Hey all, help that someone can help...
my problem like this, i got one application reside on server host, and listen to client connection for processing, it using several ports.
the client sw will use winsock to talk to server by will configured to server ip and remote port number...
once the client recieve input from user, it will send to server via winsock and wait for server reply...
if cant connect it will use next available port and try to connect again.
but sometime the client failed to connect to this server, failed to setup connection from all port numbers provided, happen once a while...meanwhile sometime it no problem at all, actually both server and client running 24 hr, i worry is the winsock component itself causing the problem, and the users said after restart the client sw, everything will work fine...
any one facing this issue before?any solution |
pernah kena masalah ni...
my active directory server.
winsock corrupted and cannot start just after i install antivirus. escan .
solved it by uninstall that antivirus and repair winsock..
i forgot already how i repair it.. but you can google it.. ok
it easy to solve the prob.. |
Reply #3 testas's post
somethime it worked fine for whole week, and happen on certain day only...
if current code got problem, y it's worked for sometime, and not working for other day, everyday running the same thing wor? |
3 socketstream.c
sys\socket.h: No such file or directory
boleh tanya, camna ndak atasi masalah di atas?sy wat kat window.sy budak baru belajar. |
Reply #6 JohnDeSouza's post
apa tu.. cam tak paham je..
buat c programming ker? |
ya c programming.ada sesapa yg boleh recommendkan tutorial winsock?satu lagi macammana ndak compilekan program winsock dlm dev c++?asik kuar error x jumpa fail winsock.cam na ndak masukkan file winsock ke dalam dev c++?patutkah sy gunakan visual c++ aja? |
Reply #5 testas's post
actaully my app acting as client, interact btw DB server and interface/bridge layer, im sure the Db always up, if not, DBA will be boom by users
the app will close/clear buffer for the port as well after receive events.
and the interface open 6ports to listen to client sw connection, and running 24h...and im sure it work fine....because it's dedicated for this client, and only one client was connected to this interface host, all port occupied rarely to happen
i suspect the problem is from client side sw....
anyway thk you testa ! |
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