guys, nak minta tolong lah..
camni, aku nak setting wireless connection komputer..
kat tempat aku ni, ade dua wireless network...
satu prolink, satu lagi linksys..
yang prolink ni, komputer aku dapat detect connection, maknenye ade sambungan lah..
tapi tak detect lak yang linksys punye..
nak kate yang linksys rosak, komputer lain dapat lak detect..
aku try buka yang 'view available wireless network', takde satu pun wireless network yang dipaparkan..
sedangkan, komputer aku ni dapat sambungan prolink..
jadi, apa masalahnye sekarang dan macam mana aku nak setting komputer aku ni supaya dapat detect linksys? |
Reply #1 razgriz's post
1- jarak linksys tu jauh sangat kot.
2- prolink guna 11b atau 11g? cemana pulak linksys tu, 11b atau 11g?
3- wireless adapter pada pc/leptop ko tu pulak 11b ke, 11g?
[ Last edited by bzzts at 18-6-2007 12:08 PM ] |
1- jarak linksys tu jauh sangat kot.
tak jauh pun, dekat je, dalam 5 meter je..
2- prolink guna 11b atau 11g? cemana pulak linksys tu, hhb atau 11g?
prolink tu, opis sebelah punyer, jadi aku tak tau lah..
3- wireless adapter pada pc/leptop ko tu pulak 11b ke, 11g?
camne nak tau yang ni..nak kene cek katne?
sori lah, aku tak berapa familiar ngan wireless ni..
lagi satu, linksys ni dalam opis aku.. |

gambar ni contoh je.
tapi lagi elok ko check wifi kad pada pc/leptop ko dulu. pilih utk jadikan mix 11b/g supaya dua2 jenis signal samada 11b atau 11g pun leh dapat. |
Reply #4 bzzts's post
aku dah cek wifi kad leptop aku ni..yang ade semenye G, takde B pun..
yang ade kat situ, 2.4Ghz Only,5Ghz+2.4Ghz, 5Ghz Only.. |
baca ni utk paham apa beza atara 11a,11b, 11g dan 11n(baru) dalam pengkelasan wireless network.
Evolution of Wi-Fi standards (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wifi#Evolution_of_Wi-Fi_standards)
Wi-Fi technology has gone through several generations since its inception in 1997.
802.11. The original version of the standard IEEE 802.11 released in 1997 specifies two raw data rates of 1 and 2 megabits per second (Mbps) to be transmitted via infrared (IR) signals or by either frequency hopping or direct-sequence spread spectrum in the Industrial Scientific Medical frequency band at 2.4 GHz. IR remains a part of the standard but has no actual implementations.
802.11a. The 802.11a amendment to the original standard was ratified in 1999. The 802.11a standard uses the same core protocol as the original standard and yields realistic throughput in the mid-20 Mbps. Since the 2.4 GHz band is heavily used, using the 5 GHz band gives 802.11a the advantage of less interference. However, this high carrier frequency also brings disadvantages. It restricts the use of 802.11a to almost line of sight, necessitating the use of more access points.
802.11b. The 802.11b amendment to the original standard was ratified in 1999. 802.11b has a maximum raw data rate of 11 Mbps and uses the same CSMA/CA media access method defined in the original standard. The dramatic increase in throughput of 802.11b (compared to the original standard) along with substantial price reductions led to the rapid acceptance of 802.11b as the definitive wireless LAN technology.
802.11g. In June 2003, a third standard was ratified: 802.11g. This works in the 2.4 GHz band (like 802.11b) but operates at a maximum raw data rate of 54 Mbps, or about 24.7 Mbps net throughputs (like 802.11a). Despite its major acceptance, 802.11g suffers from the same interference as 802.11b in the already crowded 2.4 GHz range. Devices operating in this range include microwave ovens, Bluetooth devices, and cordless telephones.
802.11n. 802.11n builds upon previous standards by adding MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output). MIMO uses multiple transmitter and receiver antennas to allow for increased data throughput through spatial multiplexing and increased range by exploiting the spatial diversity, through coding. On January 19, 2007, the IEEE 802.11 Working Group unanimously approved 802.11n to issue a new Draft 2.0 of the proposed standard. |
ahh..lega..aku dah dapat setel dah probs ni..
tapi, aku masih tak faham camne aku dapat buat semua tu..
sebab, sebelum ni pun,aku dah buat cara yang sama, tapi tak jadi pun..
sekarang,lepas buat semula, cara yang sama, dapat lak..
adeh, naik musykil aku nih.. |
thanx 4 da explanation bzzts...nnt gue baca...sgt ilmiah ni... |
Reply #8 uranium's post
ko nak beli brand apa? kalo ko nak beli kang, sound aku dulu tau. |
ikan_mas86 This user has been deleted
tumpang tanyer..
aku ade pakai wireless reuters, sblm ni pakai wireless signal ok aje..
tp baru |
hai sumer...
just nak tau ni...kat office aku..dpt access wireless internet...kalu guna laptop la..tak tau sapa punya...maybe wireless dari tingkat atas ata u tingkat bawah...so, persoalanya..dia org dapat detect ke sapa yg connect internet dia org ? so..cam ner dia org detect..by wireless profile..atau laptop name...? |
bole detect. biasanya router ada list client yg connected. normally nama PC ada sekali dlm list tu.
camner diorang nak detect? uih tu macam nak masuk rumah org le. ko bagi salam dulu. tuan rumah jenguk tgk sapa bagi salam. ada setengah org tak kisah sesapa bagi salam pun so dia buka pintu bagi org masuk tapi ada setengah org kalau tak kenal dia buat dek je. so kalau pintu dah buka, kalau dia dah kenal kita then automatically bole connect/masuk. kalau tak kenal dia akan tanya sapa kita. so kita kena la bagi nama kita right?
so analogi dia l/kurang camtu le. every network card ada MAC address (special ID) and bila kita set nama PC, dia akan digandingkan dgn MAC address ni le sebagai pengenalan diri/komputer. so dari situ bila kita connect ke router, router boleh dapat nama PC tu
sori le kalau analogi aku tak berapa tepat  |
Reply #12 kroeGand's post
kalau router tu ada save log, log tu akan rekod ip address, pc name, dan MAC address orang2 yg logged kat network diorang.
dan biasanya, kat memana router pun tak kira wifi atau kabel, akan ada status LAN connection ( atau DHCP connection kalau guna auto ip ) |
waa..bolect detect semua sekali ka ? tapi tak pe la kan..just tumpang open connection...bukannya curik line... ..
kat office internet ada..tapi access by ID...x leh access email..yahoo..gmail.. ..just surfing.. |
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