Originally posted by kulovadea at 5-12-2006 10:53 PM
Kalu U cinta pada isle, maka i nak cinta pada sapa? Ingin tahu.
Allah swt tlh mengurniakan u akal n hati. Tiada siapa yg lebih layak menjawab soalan itu melainkan u sendiri... InsyaAllah |
starcaster This user has been deleted
Originally posted by antiQue at 5-12-2006 06:45 AM
Di sana matlamatnya tidak terarah sangat pada untuk mencari kebenaran, tetapi lebih kepada to smash one another. You can explain to them all you like, but believe me, penyelewengan itu tidak akan terhenti. They will come again, and bring the issue again and again and again.
Maaf mencelah masih baru disini..pertama kali meninjau kat threadtu terperanjat saya tengok suasananya,dah macam perang pun ade,tinggal lagi takde senapang je.Totally berhujah dan mematahkan hujah masing-masing.Malangnya hujah yang tak berlandaskan tujuan,keperluan dan ilmu. |
Druss This user has been deleted
Right on.! Let's get going!!!! :dia::bodek:
[ Last edited by Druss at 6-12-2006 06:49 AM ] |
syilla This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Druss at 6-12-2006 06:48 AM
Right on.! Let's get going!!!! :dia::bodek:
lol...you are funny.
wait nm comes (have not seen him for a while)...he is not that lazy to translate it for you.
:nyorok: |
syilla This user has been deleted
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 5-12-2006 10:46 PM
I mula bertapak di forum ini adalah dlm board Religion. Jiwa I cinta pd Islam tetapi bukan ke arah pergaduhan n bermuka2.
I ada satu thread yg masih wujud..... Islam As Ad-Deen
awak saudara baru ke?
(are you a reverts -minta maaflah kena terjermah...ada kawan saya di sini tak faham bm)
silalah datang ke www.islamicboard.com
(please come and visit there)
disana banyak ilmu yang boleh dapat
(there you can find alot of islamic knowledge) |
TQ my sister
ada manfaat kat board tuuu
dan tak kira baru kah lama kah, nak mati dah kah
PERINGATAN kena diberikan
PERINGATAN cam na tuuuuu
dan salam perkenalan utk teman saudari tuuuu
mula2 join forum cari, selalu masuk situ, tapi rasa macam tiada toleransi, bashing sana sini, sibuk merendahkan org lain. saya berusaha memberi penerangan tetapi 'dipukul' semula. sungguh2 kaum non Muslims menentang hukum hudud tanp berfikir rationalisation Allah mewajibkan hukum hudud kepada org Islm. Lama-lama, saya sendiri rasa cukuplah...sudah malas hendak bertekak
Allah memberikan hidayah kepada sesiapa yang Dia kehendaki. |
by the way I have a general advice for those who are interested in participating in debates on RSF.
one mistake that I see once in a while is that people base their argument solely on their religions. what i mean is that, when you argue, you and your opponent must have some sort of common ground. and usually it depends on who you're arguing with.
for example, if you argue with a fellow Muslim, you may take the Quran as the mutually acceptable source of truth. let's say you're arguing about a certain hukum, you can say that "because the Koran says so and so, therefore it must be so and so".
However, when you argue with someone of different religion, that doesn't always work, in fact, it's not always sound. For example, "the Koran says Isa, or Jesus was not the one who's actually killed on the crucifix, he was replaced by someone, therefore you must accept it as the truth, because the Koran says so" is not a good argument. The reason is, your opponent does not even believe in the Koran in the first place. |
adoi..x tahan aku baca...
diorang kutuk mengutuk selamba dek jer...
apa kata kalau diorang buat thread camtu kita x yah layan.jgn reply.
dah penat kita debat,diorang guna taktik kotor.
pulaukan forumer yg kurang ajar!! |
syilla This user has been deleted
i think RSF should be limited only to the knowledgeable person...
they can read...but when come to posting....only certain people can post it.
it is headache in there...
something has to be done
as a newbie...i get culture shocked. |
Druss This user has been deleted
as a newbie...i get culture shocked.
I thought you was a malaysian? |
Reply #28 BeanDiesel's post
that's one of our weaknesses. we never sit down & properly take a look at their so called religion books. kita asyik guna hujah quran sahaja.
pernah sekali waktu saya belajar, seorang mualaf pernah bertanya, pernah tak kita membaca bible. bila kami semua menggeleng, dia seolah-olah terkejut dan berkata 'you all should do that'
sebenarnya those reverts are much more knowledgeable than us in comparative religion. kita yang dilahirkan islam, selalu take islam for granted |
Originally posted by BeanDiesel at 6-12-2006 06:52 PM
However, when you argue with someone of different religion, that doesn't always work, in fact, it's not always sound. For example, "the Koran says Isa, or Jesus was not the one who's actually killed on the crucifix, he was replaced by someone, therefore you must accept it as the truth, because the Koran says so" is not a good argument. The reason is, your opponent does not even believe in the Koran in the first place.
this is very important...
sapa2 pi sana kena belajar memahami view diorang jugak....
dan tengok di mana salahnya pandangan diorang dari sudut diorang jugak... bukan dari sudut kita saja sebab diorang bukan orang Islam pun...
[ Last edited by ussopp at 7-12-2006 12:22 PM ] |
yg penting kena tgk depa persoalkan sbb nak tahu atau dgn niat mmg nak menghina... kalau mmg nak menghina, kita explen apapun depa tetap hina juga... yg ni elok tinggalkan...
"Dan apabila engkau melihat orang yang memperolok ayat-ayat Kami, maka tinggalkanlah mereka sehingga mereka memperkatakan soal lain" [6:68] |
Originally posted by kyas at 7-12-2006 12:52 PM
yg penting kena tgk depa persoalkan sbb nak tahu atau dgn niat mmg nak menghina... kalau mmg nak menghina, kita explen apapun depa tetap hina juga... yg ni elok tinggalkan...
"Dan apabila engkau melihat orang yang memperolok ayat-ayat Kami, maka tinggalkanlah mereka sehingga mereka memperkatakan soal lain" [6:68]
yup, ada yg tak serius dan ,main2 patut tak dilayan...
itu lebih baik... |
nampaknya semua berbahasa baik sekali
seronok saya mendengar hujah yg cukup baik
baik utk memperbaiki kelemahan dan kekurangan
tetapi kita ni masih lagi MANUSIA
manusia yg serba kekurangan dan dalam kelalaian
tak sempurnalah katakan,
dan saya ambil contoh
ada diantara kalian berada diantara sekumpulan manusia yg sedang berpesta seks!!!
apa tindakan saudara??????
mungkin ada yg tergesa gesa menjauhkan diri!!!!!
mungkin ada yg beri nasihat sikit sikit.......
mungkin ada yg terus maki hamun.......
mungkin ada yg JOIN SEKALI......
dan mungkin ada yg SANGGUP MENANGIS DISITU
maka pilihlah TINDAKAN saudara????
| |