salam kowang leh x tolong settlekn soalan ini n soalan nye ialah: Create a calculator to calculatethe addition, subtraction, division, integer division, modulus, multiplicationand exponentiation between two numbers.
Include ToolTips, Keyboard access keys, AcceptButton for the Printbutton and CancelButtonfor the Exit button properties of the main form, a labelto write the error message if an error occurs.
An error occurs when input is non-numeric, a division-by-zero, resulttoo large, and other errors that may occur.
You may change the background color, foreground color as you wish,include picture box etc. to make your interface creative.
You may use radio buttons or push buttons forthe mathematical operators and include push buttons to print the form, to exitthe system and to clear the text boxes. Hand in the: 1.
Sketchof the form 2.
Planningthe properties of the objects in the form 3.
Thepseudocode for all events 4.
PrintScreen of the outputs 5.
Codingfor the events.............harap2 de yg dpt membantu.....:cf::cf: |