Moral story? What sort of moral stories does your Bible teaches. Answer that?
A god who creates humans only to curse them.
A god who tells humans to go down and multiply and then curse the whole human race as sinners.
A god who commits genocide of the whole human race.
A god who saves the Jews only to have them run around in the desert for 40 years.
A god who tells Jews to stone women who commit adultery only to "rape" Mary and produce Jesus after that.
A god who never bothered about his own son who grew up like a samseng, picking fights, hanging around with boys and finally get in trouble with the law.
A god who IGNORES his own son's plead for help, only to watch him die like a dog on a cross only to claim anyone who worship that rotting corpse on the cross will be saved.
And finally a god who throws souls of humans into hell for ignoring his son, whom he ignored all his life and even at moment of death.
Your god doesn't even fit to be Shri Krishna's sandals.
all those already discuss long time ago and been rebuked but your god krisnan stealing butter and peeping womens taking bath in river and joining them in , surly not from the teachings from divine...
by the way, we see lot peoples going Christian and Islam expect some shaky faith mat salleh joining hare ram hare krishan...
But Islam's pseudoprophet MuHamMad never dies for anybody's sin, instead he died sinfully, didn't resurrect from death like Jesus but rot in hell, that's the ultimate facts !
all those already discuss long time ago and been rebuked ...
Rebuked my @SS.
You worship the Devil who produced Jesus by raping Mary. The same Devil who watched in delight as his son got beaten to a pulp, dragged through the street and then nailed to a cross to die a slow death for three days. You worship the Devil and a rotting corpse and that cannot be rebuked.
You worship the Devil who produced Jesus by raping Mary. The same Devil who watched in delight as his son got beaten to a pulp, dragged through the street and then nailed to a cross to die a slow death for three days. You worship the Devil and a rotting corpse and that cannot be rebuked.
ok, let me post again but you have to be very sincere and honest free booklet and also can be obtain via online reading:
Who was Jesus? Few will dispute that a man named Jesus lived 2,000 years ago and that He was a great teacher who impacted the world from His time forward. Who - and What - Was Jesus Christ?
Who, really, was Jesus of Nazareth? Where did He really come from? If we understand that, it explains everything He did and said.
Jesus never steal butter nor peeping women taking bath in river...Krisnan the hindu god did that....that why it has many crime and rape cases in india due the the teachings of krishan scandal
Real story my @ss. Jesus is just a character created by the Romans, taken from the legend of Semiramis and her son, Tammaz. Jesus is not even a genuine story, a merely recycled nonsense.
Shri Krishna on the other hand was a historical figure with a city of Dwarka just of the coast of Goa. His Bhavagad Gita had changed (for the better) millions of people, including westerners. His true Prophets STILL walks the Earth today, spreading message of love, peace and tranquility like Shrila Phabhupada and Swami Vivekanda.
What did your Christianity gave the World? Porn, weapons of small and mass destruction, Communism, Capitalism, Abortion and many more things which created HELL on Earth. Christianity is the product of the Devil and that is the undeniable fact.
Real story my @ss. Jesus is just a character created by the Romans, taken from the legend of Semiramis and her son, Tammaz. Jesus is not even a genuine story, a merely recycled nonsense.
The semiramis topic discussion in hindusim ...please take your challenge over needed here...
Shri Krishna on the other hand was a historical figure with a city of Dwarka just of the coast of Goa. His Bhavagad Gita had changed (for the better) millions of people, including westerners. His true Prophets STILL walks the Earth today, spreading message of love, peace and tranquility like Shrila Phabhupada and Swami Vivekanda.
Yes, I heard all those stories on dwarka, kandam and etc...the question here is why your shri krishna stole butter to eat and peeping women while taking bath??
what kind moral story is this? to promote it or to paint that hindusim is kind erotic ???
What did your Christianity gave the World? Porn, weapons of small and mass destruction, Communism, Capitalism, Abortion and many more things which created HELL on Earth. Christianity is the product of the Devil and that is the undeniable fact.
porn and bla bla bla never teaches in you must be wrong again...Jesus taught us Love and Peace....
The semiramis topic discussion in hindusim ...please take your challenge over needed here...
That discussion had ended. We have already established the fact that Christianity comes from Semiramis (the mother) and his son, Tammaz. Christians merely repeated that story with Mary and Jesus which is why there is no historical data and evidence for existence of Jesus.
Yes, I heard all those stories on dwarka, kandam and etc...
Corrections - they are NOT stories, they are HISTORICAL FACTS. Stories are what is written in the Bible (1,700 years ago by Emperor Tiberius and a group of Roman clergy). The rest is just snake poison.
That discussion had ended. We have already established the fact that Christianity comes from Semiramis (the mother) and his son, Tammaz. Christians merely repeated that story with Mary and Jesus which is why there is no historical data and evidence for existence of Jesus.
oh really ? is still there and you coward out...what a pity soul
Corrections - they are NOT stories, they are HISTORICAL FACTS. Stories are what is written in the Bible (1,700 years ago by Emperor Tiberius and a group of Roman clergy). The rest is just snake poison.
even the stories like kumari kandam was found in sea, it was probably was cursed and God drowned the city for corrupted just like Athens where peoples worshipped the mother god similar to was all drowned...
And he died like a dog ...
I rather believed in Jesus than the erotic cum scandal from krishan the god stealing butter and peeping women taking bath in river...this kind moral stories interest u...
even the stories like kumari kandam was found in sea, it was probably was cursed and God drowned the city for corrupted just like Athens where peoples worshipped the mother god similar to was all drowned...
That is what your devil god like to do, isn't it? Entire Bible is filled with stories of how your god loves to curse and destroy and pull humanity down.
I rather believed in Jesus than ...
You can believe in whatever you want. When Time comes, no Jesus going to save you or your kind from God's wrath.
That is what your devil god like to do, isn't it? Entire Bible is filled with stories of how your god loves to curse and destroy and pull humanity down.
Cursed, Punshiment is part of God way ....just like teacher or parents...u make mistake or misbehave, thant severe punsihment...common sense..
You can believe in whatever you want. When Time comes, no Jesus going to save you or your kind from God's wrath.
When time come, Jesus will be my saviour ....your krishan not going save u because busy peeping womens taking bath in river and stealing butter...what a scandal ...a scandal of century I would says
Cursed, Punshiment is part of God way ....just like teacher or parents...
You must come from one sick family. No parents with the right mind will curse their children. Anyone who did doesn't QUALIFY to be parents. In that context, your "god" is not God but the Devil in disguise.
When time come, Jesus will be my saviour ....
You will die calling his name, and then cursing his name - just like Jesus died calling his useless father's name.
You must come from one sick family. No parents with the right mind will curse their children. Anyone who did doesn't QUALIFY to be parents. In that context, your "god" is not God but the Devil in disguise.
parents will punsihed if their children mishave ...such parents comes from good roots not pariah like u comes from broken family...
You will die calling his name, and then cursing his name - just like Jesus died calling his useless father's name.
Jesus believers growing where else the samsu drinking followers are dying because wise peoples choose good way than samsu followers like u doom to destroyed..
have u realise how bad is your followers who worshipped idols, samsu drinking gods?
here one can worshipped true God