Salams to all preggy mommies and mommies to be,
You all pakai tak or rasa2 pelu tak things like these:
1) Disposable maternity briefs
Juga utk selepas delivery..so tak de la susah2 nak basuh panties kan...leh pakai buang je.sesuai jugak time masa kat spital.
[ Last edited by snowy at 31-5-2008 08:15 PM ] |
2) c-sect belt
to protect and soothe after c-sect operation.
![](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/416tBkZE3IL._SX315_SY375_.jpg) |
3) slim maternity towels. ke you all pakai pad yg biasa pakai waktgu period tu?
![](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/414HfjKnLRL._SY202_SX170_.jpg) |
4)belly belt kit - so that leh la pakai seluar2 yg tak muat tu. tak yah beli seluar lain .
![](http://www.fromheretomaternity.co.uk/ccp51/media/images/product_detail/bellybelt1.jpg) |
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