politician hung up the phone.

The front companies directed by the Singapore cake maker aren't the only suspicious corporate vehicles Malaysian officials have used to purchase Australian properties. A company called Thrushcross set up in notorious tax haven, the British Virgin Islands, was used to purchase Dudley House, along with a $23.5 million property on Swanston Street, near Melbourne University. (Dato Azizi's son, Erwan, signed some of the paperwork associated with the deal.)

Malaysian officials from MARA have also used other shelf companies in Singapore, which is also regarded as a tax haven, to purchase properties in Queens Street and Exhibition Street in Melbourne's CBD for around $40 million.

The circuitous path of the $4.75 million dollars generated by inflating the price of Dudley House also points back to the Malaysian government. The money was paid by the Dudley House developers for non-existent services, including "professional advice" and "consultancy and advisory fees."

Corporate records reveal that the firms behind these sham invoices are closely linked to several powerful Malaysian figures, including another top MARA official. The liquidation proceedings lodged in the Victorian Supreme Court after John Bond and Pitcher Partners' intervention provide further evidence that the $4.75 million was paid as bribes.

When quizzed directly about these apparent "kickbacks" in court, developer Chris Dimitriou stated: "To the best of my knowledge, that $4.8 million went to Malaysian parties." Dimitriou refused to answer any of Fairfax Media's questions.

His fellow developer Peter Mills was more forthcoming, telling Fairfax Media in a phone interview that the deal was corrupt.

"I suppose I have to [take responsibility]. But no one told me about it beforehand. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gone along with it."

Zero consequence

While Fairfax Media's investigation has revealed that at least some of those involved in the Dudley House deal have engaged in serious criminal conduct, nobody has been, so far at least, called to account by authorities in Australia or Asia.  

To this extent at least, they join hundreds of allegedly corrupt investors confident they can park their ill gotten gains in properties in Sydney, Melbourne or elsewhere.

Australian resident Denis Teen, who managed the local affairs for Dudley House's Malaysian developers, was also called to the stand in the liquidation proceedings. He spoke quickly, appeared nervous and denied knowledge of any corruption (a denial he repeated to Fairfax Media). But his testimony still provided insights into the way he and his partners do business.  

"We are not saints," Teen told the court. "We just want a deal done."


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 Author| Post time 24-6-2015 04:29 AM | Show all posts
Akhbar Australia Dedah Isu Penipuan Pegawai "Atasan" Mara di Melbourne

Hari ini, Malaysia dikejutkan dengan pendedahan dari sebuah akhbar di Australia yang mendedahkan seorang pegawai 'atasan' MARA, seorang pegawai kanan dan seorang bekas ahli politik yang menggunakan dana kerajaan bernilai jutaan ringgit bagi membeli satu blok pangsapuri, Dudley International House, di Melbourne Australia.

Di dalam laporan dari akhbar The Age, satu kumpulan yang disifatkan oleh kumpulan tersebut sebagai "sangat kaya" menggunakan AS$4.75juta(RM13.8 juta) sebagai "kos tambahan" untuk membeli pangsapuri terbabit pada 2013.

Kumpulan tersebut didakwa membayar pangsapuri terbabit dengan harga yang lebih mahal iaitu AS$22.5 juta (RM65.2juta) daripada harga asal iaitu AS$17.8 juta, yang mana lebihan duit tersebut digunakan untuk merasuah di Malaysia, lapor akhbar terbabit.

Selain dari itu, akhbar tersebut turut mendakwa pemaju pangsapuri tersebut telah mengeluarkan invois palsu yang tertulis kononnya ia mendapatkan perkhidmatan jururunding dan nasihat dari firma Malaysia.

Selain itu, akhbar yang sama turut mendakwa kumpulan tersebut terlibat dengan pelbagai pembelian hartanah seperti satu blok pangsapuri dan pejabat di Melbourne yang bernilai AS$80juta.

Dudley International House adalah asrama pelajar Malaysa yang dibeli oleh MARA. - ... dah-isu-rasuah.html


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Post time 24-6-2015 03:53 PM | Show all posts
apakah?? apakah??

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 Author| Post time 26-6-2015 01:28 AM | Show all posts
1981 - Maminco Sdn Bhd - RM1.5 billion
(nilai hampir setara dgn RM5 billion pada tahun 2015)

Pada 1981, sebuah syarikat bernama Maminco Sdn Bhd ditubuhkan tidak lama selepas Dr Mahathir menjadi Perdana Menteri, bertujuan mengawal harga timah di bursa London.

Maminco mengambil pinjaman berjumlah RM1.5 bilion dari Bank Bumiputra tetapi menanggung hutang apabila harga timah jatuh akhirnya.

Satu lagi syarikat yang dipanggil Makuwasa Sdn Bhd ditubuhkan untuk menutup kerugian Maminco itu.

Saham baru kononnya dicipta dan dirizabkan bagi golongan miskin Bumiputera ditukar kepada Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP), menjual saham dan pasaran harga murah untuk menggantikan kerugian Maminco.

Pembayar cukai kehilangan sekitar RM1.6 bilion dalam skandal Maminco itu.

2:58PM Mar 17, 2015
By Felix Jeubelie
A flashback to the 80s Maminco scandal

I read with interest ‘Tis the season of forgetfulness over financial scandals’ which triggered my interest in a scandal that occurred in the 1980s.

Previously, the tin industry was  Malaysia’s heaven-sent treasure trove. At one point, it employed more than forty thousand workers. However, when the tin price was halved in 1985, mines closed down and many lost their jobs.

Back in 1981, Maminco Sdn Bhd was set up as a RM2 company to to spike tin prices on the London exchange with loans from BBM.

Conversely, the tin price collapsed in 1981, and the country’s exchequer lost huge amounts of money. Eventually, the company had debts of RM1.5 billion.

Lim Kit Siang noted: “It is clear that the $2 company, Maminco, is really mysterious for more reasons than one, and not just it being the mysterious tin-buyer in the London and Penang markets in 1981, leading to at least $660 million losses, but also with regard to its parentage, operation and management, as well as motivation. Maminco is incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 on 26th June 1981, but since its incorporation document, it has never submitted any annual returns or accounts for the past five years.”

The US intervened by releasing its stockpile of tin so the tin price collapsed.

Terrence Netto observed: When the Maminco Affair began to leak into the public sphere, Hussein Onn, who had retired as PM in the middle of 1981, was already in a state of advanced disenchantment with the way things were going under Mahathir Mohamad.

A new development emerged.

Rather than acknowledge the losses in the tin speculation, the government set up another dummy company called Makuwasa Sdn Bhd, creating new shares supposedly reserved for ethnic Malays which were allocated to the Employees Provident Fund, the country’s retirement fund for private and public workers. The plan was to sell these cheaply acquired shares, supposedly reserved for poor bumis, at market price for a profit to cover Maminco’s losses.

A Bar Council statement notes that during the Umno general assembly on Sept 18, 1986, Mahathir was forced to admit that Makuwasa was created to recoup the government’s losses from the Maminco debacle and to repay loans to Bank Bumiputra.

Thus this is a tale of immeasurable loss to our nation’s repute and standing regionally and internationally, this scandal from the 1980s and many other scandals before/after paved the way for many obstacles to our country's development.

It is commendable to be reminded of this debacle and also others in their post. However, where do we go from here?


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 Author| Post time 26-6-2015 01:34 AM | Show all posts
M.V. Agusta

Agenda lain di sebalik penjualan M.V. Agusta oleh Proton?
July 24, 2008

Pada era Dr Mahathir, Proton telah membeli 57% saham MV Agusta pada 76 juta euro pada tahun 2004. Pada masa yang sama MV Agusta juga mempunyai beban hutang sebanyak 107 juta euro. Oleh itu secara tidak langsung Proton menanggung 57% jumlah hutang tersebut yang bernilai 60 juta euro. Ketika itu MV Agusta mempunyai nilai aset bangunan dan stok bernilai 120 juta euro.

Kesimpulannya 57% saham Proton = 60 juta euro beban hutang + 68 juta euro nilai aset. Logik pembeliannya Proton masih untung 8 juta euro dan mendapat teknologi dari MV Agusta.

Pada era Datuk Seri Abdullah, Proton telah mengambil keputusan untuk menjual MV Agusta pada harga 1 euro kepada Gevi SPA. Alasan yang diberikan, Proton tidak lagi sanggup menampung kerugian berterusan syarikat tersebut. Kenapa pada harga 1 euro? Persoalan ini telah menjadi isu hangat buat seketika. Mengikut Dr Mahathir dalam blognya, penasihat penjualan 1 euro kepada Gevi SPA ialah Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB). Tambahan pula, Gevi SPA adalah syarikat yang tidak terkenal dalam industri permotoran dan tidak dikenali pun sebelum ini.

Seketika kemudian, Proton membuat pengumuman bahawa syarikat tersebut telah pulih dari kerugian dan membuat keuntungan luar-biasa hasil penjualan saham MV Agusta.

Terbaru, Gevi SPA telah menjual saham Divisyen MV Agusta, Husqvarna pada harga 92 juta euro kepada BMW. Saham MV Agusta juga telah dijual kepada Harley Davidson, yang turut membeli jenama motor Agusta, Cagiva, pada harga 70 juta euro bersama-sama dengan beban hutang berjumlah 45 juta euro. Secara keseluruhannya Gevi SPA telah menjual saham MV Agusta berjumlah 160 juta euro, disebabkan beban hutang juga turut diambil-alih oleh Harley Davidson, Gevi SPA mendapat bonus lagi sejumlah 45 juta Euro. Oleh itu, Gevi SPA telah mendapat laba sebanyak 207 juta euro dengan membeli saham MV Agusta dari Proton dengan hanya 1 euro.

Apa yang ingin dipersoalkan disini ialah, kenapa Gevi SPA boleh menjual saham MV Agusta beserta hutangnya sekali pada harga 207 juta euro tetapi Proton berjaya menjualnya pada harga 1 euro. Tidakkah ini bermakna Proton telah rugi sebanyak 207 juta euro? Jika di nilai dalam RM, ianya berjumlah 1.06 bilion.

Persoalan kedua ialah, siapakah disebalik Gevi SPA ini? Adakah ianya syarikat proksi kepada kroni-kroni UMNO? Siapakah yang mungkin mendapat saham keuntungan atau komisen dari Gevi SPA?

Persoalan ketiga ialah, jika tiada sesiapa yang terlibat, adakah pihak pengurusan Proton terlalu bodoh ataupun tidak berfikir secara jangka panjang untuk menjual MV Agusta pada harga 1 euro padahal orang lain boleh buat untung 207 juta euro?

Atas sebab itulah Lim Guan Eng menyokong Dr Mahathir agar Suruhanjaya Siasatan ditubuhkan untuk meneliti perkara ini, kerana 43% saham Proton dimiliki oleh Khazanah Nasional, syarikat milik Kerajaan Malaysia. ... agusta-oleh-proton/


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 Author| Post time 26-6-2015 01:41 AM | Show all posts
RM108 juta Maika Holdings (RM108 juta setara dgn nilai sekarang sekurang2nya RM1 billion)

4:33PM Feb 12, 2008
By Sam
Remember, remember, that that was Maika

One of the main reasons why MIC President S Samy Vellu should leave the MIC is because he, along with his group of gangsters, robbed the Indian people of an enormous amount of money through Maika Holdings. And they still remain at large.

Maika Holdings raised RM108 million in 1981 from Indians, especially rural folks from the lower- and middle-income groups. These people were told to use their life savings – and even sell their jewelry – to invest in Maika Holdings because they were told the company would give them returns that were 10 to 20 times their initial investment. This, of course, is sweeter an offer than any licensed bank could make.

Samy Vellu, whose rhetoric needs no introduction, managed to fool these mostly not-so-well- educated individuals into parting with their money.

If you ask anyone who was in MIC at that time about how they organised groups of people to go out there to convince the masses to part with their money, you will be surprised. They even went to the extent of telling would-be investors to sell their properties and cattle to invest in Maika Holdings.

In other countries, this would have been considered a huge financial scandal, not just because of the amount of money involved, but because of the number of people involved in fleecing equally vast numbers of poor and less-educated citizens.

The RM108 million then had a buying power that was 10 to 15 times its value today. In today’s terms, it would be valued between RM1 billion and RM1.5 billion. Shortly after the initial investments were collected, the recession in the mid-1980s enabled the cash-rich Maika Holdings to go shopping for properties and collect fantastic deals.

If those properties were still in the hands of Maika Holdings, the company would be worth some RM3 billion to RM5 billion today. But those properties were sold at below-market prices through shady deals in which more money was transferred under the table than through actual and legal sales agreements.

Some of us may also remember the Telekom shares scandal, in which Maika Holdings was extended an offer to buy Telekom shares during its initial public offering (IPO). But Maika Holdings did not buy the Telekom shares. Instead, Samy Vellu bought them through his personal company, because Maika Holdings, supposedly, did not have the money to do so.

Maika Holdings could have made RM30 million, but this opportunity was hijacked by the sole defender and representative of the Indian community.

Telekom was only the first privatised government department. Since then, many other government agencies and departments have been privatised. As with Telekom Malaysia, shares were offered to Maika Holdings, but the offers were hijacked over and over again by Samy Vellu and his gang.

Using the Maika Holdings money, the gang bought into well-run companies and turned them upside down by appointing their own people to run these companies, squandering away the profits with luxurious parties and lavish parties, and, finally, by closing down these companies. They plundered in epic proportions.

To date, Maika shareholders have received almost nothing for their investments. The Maika Holdings scandal has cost many their life savings, property, opportunities to send their children for advanced education and so much more.

Recently, during a political speech, Samy Vellu announced that he will return RM1.30 for every RM1 invested in Maika Holdings and set a deadline of 100 days to do so. At the end of the deadline, however, he conveniently turned around and said that he has nothing to do with Maika Holdings because Maika Holdings is a business enterprise and he is only the president of MIC.

The managing director of Maika Holdings, Vel Pari, the son of Samy Vellu, then said that he did not know of any such deadline and, as such, is not bound to honour any kind of commitment.

Those who had the courage to go to Maika Holdings’ annual general meeting last year were met by thugs who intimidated and harassed anyone who raised questions about the management. Death threats and armed assaults are not uncommon at Maika Holdings’ annual general meetings.

No wonder the MIC is considered the most violent political party in Malaysia with two MPs shot dead by assailants in recent years, one or two knocked down by cars (in what are supposed to be accidents) and some even slashed by parang-wielding gangsters.

But Samy Vellu and gang have been allowed to continue plundering Maika Holdings without any accountability. And they were never questioned by the government, Bank Negara, the former prime minister or even the present prime minister.

The MIC’s handling of Maika Holdings was a con job approved and blessed by the highest public office. Perhaps it’s because Indians are the disenfranchised lot in this country that Samy Vellu can do anything, as long as he delivers the votes every election.

The government's total apathy regarding this scandal shows its attitude towards Indians – we are nobody's children. This injustice – this lack of government oversight – is happening in Malaysia, a country that is, supposedly, a leader among developing countries and is supposed to be a ‘developed nation’ in 12 years.

If the government is serious about showing its commitment to the Indians, start by asking Samy Vellu to step down. Get Maika Holdings cleaned up and bring to justice those who have been responsible for cheating its shareholders.

Don't be so stupid as to think that all we want are a few temples to be left in a few squatter areas. We know that as long as they are in squatter land, they will have to go. And repairing a few Tamil schools in some estates is like throwing us table scraps.

Show us that the government cares about Malaysian Indians as equal citizens who are entitled to equal protection under the law.


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 Author| Post time 26-6-2015 01:45 AM | Show all posts
lobai pun 2 kali 5?

@Maideen.   baghal2 nie guna RM40 juta utk rasuah tuhan kaa?

7:06PM - 8 Jun 2010
Rugi RM40 juta: Siasatan Kohilal selesai

Siasatan ke atas Koperasi Al-Hilal Bhd (Kohilal) yang kerugian hampir RM40 juta, sudah selesai, kata pengerusi lembaga Kohilal, Mat Samsudin Abdullah.

Menurut beliau, Kohilal kini diletakkan di bawah lembaga pengurusan baru yang dilantik oleh Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM) - (dahulunya Jabatan Pembangunan Koperasi Malaysia) sejak 2007.

"Siasatan sudah selesai dan sekarang lembaga baru tumpukan untuk memulihkan koperasi," kata Mat Samsudin ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini semalam.

Beliau berkata tumpuan tersebut termasuk aktiviti mempromosikan produk baru keluaran Kohilal.

Ketika ditanya, Mat Samsudin bagaimanapun enggan mengulas aktiviti pelaburan yang didakwa menyebabkan Kohilal mengalami kerugian berjumlah hampir RM40 juta itu.

“Siasatan sudah selesai dan lembaga baru yang menguruskan (Kohilal) sekarang. Jadi tidak adil bagi saya untuk memberi komen sekarang kerana semua itu berlaku dalam lembaga dahulu,” katanya.

Ditanya lanjut, beliau juga enggan mendedahkan hasil siasatan yang dilakukan oleh suruhanjaya berkenaan.

“Hasil siasatan itu ada pada mereka. Tidak adil (kepada ahli lembaga terdahulu) jika saya dedahkan,” katanya lagi.

Isu ini kembali mencuri perhatian susulan laporan akhbar Utusan Malaysia semalam berhubung dakwaan skandal berkenaan.

Laporan itu menyebut, presiden Pertubuhan Peribumi Perkasa Malaysia (PERKASA) Datuk Ibrahim Ali akan membuat aduan kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) berhubung dakwaan “penyelewengan pengurusan” yang berlaku sejak 2001.

Ibrahim dilaporkan telah menyedia satu dokumen berhubung dakwaan skandal itu, yang didakwa berlaku dalam sebuah anak syarikat koperasi berkenaan Kohilal Holdings Sdn Bhd.

Memetik exco kerajaan Kelantan Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, laporan hari ini, akhbar itu juga menyebut, kegiatan Kohilal kini "dibekukan buat sementara waktu."

Dalam pada itu pula, lidah rasmi PAS memetik Mohd Amar sebagai berkata, Kohilal sedang "memperbaiki pengurusan baru untuk membuat perubahan dalam koperasi itu agar ia pulih semula."

Beliau juga berkata, Kohilal tidak perlu memberi penjelasan kepada PERKASA memandangkan Ibrahim Ali tidak menganggotai koperasi berkenaan.

Mohd Amar juga menepis dakwaan yang ditimbulkan Ibrahim, namun mengakui bahawa Kohilal sememangnya "mempunyai sedikit masalah."

“Kadang-kadang nasib kita baik, kita mencarum di tempat yang kebetulan ada rezeki yang baik untuk kita, kita akan mendapat keuntungan yang lebih. Jika tidak, inilah yang terpaksa kita tanggung,” ujarnya lagi.


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 Author| Post time 26-6-2015 02:00 AM | Show all posts
Salahlaku di Zaman Dr Mahathir
Elias Hj Idris
Oleh: Tun Telanai

Sejak kebelakangan ini mantan PM ke-4, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mula menunjukkan yang dia seorang negarawan tulen yang kononnya cukup prihatin dan mementingkan kebajikan rakyat serta kepentingan negara sepanjang tempoh 22 tahun dia menjadi Perdana Menteri.

Memandangkan usianya yang semakin lanjut dan kesempatan yang masih berbaki, maka beliau menggunakan sepenuhnya masa yang ada untuk mempertahankan dirinya daripada kutukan dan cacian generasi muda terutama di masa beliau sudah tiada lagi di dunia ini.

Oleh itu, beliau cuba membetulkan persepsi rakyat terhadap kerakusan beliau ketika berkuasa dulu. Langkah pertama ialah dengan menyalahkan pasukan polis dalam ‘Operasi Lalang 1987’ dan melahirkan kekesalan terhadap pasukan polis yang menolak cadangan beliau untuk menghapuskan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Adalah dijangkakan banyak lagi isu yang berkaitan dengan dirinya akan dibangkitkan pada masa terdekatkan ini bagi membersihkan dirinya seperti kaitan dalam kes pembunuhan beramai-ramai di Memali, pemecatan Ketua Hakim Negara Tun Salleh Abas dan banyak lagi kes kontroversi yang masih tersimpan kemas dalam peti besi berkunci.

Semuanya ini akan terbongkar ketika beliau dan UMNO tidak berkuasa lagi di satu masa nanti. InsyaAllah.

Di bawah ini kita perturunkan perkara-perkara yang mana boleh dikaitkan sebagai satu perbuatan jenayah, penyelewengan dan salah guna kuasa yang telah dilakukan beliau serta anggota kabinet beliau sepanjang 22 tahun menjadi Perdana Menteri :

a)  Menyekat penyiasatan atau pendakwaan ke atas kroni kanan BN seperti dalam kes:
  • Pemberian saham oleh Rafidah Aziz, ketika itu Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri kepada menantunya yang telah disiapkan kertas pertuduhan, tetapi tidak didakwa kerana ditutup failnya oleh Peguam Negara atas alasan kononnya kekurangan bukti;
  • Penyiasatan ke atas bekas Ketua Menteri Melaka, Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik tentang penglibatan beliau dalam kes rogol pelajar bawah umur dan menjadi pengamal rasuah yang tersohor;
  • Sekatan terhadap siasatan BPR dalam kes rasuah bekas Gabenor Bank Negara, Ali Abul Hassan Sulaiman yang didedahkan secara bersumpah oleh bekas Pengarah BPR, Datuk Shafie Yahya di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur;

b)  Kegagalan dan melambatkan proses penyiasatan ke atas kroni BN dalam kes;
  • Penyiasatan lanjut ke atas kes Perwaja dan Eric Chia (apabila perbicaaan dilakukan secara olok-olok di mana akhirnya Eric Chia dibebaskan selepas meninggal dunia). Kes Eric Chia kini diulang tayang semula dengan pendakwaan ke atas bekas Menteri Pengangkutan, Ling Liong Sik atas tuduhan terlibat menipu kerajaan dalam skandal PKFZ (yang mana dijangkakan Ling juga akan turut dibebaskan);
  • Penyiasatan kes BMF dan kes pembunuhan saksi utama dalam skandal BMF di Hong Kong;
  • Siasatan kes pelaburan Tabung Haji yang bernilai RM200 juta yang diluluskan oleh bekas Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Abdul Hamid Othman;
  • Kes penyelewengan saham MAIKA Holding oleh bekas Menteri Kerja Raya dan bekas Presiden MIC, S Samy Vellu;
  • Penyiasatan kes bekas Menteri Pembangunan Masyarakat dan Perpaduan Negara, Dr Siti Zaharah Sulaiman yang menyeludup kereta mewah Mercedes Benz S320;
  • Penyiasatan kes membaik-pulih rumah Menteri Besar Selangor, Khir Toyo dengan kos RM5 juta dan lain-lain kegiatan rasuahnya yang telah dilaporkan secara detail kepada SPRM. Khir kini menghadapi satu saja kes daripada berpuluh kes yang dilaporkan. Dia hanya didakwa kerana memiliki tanah dan rumah mewah bernilai jutaan ringgit. Itupun dijangka beliau akan dibebaskan juga apabila ia dikira sebagai lakonan Najib yang mahukan rakyat tahu bahawa beliau anti kepada pemimpin yang rasuah!

Pada persepsi rakyat: Mahkamah di Malaysia ini merupakan institusi ‘pembersihan’ bagi para pemimpin UMNO yang dituduh korup, kemudian dibebaskan oleh mahkamah atas alasan yang tidak masuk dek akal dan sudah dijangka di mana mahkamah Malaysia ini bukan institusi penegak kebenaran dan keadilan.

c)  Menyelewengan dana-dana awam untuk membantu kroni BN
  • Merompak wang royalti minyak Terengganu dan ditukar menjadi wang ehsan untuk kegunaan politik UMNO ketika PAS memerintah Terangganu dari tahun 1999 hingga 2004;
  • Mengagihkan projek lebuh raya Utara-Selatan kepada syarikat milik Umno, iaitu UEM bagi tujuan membiayai pembinaan ibu pejabat UMNO - PWTC yang bernilai RM273juta;
  • Memaksa Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Guru-guru (KWSG) menyelamat (bail-out) 50.6% saham MAS milik Naluri Sdn Bhd pada harga RM8 sesaham ketika harga semasa cuma RM3.60 sesaham;
  • Pengambilalihan semula MAS oleh kerajaan daripada Tajuddin Ramli yang bernilai RM1.8b;
  • Pengambilalihan syarikat Umno, Renong dan UEM oleh kerajaan melalui Danaharta;
  • Pelaburan Tabung Haji melalui TH Technologies Sdn Bhd dalam projek ERL dengan penguasaan 80% saham yang menguntungkan kroni Perdana Menteri yang menjadi rakan kongsi - YTL Corporation;
  • Penyuntikan modal RM750 juta kepada BBMB, sebuah bank milik kerajaan sebelum diambil-alih oleh bank milik Umno, Bank of Commerce lalu membentuk Bank Bumiputera Commerce (BCB);
  • Pembelian saham Technology Resource Industries (TRI) oleh Danaharta;
  • Pengambilalihan Celcom, sebuah anak syarikat TRI oleh Telekom;
  • Memaksa KWSP membiayai projek LRT Putra serta menyelamatkan L&G dan PLUS Berhad;
  • Memaksa Petronas membeli saham Proton;
  • Memaksa Petronas mengambil-alih Litar Sepang;
  • Memaksa Danaharta menanggung segala hutang lapuk RM39.326b milik BBMB, Sime Bank dan 66 institusi kewangan yang lain;
  • Memiliknegarakan IWK setelah ia mengalami kerugian besar;
  • Pemilikan 200 syarikat oleh Mirzan Mahathir;
  • Kes anak Ling Liong Sik yang memiliki harta RM1b ketika berusia baru 28 tahun;
  • Penglibatan keluarga Daim Zainuddin dalam pelbagai jenis perniagaan, dan
  • Penglibatan adik dan anak Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dalam segala jenis perniagaan.

d)  Menyalahgunakan akta draconian seperti ISA, OSA dan Akta Cetak dan Mesin Cetak bagi memelihara kepentingan politik UMNO
  • Kes ISA seperti Operasi Lalang (1987), Operasi Kenari (1989), pengharaman al-Arqam (1994), Reformasi (1998), memfitnah kumpulan al-Maunah (2000) dan mencipta kisah KMM (2001);
  • Kes OSA seperti kes Mohd Ezam Mohd Noor (2002);
  • Kes Akta Cetak dan Mesin Cetak seperti kes Lim Guang Eng (1999);

e)  Menyekat kebebasan badan penguatkuasa; dengan cara
  • Campur tangan terhadap tugas-tugas polis;
  • Mengganggu penyiasatan BPR;
  • Menghalang pendakwaan oleh Peguam Negara, dan
  • Mencampuri tugasan SPR dalam urusan pilihan raya.

f)  Mengagihkan tender secara runding terus kepada kroni yang tidak berkelayakan sehingga menyebabkan kes-kes seperti:
  • Keruntuhan makmal computer;
  • Kegagalan menyiapkan 2,192 makmal komputer dalam fasa pertama;
  • Terbengkalainya projek perumahan polis di Batu Pahat;
  • Keretakan PULAREK; dan
  • Penyelewengan pembekalan alat-alat saintifik ke Kolej Matrikulasi.

g)  Mempengaruhi integriti dan kebebasan kehakiman
  • Kes Anwar Ibrahim (dengan mencipta kes liwat 1);
  • Kes fiasco Tun Salleh Abbas;
  • Percutian Ketua Hakim Negara, Mohd Eusoff Chin bersama VK Lingam di New Zealand;
  • Kes tape V.K. Lingam, Suruhanjaya Diraja yang terlibat menyiasat kes ini telah mencadangan beliau bersama 5 orang lagi disiasat lanjut. Nazri Aziz kemudiannya berkata tiada kes, maka ia pun ditutup.
  • Campur tangan seorang hakim kanan dalam pengendalian kes pengundi hantu di DUN Likas;
  • Pendedahan oleh Datuk Syed Aidid, bekas Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi tentang 112 kes rasuah hakim-hakim;
  • Penghapusan bukti dalam kes seks D. P. Vijandran;
  • Perlantikan Mohtar Abdullah sebagai Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan setelah beliau terlibat membebaskan Rahim Tamby Chik, Tan Sri Muhammad Mohd Taib, Rafidah Aziz dan sebagainya ketika menjadi Peguam Negara; dan
  • Perlantikan Ariffin Jaka dan Agustine Paul (sudah meninggal dunia kerana mengidap barah) sebagai Hakim Mahkamah Agung.

g)  Kerugian dan penyelewengan dana-dana awam
  • Penyelewengan RM40 juta wang PPRT;
  • Kerugian pelaburan oleh Tabung Haji;
  • Kerugian RM15b di Bank Negara;
  • Kerugian RM40 juta AIM;
  • Kerugian LRT Putra dan LRT Star; dan
  • Kemerosotan hasil keuntungan KWSP hampir RM600 juta pada tahun 2000.

h)  Menghina dan menyekat Islam
  • Merancang untuk membuang nama Islam daripada pertubuhan Islam;
  • Mengucapkan kata-kata penghinaan ke atas sunnah Nabi;
  • Mengucapkan penghinaan ke atas hukum-hukum Tuhan;
  • Membiarkan sekain ramai penulis menghina hukum Allah, Islam, nabi dan para ulama;
  • Menyekat dan memperkecilkan sekolah agama rakyat dengan menarik bantuan perkapita; dan
  • Memecat Mufti Selangor kerana mempertahankan tiga orang ratu cantik yang terlibat dalam acara anjuran anaknya, Marina.

j)  Menghapuskan hak-hak istimewa orang Melayu dan Bumiputera
  • Menutup dua MRSM di Terengganu ketika pemerintahan PAS;
  • Menutup sekolah-sekolah agama rakyat; dan
  • Menjadikan bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa pengantar bagi subjek matematik dan sains di sekolah.

Adalah jelas Dr Mahathir Mohamad sepanjang menjadi Perdana Menteri telah melakukan pelbagai jenayah atau melindungi kegiatan jenayah dengan menyalahgunakan kuasa beliau sebagai Perdana Menteri apabila dengaan sengaja menyalahgunakan dana awam untuk membantu kroni-kroni, kaum keluarga dan kepentingan-kepentingan BN. Malah beliau telah melakukan pelbagai penyelewengan dalam pentadbiran termasuk membiarkan berlakunya rasuah, salah guna kuasa dan sebagainya.

Sekadar untuk renungan bersama... dana awam yang telah jahanam.
  • PKFZ - RM12bilion.
  • Kapal selam Scorpene RM500 juta.
  • Simedarby RM964 juta.
  • Paya Indah Westland RM88 juta.
  • Posmalaysia (melalui Transmile) kerugian RM230 juta.
  • Eurocopter RM1 bilion terbuang dalam perundingan.
  • Stadium Terengganu runtuh jahanam RM292 juta.
  • Kos baiki MRR2 yang retak RM70 juta.
  • Maybank terlebih bayar kepada BII (Indonesia) RM4bilion.
  • Tourism -NYY kickback RM10 juta.
  • Pembelian 3 karya lukisan oleh Pengerusi MAS, RM1.5 juta.
  • Kementerian Sukan terlebih bayar RM8.4 juta.
  • Kompleks Sukan London yang jadi gajah putih RM70 juta.
  • Kos baiki bangunan MATRADE di Jalan Duta RM120 juta.
  • Pembelian kapal terbang baru utk kegunaan Perdana Menteri RM200 juta.
  • Hutang InventQ yang tidak dapat dituntut RM228 juta.
  • Bayaran saguhati kerana batal pembinaan Jembatan Bengkok di Tambak Johor RM257 juta.
  • Kerugian dalam penjualan hak motosikal Augusta RM510 juta (yang dijual pada harga 1 euro!
  • Kerugian angkara pemberian permit AP dalam setahun RM1.8 bilion.
  • Kapal selam Scorpene yang bakal menjadi bahan muzium RM4.1 bilion.
  • PSC Naval dockyard RM6.75 bilion.
  • Dua skandal Bank Bumiputra pada awal 1980 RM3.2 billion dan pada 2008.
  • CUbaan Maminco mengepung pasaran bijih timah dunia pada tahun 1980 telah menyebabkan kerugian US$500 million (RM1.6 billion).
  • Pertaruhan Pasaran Hadapan tukaran asing menyebabkan Bank Negara kerugian RM30 bilion pada tahun 1990 (Nor Yaakop punya peranan).
  • Perwaja Steel yang kerugian US$800 million (RM2.56 billion), sedangkan angka sebenarnya menjangkau RM10 bilion.
  • Penggunaan RM10 bilion dana awam dalam Valuecap Sdn. Bhd untuk menaikkan harga saham di pasaran saham.
  • Kerugian RM700 juta oleh Bank Islam.
  • Penjualan M.V. Agusta oleh Proton 1 Euro menyebabkan kerugian ... an-dr-mahathir.html

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