Originally posted by mat_toro at 21-8-2007 08:52 AM 
The only party my bitch is going to is a private party just me & her... you all can go f*ck yourselves...
Lu ah, x abis2 makan sorang2! :@ |
Hehe....nak tumpang join skli...leh tak..?
Mintak mamak 24 hours sponsor nasik beriani...la...
setujuuuuuu...!!!! |
Reply #23 tangopapa's post
Why don't we just merge this with the gambar meja thread or a thread similar to it? |
Reply #27 taiaha's post
Totally not agreed...tred ni dibuka supaya bukan sahaja members MPSA dapat berjumpa di kawasan masing, malah mana2 gathering yg dirancang akan dimaklumkan ke dalam tred nih, so members x perlu masuk ke tred yg tertentu utk mencari maklumat tersebut...lgpun, selain drpd borak, x de tred lain yg bleh kita merge dgn tred nih...it will be carca merba... |
Reply #28 tangopapa's post & Taiaha post
dulu kitorang ada threAd Gathering gak, err tapi kena bagi 'ilang' jap sebab masing2 update pasal gaht n pic kat situ so we hv to protect ler whateva info pasal gath kat situ |
Reply #29 yipun78's post
dont worry...nobody will bomb us...naikkan sikit RA lar so that any members like to join can stay longer in MPSA....exclusive what.... |
nak ikut boleh?????? |
Reply #32 far-eiq's post
Boleh, pm yipun.... |
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