this is my site for verification
project IC holder?
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - Southeast Asian terror mastermind Hambali had a fake Spanish passport that portrayed him as a well-groomed businessman when he was arrested last year in Thailand, a newspaper reported Wednesday.
Hambali, a high-ranking leader of al-Qaeda and the brains behind its regional ally, Jemaah Islamiyah, was Southeast Asia's most-wanted fugitive and is suspected of orchestrating the Bali bombing in 2002 and of playing a support role in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
Thai police captured him in August 2003 and turned him over to US custody. His whereabouts have never been confirmed, though Malaysia's Star newspaper speculated Wednesday that he might be at the US prison camp on Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The newspaper published a photograph of Hambali, an Indonesian cleric whose real name is Riduaan Isamuddin, that came from a fake Spanish passport and other papers seized from him after his arrest. The passport was issued in the name of Daniel Suarez Naviera.
The photograph and existence of the passport, which had not been previously disclosed, showed a clean-shaven, slightly chubby man wearing a dark business suit and tie - a far cry from the thick beard and skullcap that Hambali sported in pictures in 2000.
It was unclear why Hambali had a Spanish passport or whether he was in possession of any other travel documents. The United States has shared information gleaned from Hambali's interrogations with other nations, but has refused direct access by their intelligence agencies. |
Balas #62 13Friday\ catat
tu orang indonesia la, depa kata dia dok guantanamo, bukannya isa detainee malaysia, ngok betul la ko nih...mmg akal ko ni berbelit daaa...suka membelit keadaan sampai ko kelihatan spt pembelit.... |
banyak orang luar pun Malaysian
banyak orang luar dapat IC Malaysia kerana projek IC atau projek Mahathir di Sabah.... |
all about foreigners with MyKad
http://selvarajasomiah.wordpress ... ian-identity-cards/
Then there was this Indonesian cleric Riduan Isamuddin aka Hambalidubbed by the US Central Intelligence Agency as the “Osama Bin Laden” of South East Asia. Also having Malaysian identity and married to a Sabahan from Lahad Datu, Sabah. Was wanted badly by the United States Central Intelligence Agency and he was linked to 39 bombing attacks in Indonesia alone and over 300 murders in Indonesia and Philippines. He is also accused of arranging a meeting between two of the 11 September hijackers and the al-Qaeda figures who were in Malaysia in January 2000. When the CIA caught him in Thailand he was spirited away to an undisclosed location until now by the CIA. Hambali is also carrying a Red Malaysian IC.
[ Last edited by 13Friday at 6-12-2008 11:32 AM ] |
Reply #65 13Friday's post
but the whole world know dia orang indonesia....dan dia bukan isa detainee malaysia. so ko tak boleh kata isa detainee malaysia involve ngan 911....ada paham? |
This mumbai massacre has shown us that these terrorists excel in only one thing, the killing of unarmed innocent civilians.
Such killing will be more common and they are here to stay. |
Reply #67 Debmey's post
betul... betul.... betul..... that's absolutely right, deb.
what is the religion of those coward terrorists?  |
They wanted to kill 5000 but ended killing only 200.
They spared one person, a Turk because he happened to be a Muslim. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 9-12-2008 11:18 PM 
They wanted to kill 5000 but ended killing only 200.
They spared one person, a Turk because he happened to be a Muslim.
sungguh bannar sekali kata2 mu itu debmey............ |
Reply #61 13Friday's post
Verification from an internet group??  |
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