College Message \r\nOur College aims to achieve the needed Quantitative changes in the education and scientific means, as related to the environmental time function. This may be achieved through a legal follow-up and closed loop monitoring system of the education process of undergraduate and postgraduate students, supported by a pattern of continuous research and developments. The objective remains within closing the gap between our society, of the developing world, and that of the developed nations; and this may represent a learning output of peaceful and prosperous society \r\n\r\nCollege Goals\r\nA graduate should be aware of our civilization mission and its historic and pioneer role in establishment and progress of the world civilization. A graduate should be qualified to have the theoretical principles of basic science and their field applications. Providing graduates with scientific expertise, required in field of work in future by informing him of recent technical updates. Providing scholars with proper principles in scientific research in order to develop the scientific and technical research in the country. Providing scholars with advanced technologies. Distinctive graduates are supported to apply for higher studies and contribute actively in solving complicated scientific and technical problems. Supporting the teaching staff and all scholars to participate in local and international seminars, symposiums, workshops and conferences.\r\n
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