Konspirasi : USA Tipu Dunia Tentang Pendaratan Di bulan -
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Heh..kalau orang kata Apollo 11 never reach the moon...inikan pula Apollo 15..... |
Ntah mengapa aku masih tak percaya amerika ni mendarat kat bulan, sebab USA gov ni memang takde kredibiliti apatah lagi kalau ia merupakan salah satu projek kerajaan USA  |
Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed

A treasured piece at the Dutch national museum - a supposed moon rock from the first manned lunar landing - is nothing more than petrified wood, curators say.
It was given to former Prime Minister Willem Drees during a goodwill tour by the three Apollo-11 astronauts shortly after their moon mission in 1969.
When Mr Drees died, the rock went on display at the Amsterdam museum.
At one point it was insured for around $500,000 (£308,000), but tests have proved it was not the genuine article.
The Rijksmuseum, which is perhaps better known for paintings by artists such as Rembrandt, says it will keep the piece as a curiosity.
"It's a good story, with some questions that are still unanswered," Xandra van Gelder, who oversaw the investigation that proved the piece was a fake, was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.
"We can laugh about it."
The "rock" had originally been been vetted through a phone call to Nasa, she added.
The US agency gave moon rocks to more than 100 countries following lunar missions in the 1970s.
US officials said they had no explanation for the Dutch discovery.
Mati-mati diorang ingat tu batu dari bulan  |
Ni latest gambar dari LRO (2009) yg kononnya itu tempat landing Apollo 14 

Setelah berpuluh tahun kesan laluan mereka masih kekal hingga hari ini. Satu penemuan yang hebat dan tak dapat disangkal lagi. |
Aku percaya manusia dah jejak kaki di bulan. Sama dengan manusia dah jejak jurang paling dalam di laut. Kedua-dua jenis penjelajahan itu berlaku pada satu era di mana semua orang nak jadi yang pertama ...
paparock Post at 23-4-2009 01:44 
ske aku bace komen ko...memang ade isi....
n aku stuju la ape yg ko cakap tu... |
aku 50-50 la bab ni..huhu |
orang dah jejak kat bolan...kita hanya menghantar seorang pelancong ke angkasa.
daripada sibok menafikan USA jejak bolan. baik kita fikirkan bila lagi kita ada kapal angkasa sendiri. dlm bab ni pun malaysia kelihatan kuno sangat.
Bukan USA ja mendarat ke bulan. russia pun suda |
Malaysia dah antar satelit hape.... |
Betul ker ? Projek Apollo diteruskan secara Rahsia
- Apollo 18 (Nasa)
- Apollo 20 (US Air Force) |
mangkuk ayun mana busuk hati ni...dar pun dah lama berenti jadi supermod.... |
a fantastic way for children born after the moon landing to experience it as it was experienced by millions of others almost 40 years ago. It’s also a great way for those who experienced it 40 years ago to remember what it was like to be a part of an event that was so historic. The good news is that thanks to modern technology the moon mission can be experienced in a way which would have been inconceivable 40 years ago .
a virtual recreation of the entire mission, beginning at approximately 6 a.m. Eastern, 16 July,the launch of Apollo 11, mankind’s first trip to the moon.
click the word virtual to xplore..don forget to pumpup ur volume  |
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Betul ker ? Projek Apollo diteruskan secara Rahsia
- Apollo 18 (Nasa)
- Apollo 20 (US Air ...
HangPC2 Post at 12-4-2011 10:47 
If you Google "How many Apollo Missions were there?" You always find the official answer to be 17 missions. NASA is hardly trying to cover up the excistance of Apollo 18 as long as you were able to find this information online
But the origiinally planned Apollo 18 mission, which was supposed to go to the Moon, was indeed cancelled. Apollo 18 never went to the moon.
Officiallythere is no number for this Apollo mission, but some people unofficially refer to it as "Apollo 18" anyway.
This mission became instead the "Apollo-Soyuz" misson, the "first docking of spacecraft built by different nations" (US and Russia):
Apollo 18 and Soyuz 19 Launched: July 15, 1975
Meeting in Space: July 17, 1975
Soyuz 19 Landed: July 21, 1975
Apollo 18 Splashed Down: July 24, 1975
* Apollo 18: 217 hours, 30 minutes
* Soyuz 19: 143 hours, 31 minutes
Orbits: (Apollo 18) 136; (Soyuz 19) 96
Astronaut Crew:
* Thomas P. Stafford
* Vance D. Brand
* Donald K. "Deke" Slayton
Cosmonaut Crew:
* Alexei Leonov
* Valeri Kubasov

from wikileak
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tgk thread jipun hantar spacecraft ke bulan sama je, pic takde bintang... ntah gambar betul ke palsu. |
Kalau ikut sesetengah orang...kalau yang pergi tu bukan Amerika maka betul la...hehehe
OK seriously, tengok aje mana2 gambar yang diambil oleh mana2 misi ke angkasa lepas...tak nampak pun bntang kan? |
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