Sebab kenapa Muhammad dan Jesus tak harus diterima menurut Hinduism.
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gunblade712 posted on 15-11-2013 08:21 PM 
Please be responsible for your own words and answer these questions :
Masih menanti jawapan utk soalan tu...
Lama dah jadi silent reader, tpi smpi hari ni tk ada jawapan lgi..
by Gunblade712
You can't even give A SINGLE PROOF, and yet you're claiming that we do not listen?
No, I'm claiming Muslims are LYING that they don't degrade other people's religions. You people are COWARDS. You don't come out and say it in the open that Muslims believe that ONLY ISLAM is correct. Do you know why? Because then, non-Muslims going to say "F$%K OFF" and walk away and you will be dying in your own cesspool - Non-Muslims not going to give you business, not going to invite you to their social gatherings and not going to give you jobs. And what worst, you WILL lose your own nations because you are WEAK and PATHETIC. So you put a brave face and lie through your teeth saying Islam is peaceful (my A$$).
Oh please! Now you're jumping from one point to another. You don't have enough bravery to walk up to one, simple, humble, Islamic class and "REBUKE" ISLAM IN FRONT OF US, correct? So stay there with your cowardice.
Why should I rebuke a false thing? Islam is FALSE. You don't need to proof something is false, you only need to proof something is true. Islam by itself is FALSE. Jews rejects Islam, Christians rejects Islam and now, through this thread, I want to show Hindus why they should reject Islam and Muslims for believing in false things.
Aduhai. Aku cakap kau belit kang, kau marah Seph. YOU are the ones who brought up the issue about Muhammad s.a.w "changed the status of Jesus Christ", and now you're telling me that it's not something that anyone bothered?
In Islam, is Jesus son of God? NO? Then Muhammad changed Jesus' status lah, BODOH. You talking like a retard for what? 
Now, the 'Islam' that Muhammad s.a.w. taught the people is based on the QURAN THAT WAS REVEALED TO HIM IN THE HIRA' CAVE.
Correction - Nothing was revealed to him in Gua Hira. He RAN like a scared puppy to his wife and refused to come out of his house. That is not Revealation, that is being scared $hit. FYI - No other prophet in the Bible have ever experienced such thing. If you disagree, SHOW ME ONE. Therefore, we can conclude that Muhammad was never anointed to become a prophet or anything. He was just a scared little man, who ran to cover behind his wife. 
No, I claimed Muhammad learned on his own during his travel. He didn't learn from any teachers, he learned on his own. Jews and Christians both rejected Islam and Muhammad as a prophet therefore, what he was teaching was not from religion of Abraham. He was a false prophet and Jews and Christians admit it and refused to assist him.
So, who was their father? And who was the first, first, ever, human being created by God (according to Hinduism)? And who gave the first, first, ever human being, his/her name?
There is no first human being according to Hinduism. There are many "human-like" creatures as well as monster-like being (Arakan) and Demons (Asuras) who lived in the World before modern day humans.
It would be crazy to go to war with the Quraisy during that time.
You are wrong. War is just another business for the Arabs. They fight and steal from others just as you could eat daily. They even have laws of how to divide fortunes and slaves captured in the warfare. It could be a crazy thing to go to war against Quraisy. What could be crazy is to go to war with Quraisy over Muhammad and his crazy cult. IF the Christian king decided that Muhammad did insulted Jesus through his teaching, he could demand Muhammad and the Quraisy could have to give him up (or risk going to war). The Quraisy don't have that much love for Muhammad nor does Abdul Mutalib have enough power to persuade them to fight for Muhammad and his cult.
So, of all the people in Makkah, the people who wanted to go to war entrusted their belongings to Muhammad s.a.w, even though they claimed to have hated Muhammad s.a.w. due to his preachings.
There is a difference between giving your belongings and giving your freedom. Muhammad was entrusted with physical belongings and if he loses anything, he will have to pay for it. However, what Muhammad wanted in return was their freedom to worship and to blindly follow his instruction and commands without questioning. The Quraisy simply did not believe Muhammad have the rights, capability or the qualifications to become their leaders which was why they rejected Islam. |
Sephiroth posted on 18-11-2013 08:43 AM 
by Gunblade712 No, I'm claiming Muslims are LYING that they don't degrade other people's religions. You people are COWARDS. You don't come out and say it in the open that Muslims believe that ONLY ISLAM is correct. Do you know why? Because then, non-Muslims going to say "F$%K OFF" and walk away and you will be dying in your own cesspool - Non-Muslims not going to give you business, not going to invite you to their social gatherings and not going to give you jobs. And what worst, you WILL lose your own nations because you are WEAK and PATHETIC. So you put a brave face and lie through your teeth saying Islam is peaceful (my A$$).
Now, you're starting to confuse us with this. I asked for proof pertaining to your allegations unto our Friday Prayers. This is what you've said :
Please stick to this issue for this point: WHERE is the proof that we 'talk crap' about other religions during Friday Prayer?
And nope, we do go out in the open and proclaim that Islam is the right path/religion and bearing the Last Testament of The Creator. THIS is why you are pissed off at us, right? The fact that we go to the open, tell it to YOUR FACE that ISLAM is the RIGHT PATH TO THE CREATOR. And to think that we see TONNES OF ISLAM'S PREACHER SPEAKING IN THE OPEN ABOUT ISLAM, and we see NONE OF YOU OR YOUR KINSMEN DOING THE SAME.. yet you're telling us that Muslims are 'COWARDS'? I believe you need to open up the dictionary and seek up the meaning, for if 'Muslims are cowards', then Hindus are worst than cowards! Just look at yourself.
But then again, the point here is not about who's coward and who's brave. The point here is that we want you to PROOF YOUR ALLEGATIONS TOWARDS THE FRIDAY SERMON.
Takkan tuduh tapi takde bukti kot? 
Why should I rebuke a false thing? Islam is FALSE. You don't need to proof something is false, you only need to proof something is true. Islam by itself is FALSE. Jews rejects Islam, Christians rejects Islam and now, through this thread, I want to show Hindus why they should reject Islam and Muslims for believing in false things.
LOL. THAT'S how you DEBATE? You THROW ALLEGATIONS and then you ask the accuser to proof that you're wrong? 
No, your logic is absurd. Whenever you throw an allegations, YOU NEED TO SUPPORT IT WITH PROOF. Yet, up until now, YOU CAN'T GIVE A SINGLE PROOF ABOUT YOUR ALLEGATIONS TOWARDS OUR FRIDAY SERMON, let alone your accusations towards Islam. Kalau setakat tuduh jaaa, itu bukan 'kebenaran', itu serupa macam orang gila bercakap, tau Seph? 
In Islam, is Jesus son of God? NO? Then Muhammad changed Jesus' status lah, BODOH. You talking like a retard for what? 
Haih. Jumping from one point to another, lepas tu nak cakap orang BODOH. HA, MEH SINI AKU TUNJUK KAT KAU BALIK MACAM MANA ARGUMENT KAU YANG LAGI TERUK DARI RETARD TU :
YOU are the ones who claimed that Muhammad s.a.w 'CHANGED THE STATUS OF JESUS' AS IF IT'S A HUGE ISSUE DURING THAT TIME (post #56). Then, you PUSING BALIK your statement and say that "IT'S NO BIG DEAL". If it's NO BIG DEAL, WHY THE HECK ARE YOU USING IT AS SUPPORT FOR YOUR CLAIM??
ayat turun kat Mekah di confuse turun kat Madinah, ini kira lagi bodoh ke, macam mana ni? 
Correction - Nothing was revealed to him in Gua Hira. He RAN like a scared puppy to his wife and refused to come out of his house. That is not Revealation, that is being scared $hit. FYI - No other prophet in the Bible have ever experienced such thing. If you disagree, SHOW ME ONE. Therefore, we can conclude that Muhammad was never anointed to become a prophet or anything. He was just a scared little man, who ran to cover behind his wife. 
Haih, masih pusing2. Regardless of your interpretation of the revelation, MUHAMMAD s.a.w TAUGHT ISLAM VIA THE QURAN (NOT THE BOOK!). He RECITED THE QURAN TO THE PEOPLE. THAT WAS ISLAM.
If you claim that Muhammad 'stole other people's religion and create his own Islam", then his "Islam" IS THE QURAN. Kalau bukan Quran, apa lagi? Dah sah2 baginda s.a.w. berdakwah ketika itu menggunakan QURAN dan AKHLAK.
Jangan kau pusing pulak cakap Quran belum dicipta masa tu. Quran BELUM DIBUKUKAN waktu tu. Bukan belum di cipta.
No, I claimed Muhammad learned on his own during his travel. He didn't learn from any teachers, he learned on his own. Jews and Christians both rejected Islam and Muhammad as a prophet therefore, what he was teaching was not from religion of Abraham. He was a false prophet and Jews and Christians admit it and refused to assist him.
belajar macam mana? Again, you're changing your statement. Your allegation is that Muhammad s.a.w STOLE THE RELIGION FROM THE JEW. Correct? Kalau curi, MESTI ADA TUANNYA. Kenapa TUAN KEPADA ILMU YANG KAU KATA MUHAMMAD s.a.w CURI TU, TAK BANGKIT DAN ARGUE DENGAN MUHAMMAD s.a.w SENDIRI? 23 TAHUN TAU MACHA, LAMA TU!! TAKKAN TAKDE SORANG PUN PRASAN? 
There is no first human being according to Hinduism. There are many "human-like" creatures as well as monster-like being (Arakan) and Demons (Asuras) who lived in the World before modern day humans.
aha oukeh thank you for your statement. no first human being, takde asal usul. lepas tu kau cakap agama kau paling tua maka paling bagus. agama paling tua, tapi takde record first human being. face palm betul lah kau ni.
You are wrong. War is just another business for the Arabs. They fight and steal from others just as you could eat daily. They even have laws of how to divide fortunes and slaves captured in the warfare. It could be a crazy thing to go to war against Quraisy. What could be crazy is to go to war with Quraisy over Muhammad and his crazy cult. IF the Christian king decided that Muhammad did insulted Jesus through his teaching, he could demand Muhammad and the Quraisy could have to give him up (or risk going to war). The Quraisy don't have that much love for Muhammad nor does Abdul Mutalib have enough power to persuade them to fight for Muhammad and his cult.
Ya Tuhan... Apa kau cakap ni Seph? The Quraisy is the strongest kabilah during that time, that's why they are ruling over Makkah. Ini fakta sejarah. Nak belit, silakan. tapi fakta tetap fakta.
Your allegations towards Muhammad s.a.w being an errand boy doesn't make any sense cause he s.a.w was truthful that the people entrusted their belongings unto him whenever they went to war. This is not an errand boy lah, macha. This is someone who's so trustworthy that even his enemies (when going to war with another tribe) entrusts their stuffs to Muhammad s.a.w.
Now, you're talking about the Christian King again. No need to go there, macha. First, PROOF TO US THAT THE STATUS OF JESUS CHRIST WAS 'CHANGED' BY MUHAMMAD s.a.w. IN MADINAH, AS PER YOUR CLAIM IN POST #56. If you're wrong about this, ADMIT IT FIRST, THEN WE CAN PROCEED WITH OUR DISCUSSION ABOUT NEGUS, THE CHRISTIAN KING. OK? tolong jangan main tembak je, lepas tu bila orang confront kau, kau lari. Just now, kau cakap Islam tu 'COWARDS', tapi nampak gayanya, you're showing your cowardice by not dealing with issues with YOUR OWN WORDS.
cakap tak serupa bikin. susahlah ini macam seph! 
There is a difference between giving your belongings and giving your freedom. Muhammad was entrusted with physical belongings and if he loses anything, he will have to pay for it. However, what Muhammad wanted in return was their freedom to worship and to blindly follow his instruction and commands without questioning. The Quraisy simply did not believe Muhammad have the rights, capability or the qualifications to become their leaders which was why they rejected Islam.
LOL, the point that I'm stating about this is because you're claiming that Muhammad s.a.w is a 'liar'. YOU, who lived 1400 years after his time, called him a 'liar', whereas people during his time, called him Al-Amin. Eh, cakap banyak tak guna, have you read the story of HOW HE FIRST PREACHED TO THE PUBLIC??
dah banyak dah soalan pasal Islam aku tanya kau, tapi haram kau nak jawab. Satu je lah kau jawab, itu pun nak taknak. Pasal FATTAHULMAKKAH. DAH BACA KE BLOM??
Don't jump here and there and confuses people. Stick to the point as per discussion.

Sedap tuduh Muslims 'cowards', tapi kau sendiri menunjukkan sifat 'cowardice' kau dengan lari daripada statement kau sendiri. Haih, macam ni ke apa yang Vedas didik kau? 
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Sephiroth posted on 18-11-2013 08:43 AM 
by Gunblade712 There is no first human being according to Hinduism. There are many "human-like" creatures as well as monster-like being (Arakan) and Demons (Asuras) who lived in the World before modern day humans.
sound like Bible....Lucifer the fallen angels and dinosaurs before Humans creation...
by Gunblade712
And nope, we do go out in the open and proclaim that Islam is the right path/religion and bearing the Last Testament of The Creator. THIS is why you are pissed off at us, right?
YES. That is correct.
It does pisses us off that bunch of uneducated Malays like yourselves work so damn hard to kiss up to your Arabic masters and kept pushing your idiotic belief onto our faces and expect us to follow your stupidity and bow down to your Arabic masters. You are absolutely correct and I will agree with you.
Haih, masih pusing2. Regardless of your interpretation of the revelation, MUHAMMAD s.a.w TAUGHT ISLAM VIA THE QURAN (NOT THE BOOK!). He RECITED THE QURAN TO THE PEOPLE. THAT WAS ISLAM.
He can recite whatever $hit he wants and you can claim Islam as whatever you like. FACT remains and cannot be changed - ISLAM IS FALSE. That will not change.
aha oukeh thank you for your statement. no first human being, takde asal usul. lepas tu kau cakap agama kau paling tua maka paling bagus. agama paling tua, tapi takde record first human being. face palm betul lah kau ni.
Kamu cakap banyak sangat itu, kamu boleh tunjjuk ke di mana Adam dan Hawa kamu mula2 sampai ke dunia ini? Di mana mereka tinggal serta di mana mereka dikebumikan? Kamu ada rekod kehidupan mereka ke?
The Quraisy is the strongest kabilah during that time, that's why they are ruling over Makkah.
They rule over Mecca, NOT peninsula Arab. They are business people who trade with other tribes and each tribe controls the water spots in Arab (which is more precious than gold). They cannot afford to go and fight with other tribes just for Muhammad no matter how powerful they are.
This is not an errand boy lah, macha.
Errand boy tu errand boy lah. Kamu banyak cakap apasal? 
YOU, who lived 1400 years after his time, called him a 'liar', whereas people during his time, called him Al-Amin.
Were you there when these people allegedly called him Al-Amin? Oi budak, don't talk as if you were there also. You follow what is written in books while I follow what is written in history. We both don't know what Muhammad was called so don't talk so much.  |
Sephiroth posted on 20-11-2013 08:47 AM 
by Gunblade712 YES. That is correct.
It does pisses us off that bunch of uneducated Malays like yourselves work so damn hard to kiss up to your Arabic masters and kept pushing your idiotic belief onto our faces and expect us to follow your stupidity and bow down to your Arabic masters. You are absolutely correct and I will agree with you.
If my statement "And nope, we do go out in the open and proclaim that Islam is the right path/religion and bearing the Last Testament of The Creator. THIS is why you are pissed off at us, right?" is correct, then WHY do you say this :
No, I'm claiming Muslims are LYING that they don't degrade other people's religions. You people are COWARDS. You don't come out and say it in the open that Muslims believe that ONLY ISLAM is correct. Do you know why? Because then, non-Muslims going to say "F$%K OFF" and walk away and you will be dying in your own cesspool - Non-Muslims not going to give you business, not going to invite you to their social gatherings and not going to give you jobs. And what worst, you WILL lose your own nations because you are WEAK and PATHETIC. So you put a brave face and lie through your teeth saying Islam is peaceful (my A$$).
Are you contradicting your own statement?
He can recite whatever $hit he wants and you can claim Islam as whatever you like. FACT remains and cannot be changed - ISLAM IS FALSE. That will not change.
Don't jump from one topic to another. The 'Islam' that you're accusing Muhammad s.a.w 'created' is actually the Quran, seeing that Muhammad s.a.w PREACHED USING THE QURAN. True, or false?
Kamu cakap banyak sangat itu, kamu boleh tunjjuk ke di mana Adam dan Hawa kamu mula2 sampai ke dunia ini? Di mana mereka tinggal serta di mana mereka dikebumikan? Kamu ada rekod kehidupan mereka ke?
Personally? Takde. tak pernah kaji secara mendalam. Maybe ada ulama' / scholars yang ada. tapi saya takde record mereka. Kenapa? Kamu mahu saya cari tentang Adam dan Hawa ke?
They rule over Mecca, NOT peninsula Arab. They are business people who trade with other tribes and each tribe controls the water spots in Arab (which is more precious than gold). They cannot afford to go and fight with other tribes just for Muhammad no matter how powerful they are.
Alamak. Apa awak cakap ni, Seph? 'Other tribes' tu pun, duduk di Makkah ataupun berurusan di Makkah.
And your point is the same as mine : Quraisy did not go to war with any tribes. Regardless of there reason, they did not go to war. But still, even though the people mocked him such and such, they went to him and entrusted him with their belongings. The same people who mocked him, walked to him and entrusted him with their precious belongings whenever they go to war. That's Al-Amin.
Errand boy tu errand boy lah. Kamu banyak cakap apasal? 
LOL. cuba tengok apa yang saya cakap kat atas tu. Errand boy tu orang yang kita suruh buat kerja, bukan orang yang kita bagi amanah untuk pegang barang yang berharga. Kamu nak ke amanahkan harta kamu kat errand boy? Kamu mesti amanahkan harta kamu kepada orang yang kamu percaya akan kredibiliti.
Ini bukan cakap banyak, ini cuma nak memangkah hujah kamu (yang lemah lagi tak masuk akal) tentang Muhammad s.a.w. Tapi biasalah, kamu cuma tahu menuduh seperti yang saya quote apabila kamu tidak ada idea lagi. 
Ataupun, memang Hinduism ajar kamu supaya mengamanahkan harta kamu yang paling kamu percaya kepada errand boy. 
Were you there when these people allegedly called him Al-Amin? Oi budak, don't talk as if you were there also. You follow what is written in books while I follow what is written in history. We both don't know what Muhammad was called so don't talk so much. 
No. And neither were you. But you're throwing allegations AS IF you were THERE. Bila bab ni, kamu boleh pulak cakap neither of us knew what they call Muhammad s.a.w. back then. tapi bila kamu tuduh Muhammad s.a.w., kamu tuduh AS IF YOU LIVED DURING HIS TIME! Contohnya : when are you going to show us proof that Muhammad s.a.w 'changed' the status of Jesus Christ IN MADINAH?
And still, these allegations awaits your answer :

Kamu menuduh baginda s.a.w SEOLAH-OLAH KAMU HIDUP BERSAMA BAGINDA. Skarang, buktikanlah apa yang kamu cakap! Kalau kamu cakap tak tahu = kena diam, MAKA KAMU KENALAH DIAM DARIPADA MENGHINA BAGINDA s.a.w. KAMU BUKAN HIDUP ZAMAN BAGINDA PUN, KAN?
So, bila 3 soalan tu kamu nak jawab? MENUDUH KAMU PANDAI. BILA DI SOAL, KAMU LARI PULAK! Tataulah samada ini ajaran Vedas ataupun memang hati kamu tu busuk sampai sanggup buat begini.
Sephiroth posted on 20-11-2013 08:47 AM 
by Gunblade712
Oh, and we still need your proof on this one :

Where's the proof to this strong allegation? It doesn't make any sense for the khatib to talk crap about other religion because THE SERMONS WERE GIVEN USING A LOUDSPEAKER, MEANING ANYONE OUTSIDE OF THE MASJID CAN HEAR THE KHATIB VERY CLEARLY. It is also ILLOGICAL because of political reasons!
Sebab kenapa Muhammad (Islam) dan Jesus (Christianity) tak harus diterima sbg pendidik agama, menurut agama Hinduism.....sbb nya...saya pun tak tahu dan tak mahu tahu....hahahahahahahahaha
Damai Sejahtera
Semua agama yang ada didunia ni asal dari satu juga. Terpecah kerana perbuatan tangan manusia itu sendiri.
Makin lama sesuatu agama itu wujud, makin banyak perubahan yg berlaku pada kitab (semua kitab) dan fahaman sesuatu agama. akan lebih menjurus lebih pada kehendak manusia itu sendiri. (byk pentafsir)
x kira lah, hindhu, buddha, yahudi, kristian dan islam itu sendiri. Masing2 telah lari dr fitrah sebenar. Hasilnya, keadaan bumi dan umat manusia yg kucar-kacir.
Asas kepada semua agama asalnya Monotheisme, yaitu keyakinan kepada Tuhan Yang satu. Dalam semua kitab pun menyebut perkara yg sama.
Fahami dan dalami sejarah Nabi Ibrahim/Abraham (Bapa Manusia) dan salahsilah keluarganya. Kamu semua akan tahu asal usul semua agama yg wujud dimuka bumi. tp, sebelum tu. kamu kene buka minda supaya dapat berfikir dengan lebih baik.
Abraham/ibrahim/abram mempunyai 3 isteri, kita hanya diceritakan ttg 2 isteri iaitu siti hajar dan siti sarah, tetapi tidak diceritakan ttg Ketturah/Batturah/Qaturah.
Isteri ketiga mempunyai 6 anak isitu Zimram, Yoksan, Medan dan Madyan, Isbak dan Suah.
Dari semua sejarah ini kamu semua akan dapati x kira apa agama kamu, tuhan tetap satu. dan kite semua adalah saudara sebenarnya.
Sekian, Puji Tuhan.
macang mano yang Hinduism nak terima ...satu cakap Arab ...satu lagi cakap Hebrew ...mano meke nak fahem ....
adiariff82 posted on 24-12-2013 04:10 AM 
Damai Sejahtera
Semua agama yang ada didunia ni asal dari satu juga. Terpecah kerana perbuatan ta ...
Balik lagi dengan cerita karut kau ke? Bila suruh buktikan apa kau kata, lari balik masuk lubang cacing. 
Damai Sejahtera
Saya blk pada tread lain pulak. Menarik baca info2 yang ada ni.
Nak saya buktikan, tak perlu sebenarnya, kerana kebenaran itu akan muncul ..
Terpulang pada kamu, hendak tunggu atau bersama-sama sekali menegakkan yang benar. Dimana pada waktu itu semua agama akan duduk dibawahnya dan hidup Damai Sejahtera serta saling kasih mengasihi diantara satu sama lain.
Tak perlulah kita duduk sambil mengata2, mengutuk2 dan menyalahkan diantara satu sama lain. Itukan amalan Syaitan.
Apa sahaja yg disampaikan melalui penulisan, tidak kira didalam forum atau dimana2, ianya hanya sekadar tulisan yg tidak memberi impak besar pada pembaca. Oleh kerana itu, saya hanya berharap pada yg mempunyai Qalbu terbuka dan boleh menerima semua manusia berada dalam satu sistem, pergilah cari jalan kebenaran itu.
Puji Tuhan.
by adiariff82
Nak saya buktikan, tak perlu sebenarnya, kerana kebenaran itu akan muncul ..
Dah, berambus. Aku tak perlu layan sesiapa yg lari bila sudah terjerat. Tak guna bercakap dgn orang sedemikian.  |
Damai Sejahtera
Saya faham, golongan manusia seperti kamu ini hanya akan percaya dan beriman setelah adanya bukti dan fakta didepan mata. Disebabkan doktrin orang2 terdahulu telah melekat dan susah untuk di tanggalkan dari hati kamu.
Kamu akan lihat sendiri nanti jika ada umur. Lihat bagaimana kerajaan tuhan ini tertegak, dan ia tidak akan menindas mana2 agama atau kaum yg berkongsi hidup diatas muka bumi ini. Kerana semua itu asalnya dari satu.
Puji Tuhan.
adiariff82 posted on 24-12-2013 04:18 PM 
Damai Sejahtera
Saya faham, golongan manusia seperti kamu ini hanya akan percaya dan beriman sete ...
Aku sudah banyak kali menyaksikan manusia2 spt kamu yg bercakap pasal "kerajaan tuhan" di atas muka bumi ini. Dari zaman Rom, Greek, Persia, Ottoman, British Empire, Hitler dan kini, zaman America dan sekutunya. Ramai manusia yg berkata spt kau juga, kononnya merekalah yg akan mendirikan kerajaan Tuhan di atas muka bumi ini, tetapi apa yg mereka cuba dirikan hanyalah kerajaan yg cuba menperhambakan manusia lain.
Kalau aku panjang umur, aku juga pasti akan menyaksikan apa kah yg kamu dan mereka2 yg menpunyai kepercayaan sama dgn kau akan mendirikan di atas muka bumi ini juga. 
Damai Sejahtera
Itulah sbbnya saya katakan, kamu tunggu dan lihatlah sendiri. Saya faham, tidak semua akan menerima bulat2 tanpa menyaksikan dan merasa sendiri keadaan itu.
Saya sekadar memberitahu keadaan yg bakal berlaku. Itu x bermaksud saya ini tukang ramal. Tp, saya berpegang pada janji tuhan.
Sedang kamu berdiskusi dalam forum ini, diluar telah terlaksananya perjalanan menegakkan kerajaan tuhan itu. Khabar gembira bagi manusia yg inginkan kedaimaian hampir tiba.
Puji Tuhan
The Karmayogi is a purified being who has conquered the self. He does not center his life around himself but around the achievement of being one with God.
He detaches himself from his senses, centering all his thoughts on God and achieving everlasting peace and happiness by breaking free of all material bondage to the world.
- Shloka 7, Bhavagad Gita
Bhavagad Gita clearly states what is Karma, Karma Yogi and Sannyaasi (one who renounced the World). In this context, we can still follow Gautama Buddha since he is a Sannyaasi. In some way, so is Jesus Christ (who did not marry and travelled around spreading his wisdom and teaching to the people of Middle East at his time).
However, Muhammad is either a Karma Yogi or a Sannyaasi (as it is described in the Shloka above). He did not conquer himself - he had many wives and have fought many wars for various reasons - both actions are not an action of Sannyaasi or a Karma yogi. He did not deattach himself to this World and its pleasure (and frequently its pains as well) and have cause pain and suffering to others. Therefore, Muhammad and his teachings should not be followed. |
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