Post Last Edit by seribulan at 17-10-2011 09:38
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article lists ideologies opposed to capitalism and describes them briefly. For arguments against capitalism, see criticism of capitalism.
An Industrial Workers of the World poster (1911)
Anti-capitalism describes a wide variety of movements, ideas, and attitudes which oppose capitalism. Anti-capitalists, in the strict sense of the word, are those who wish to completely replace capitalism with another system.
However, there are also ideas which can be characterized as partially anti-capitalist in the sense that they only wish to replace or abolish certain aspects of capitalism rather than the entire system...
....Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, usually in competitive markets.[1] There is no consensus on the precise definition of capitalism, nor on how the term should be used as a historical category.[2] There is, however, little controversy that private ownership of the means of production, creation of goods or services for profit in a market, and prices and wages are elements of capitalism.[3] The designation is applied to a variety of historical cases, varying in time, geography, politics and culture.[4]
Karl Marx provided a differentia specifica for capitalism: People sell their labouring-power to a buyer, not to satisfy the personal needs of the buyer, but to augment the buyer's capital.[5]
Other writers define capitalism as a system in which all the means of production are privately owned, and some define it more loosely as one in which merely "most" are in private hands. Ideology further complicates the definition. Classical liberals such as Mises, Rand, and Rothbard define capitalism as a market system with no interference by States (laissez faire). Some define capitalism as a system governed by capital accumulation regardless of the legal ownership titles....
Anti-capitalist demos continue overnight Published: 16 Oct 11 12:57 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.de/national/20111016-38247.html
Around 200 people camped out in front of the European Central Bank building in Frankfurt overnight, organizers said, as anti-capitalism protesters planned a fresh demonstration in Berlin Sunday.
Colin Below, a spokesman for "Occupy Frankfurt", said about 30 tents had been pitched outside the ECB building and that the protest - originally given official permission until Wednesday - had now been extended "indefinitely."
The demonstrations will continue "for as long as necessary and possible," he said.
Meanwhile, police in Berlin, where an estimated 10,000 people took part in protests on Saturday, said they had successfully prevented demonstrators setting up camp in front of the Reichstag parliament building overnight.
There were a handful of arrests and some officers were injured in minor scuffles, a police spokeswoman said.
A fresh demonstration was planned later Sunday in front of the city's iconic Brandenburg Gate, authorities said.
Max Bank from anti-globalization movement Attac said the protest wave was only just beginning.
The demonstrations were "a clear sign that people want more democracy," Bank told German radio station MDR Info.
"The power of the banks must be broken. People no longer want to be dictated to by the financial markets and politicians must realise this," added Bank. "We have seen the beginning of the movement. That does not mean that we will not see more in the coming weeks."
Attac said that an estimated 40,000 people hit the streets in Germany as part of a global day of protest that saw rallies in 951 cities in 80 countries and violent clashes at demonstrations in New York and Rome.
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Anti-capitalist protests turn into global movement
By Dario Thuburn (AFP) – 2 days ago
ROME — Clashes erupted in New York and Rome and protesters camped out on Sunday in worldwide demonstrations seen as a show of force by a rising global movement against corporate greed and government cutbacks.
There were rallies in 951 cities in 80 countries around the globe on Saturday in an extension of a campaign born on May 15 with a rally in Madrid's central Puerta del Sol square by a group calling itself "Indignados" ("Indignants").
"The Indignados movement rises again with global force," read a front page headline in Spain's El Pais daily on Sunday. In Italy, La Stampa said: "The world takes to the streets: united, peaceful and colourful."
"The fact is there is now clearly an international movement. Its preface was the 'Arab Spring' seen in Cairo, Tunis and Benghazi," Eugenio Scalfari, a columnist for the Italian daily La Repubblica.
"It expresses the anger of a generation with no future and no faith in traditional politics but above all financial institutions seen as responsible for the crisis and profiteers of the damage to the common good," he said.
The biggest rallies were in Lisbon, Madrid and Rome, where tens of thousands came out. There were thousands too in Washington and New York where the "Occupy Wall Street" movement has gained momentum in recent weeks.
"I think it is very moving that the movement that was born here has extended throughout the world. It was about time for people to rise up," said 24-year-old Carmen Martin as she marched towards Puerta del Sol.
In London, scuffles broke out after a few thousand people gathered in the financial district near St Paul's Cathedral, raising banners saying: "Strike back!" "No cuts!" and "Goldman Sachs is the work of the devil!"
The founder of the Wikileaks whistleblower website Julian Assange joined the rally, telling the protesters from the steps of St Paul's: "One of the reasons why we support what is happening here in 'Occupy London' is because the banking system in London is the recipient of corrupt money."
Some of the London protesters spent the night camped out in front of the cathedral in around 70 tents despite police calls for them to disperse. Participants said they intended to stay until the government responded to their demands.
Major protests took place at European Union institutions in Brussels and Frankfurt, as well as in Athens, where painful budget cuts imposed by international lenders in return for a bailout have sparked widespread anger.
In Rome, which saw the worst violence of the day, the march quickly degenerated into running street battles between groups of hooded protesters and riot police who fired tear gas and water jets into the crowd.
"Today is only the beginning. We hope to move forward with a global movement. There are many of us and we want the same things," said protester Andrea Muraro, a 24-year-old engineering student from Padua.
"Only One Solution: Revolution!" read a placard. One group carried a cardboard coffin with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's name on it.
Berlusconi later condemned the "incredible level of violence" at the march, which took place amid a security lockdown on Rome's major monuments.
"We've seen the worst of Europe today in Rome," Mayor Gianni Alemanno said.
Groups of protesters torched cars, smashed banks and vandalised a church in the Italian capital, hurling paving blocks and bottles at police.
Seventy people were injured and there were 12 arrests.
In New York, 88 people were arrested as police on horseback charged into busy Times Square and at least one woman was injured.
In Canada more than 10,000 blew bubbles, strummed guitars and chanted anti-corporate slogans at peaceful protests in cities across the country.
"I believe a revolution is happening," said 30-year-old Annabell Chapa, who brought her one-year-old son Jaydn along in a stroller to a rally in Toronto.
The protests received unexpected support from Italian central bank governor Mario Draghi, a former executive at Wall Street giant Goldman Sachs set to take over as president of the European Central Bank next month.
"They're angry against the world of finance. I understand them," Draghi said at the G20 meeting in Paris on Saturday, expressing regret however at the reports of violence.
In the Portuguese capital, where some 50,000 rallied, Mathieu Rego, 25, said: "We are victims of financial speculation and this austerity programme is going to ruin us. We have to change this rotten system."
There were smaller mostly peaceful protests also in Amsterdam, Geneva, Miami, Montenegro, Paris, Sarajevo, Serbia and Zurich, with protesters chanting anti-capitalist slogans and wearing satirical masks.
In Mexico, Peru and Chile, thousands also marched to protest what they slammed as an unfair financial system and stagnant unemployment.
As the day began, hundreds rallied in Hong Kong and Tokyo where demonstrators voiced their fury at the Fukushima nuclear accident.
Hundreds also set up camp outside Australia's central bank in Sydney.
Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved |
imprealis ne sama kan ngan kapitalis? tgk kan malaysia amal kapitalis juga..huhuhu |
Reply 3# nazadiyah
ya betul..... tidak dapat dinafikan malaysia juga tidak boleh lari dari kapitalis. zaman khalifah khalifah islam berkuasa dulu pun timbul sistem yg ala ala kapitalis ni ha.
apa solution terbaek untuk replace kapitalis ni ? adekah nak kene tunggu dinar emas monopoli pasaran kewangan dunia ? |
Reply nazadiyah
ya betul..... tidak dapat dinafikan malaysia juga tidak boleh lari dari kapital ...
winamp05 Post at 11-11-2011 23:35
mg dah takde, sape yanmg hidupkan gold dinar? harap dipermudahkan. |
mg dah takde, sape yanmg hidupkan gold dinar? harap dipermudahkan.
nazadiyah Post at 12-11-2011 08:47 AM
ade yg dah pernah cube nak jual minyak dari negara derang dengan emas. derang dah tak nak minyak ditukar dengan USD. Tapi nak ditukar dengan emas. tapi kesudahanya org yg mencadangkan itu dibunuh oleh CIA, MOSSAD, dan ramai lagi. contoh terdekat - Libya. |
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Mana dtg 'kapital' jika bkn krn kuasa mencetak wang (fiat).
Bila kekayaan dicipta drpd 'angin',
Bila harga pasaran dunia dikawal,
Yg kaya bertambah kaya,
Yg daif, fakir, miskin dan papa kedana...
Diperhambakan, ditindas dan dizalimi.
Lambat laun, Firaun akan sedar stlh di'baham' di dasar lautan luas. |
Kapitalist dtg kerana marx yang dipengaruhi oleh teori darwin..survival of the fittest..siapa yang ada means of production (power,money,land,knowledge etc) akan dapat terus hidup.manakala yang miskin akan kekal miskin dan makin miskin serta ditindas (exploitation). Lantaran daripada itu,berlaku lah "revolution" (pemberontakan) sebab kita dah tak mampu nak redha dengan penindasan lagi..
Kapitalist ekonomi mencadangkan tiada campur tangan kerajaan dalam sistem ekonomi. jadi persaingan sengit la berlaku.sebab tu sape yang berjaya dalam persaingan akan berkuasa. jadi Marx mencadangkan sosialism. ada campur tangan kerajaan dalam sistem ekonomi dunia. Masalah kalau gov campur tgn,, ekonomi negara slow la cket sebab persaingan takder..sebab marx punye pendapat ni sangat menekankan aspek "economic determinism". apa-apa aspek pembangunan negara adalah dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan ekonomi. sebab tu negara kiter juga menekankan pembangunan negara yang diukur dari segi "kesihatan ekonomi"sedangkan perkembangan modal insan juga penting..seperti knowledge.
tapi kita tk blh samakan sistem zaman khalifah dulu (islamic economic system) dengan kapitalist..sebab kalau betul zaman khalifah dulu amal kapitalist ,sudah tentu ramai rakyat hidup melarat dan miskin sebab ada kuasa dominan.tapi kita semua tahu bahawa zama kahlifah dulu especially zaman umar..dikatakan tiada orang pun yang layak menerima zakat sebab semua berduit. satu lagi, kalau sistem ekonomi kapitalist, maka sudah tentu tiada baitul mal dan duit zakat semua tu..cume sekarang ni.walau pun negara kita negara islam tp byk sgt penyelewengan kuasa (rasuah) sebab tu duit tu tak sampai dekat rakyat. tambah2 sistem birokrasi. nak apply duit zakat pun susah..hehe ke situ pulak..
mintak maaf.tambah ilmu dan cuba explain in "lay man" term .. |
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Kita tahu Shakespeare tlh lama menceritakan ttg hal ini (abad ke-16), dlm 'The Merchant of Venice'.
Permulaan ekonomi yg menyeleweng, hanya bermula dgn pinjaman riba/'interest'.
Berdasarkan fahaman Yahudi yg dikatakan:
Jews are forbidden to charge interest upon loans made to other Jews, but obliged to charge interest on transactions with non-Jews, or Gentiles. - Deuteronomy 23:19-20
Dipesatkan pula dgn penubuhan badan peminjam wang/'money lender' oleh hartawan² mnjdknnya sbg 'family business'
dan smakin lama, semakin besar ahlinya krn mereka tahu ianya menguntungkan.
Golongan² berharta ini (elit²) tlh memilih 'pinjaman riba' sbg urusniaga yg tdk berisiko serta pulangan yg tinggi.
Zaman demi zaman, berabad² berlangsung...
Kerajaan yg menyedari keuntungannya, menubuhkan institusi peminjam wang yg digelar 'Bank' utk memusatkan kekayaan negara
Dgn mengaplikasi sistem ini: dgn seluruh rakyat dikerah menyimpan harta mereka ke dlm Bank sbg pendeposit, dan para elit sbg pengkapitalis. Baru² ni, mereka menggunakan 'Bretton Woods' sbg janji sandaran kpd emas dgn USD20/Oz. dan mereka batalkannya pula dgn nilai emas USD35/oz??? Cuba teka skrg brape USD/Oz?
Mana perginya harta rakyat mereka?
Adakah rakyat dianggap spt hamba abdi spt zaman firaun atau pemangkin kapitalis?
Adakah harga pasaran dgn mudah boleh dispekulasi?
Kita kena tanye 'diehard fan' Rothschild...
The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:
- Cuba
- North Korea
- Iran
Dari sumber GP forum
...The Godfather of Capitalism~ |
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Post Last Edit by Dzulqarnain at 19-11-2011 02:55
From my point of view,
Diamonds (gemstones) are one of the major 'catalyst' of capitalism:
- Seawal abad ke-19, dgn menjatuhkn pasaran emas (perhiasan) bila ia dijual pd harga jauh lbh tinggi
- pasaran dispekulasi dgn nilai, kualiti, perincian, teknologi tinggi pembuatan, promosi, etc. bg menjatuhkan pasaran bg perhiasan emas/perak (precious metal) secara mendadak.
- Dirancakkan dgn pembiayaan oleh keluarga 'Rothschild' kpd syarikat pelombong dan pembuat, De Beers utk me'monopoli' pasaran dunia.
- yg juga merupakan kapital kpd Barat utk melaksanakan WWI & WWII...menggunakan kuasa/pengaruh/pakatan antara Eropah/US/Zionist.
p/s: Capitalists can change government's policies. Governments need them, but not vice versa~ |
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so anyone care to explain whats going to happen to our economic condition as the Gold/Dinar rumours the causes n effects for new year to come really...really..really scare me to death! |
Dlm pemahaman saya, 'capitalism' ialah kunci kpd semua permasalahan ekonomi dunia.
Sekiranya kekayaan (wealth) diukur melalui simpanan 'emas', kita lihat 'trend'nya:
Bila kita lihat graf 'eksponential' begini, kita tahu yg hujungnya akan ke nilai '∞' (infinite).
Dispekulasikn, pd thn ni boleh mencecah USD2000-8000/Oz!!!
Bermakna wang 'fiat' (kertas bernombor) akan menuju kpd pemansuhan seluruh sistemnya tdk lama lg - 'Bretton Woods'.
Bagaimana kedudukan kita?
- Bapa kapitalis Malaysia tlh memastikan ekonomi 'meltdown' kabur bg umum, dgn wujudnya 1MDB, KR1M, BR1M, etc.
- Pertama, 'hyperinflation' yg seluruh dunia rasai akan ditampung oleh kerajaan dgn ungkapan 'subsidi' walhal nilai hutang kerajaan berganda² i.e. perubatan, bahan api, tenaga elektrik, mknan 'kawalan', cukai, etc. - hanya utk mengawal harga pd tahap normal.
- Kedua, 'charity', jual beli, sale², loans, etc. digalakkan kpd NGOs, individu, etc. bg memastikan 'kecairan' pasaran melalui transaksi fiat dlm negara.
- Ketiga, Bank Negara Malaysia memainkn peranan penting bg memastikan seluruh negara tdk hilang kepercayaan kpd institusi perbankan dgn fakta² yg 'bias' kpd kerajaan.
- etc.
Pendapat saya, respon kita:
- Kurangkan kebergantungan fiat
- Jimat berbelanja atas dasar 'keperluan' dan bkn 'kehendak'
- Tukarkn simpanan tetap kpd bentuk brg berharga i.e. emas, perak, barang kemas, etc. bg mengekalkan 'nilai'nya.
- Melabur dlm pasaran komoditi utama i.e. beras, tebu, gandum, jagung, sawit, getah, agro, etc.
- Byr hutang², jgn buat hutang, no crdt card, jgn berurusan dgn bank, etc. dan belajar berdikari~
- Jika merancang utk beli rumah, dicadangkan hartanah yg luas dan murah.
- etc.
Peralihan ekonomi akan menyaksikan negara² tertentu mengikut jejak Indonesia, Bangladesh, etc. (mungkin Malaysia, China termasuk), dan peralihan sistem fiat ini akan mengekalkan kapitalis dan 'catalyst'nya. Selainnya akan diperhambakan...
Sbg pedoman, kita rujuk graf emas hitam VS emas kuning, bila keluar drpd sistem 'fiat' yg menindas. Kita akan dapati perubahan nilai dan perbandingannya hanya bersandarkan 'supply-demand'...dan xkn jd 'eksponential'~!!!
Tp, bg saya belian Gold/Silver pd masa ini (harga tinngi) adalah sgt membebankan. Memandangkan harga beras, minyak, etc. dikawal pd tahap sederhana, maka saya cadang 'stockpile'kn beras, jagung, gula dan tepung (brg² kawalan?) spy bersedia menghadapi kenaikan harga brg yg dasyat (WWIII/perang besar). - pasti kerajaan rampas~ |
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