Post time 13-12-2013 04:45 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Skang tgh top The Master's Sun dgn The Heirs. Fuh.. Meleleh aku tgk Kim Tan dlm The Heirs. Hensem sangaaattt!! Romantic sangattt!! Aku da jd cam yuppies tgk citer tu. Laki aku berbulu jer
Post time 17-12-2013 02:08 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Baca page 1 forum rmi ckp stairway to heaven sedap. Trus layan kt dramania hp. Skang dh smpai ep 12. Tinggal lg 8. Drama ni output die. Nangis nangis lari laju laju. Nangis nangis lati laju laju. Laju laju lari nangis nangis nangis.. tuh yg sampai eksiden.. :lol