Originally posted by me at 22-2-2005 07:40 AM:
just ignore him truth...
he's lost...
sure, im lost to know who ARE your GODS!
where you yourself, ARE not really sure, who IS/ARE you GOD(S) really! |
How do you know that allah is God? Because the Quran says so?
Since the Gita says that Krishna is god, does that then make him god? |
Originally posted by Debmey at 22-2-2005 08:03 AM:
How do you know that allah is God? Because the Quran says so?
Since the Gita says that Krishna is god, does that then make him god?
I have faith in Allah, and Allah shows a complete characteristic of God... Yes, Quran give every evident i need about Allah.
Unlike Jesus,
1. can god be born?
2. can god live like his creatures?
3. can god die, or part of god die?
Jesus never make a word about Christ or Christos or Christian. It was Paul, then can you say that you are practising the religion of jesus? I believe you are not practising the religion of jesus, but paul! |
I have faith in Allah, and Allah shows a complete characteristic of God... Yes, Quran give every evident i need about Allah.
Can God be so perverted as to ask Mo to rape women captives and commit paedophilia? Killing of apostates?
Unlike Jesus,
1. can god be born?
Jesus existed before time. Birth through Mary was just his entarnce into life on earth.
2. can god live like his creatures?
Of course, why not? Why do you put restrictions on God Almighty? Don't you think he can do what he wants to do?
3. can god die, or part of god die?
Jesus died physically. He resurrected after 3 days.
Did allah resurrect anyone? Can he?
Jesus never make a word about Christ or Christos or Christian. It was Paul, then can you say that you are practising the religion of jesus? I believe you are not practising the religion of jesus, but paul!
The word Christian was recorded in the Bible by Luke, not Paul. You see, you don't even know what you are talking about.
Why do you muslims pretend to know about Paul when you don't? I have embarassed so many of you I lost count how many. |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Debmey at 2005-2-22 02:03 PM:
How do you know that allah is God? Because the Quran says so?
Since the Gita says that Krishna is god, does that then make him god?
Because Allah says so. The Qur'an is from Allah.
The Qur'an is the uncreated Speech of Allah, The Creator.
As for the alphabetical letters, voice, paper, book and all other limited aspects - they are part of Creation. This includes the person to whom it was revealed and the archangel through whom it was revealed.
He mentions His name 2,745 times in the Qur'an.
It should be noted that the Arabic word "Allah" means God. It contains a deep religious message due to its root meaning and origin. This is because it stems from the Arabic verb ta'allaha (or alaha), which means "to be worshipped". Thus in Arabic, the word "Allah" means "The One who deserves all worship".
This, in a nutshell, is the Pure Monotheistic message of Islam. You see, according to Islam, "monotheism" is much more than simply believing in the existence of "only One God" - as seemingly opposed to two, three or more. If one understands the root meaning of the word "Allah", this point should become clear.
http://thetruereligion.org/modul ... le.php?articleid=71 |
Originally posted by Debmey at 22-2-2005 09:11 AM:
Can God be so perverted as to ask Mo to rape women captives and commit paedophilia? Killing of apostates?
Jesus existed before time. Birth through Mary was just his entarnce into life o ...
Hums... But "christian" was not authorised by Jesus himself!
Funny... God omniscience, he knows what is going to happen in thr future, and he insist to be his creature.
Jesus existed before time:
If according to god's geneology, Jesus must not be created by his Father, because if jesus was created by his father, then it means that God (jesus) is not omnipotent, therefore not omniscience, because there is a starting point for god.
Jesus must be born, cause of intersexual by God and Goddess. but where is the goddess? |
Hey Greeky, be fair answer "me".
He gave you a passage from Isaiah to prove that the birth of Jesus was prophesized as " God is with us".
So Jesus was among us.. |
Originally posted by nightlord at 22-2-2005 05:32 PM:
Hey Greeky, be fair answer "me".
He gave you a passage from Isaiah to prove that the birth of Jesus was prophesized as " God is with us".
So Jesus was among us..
It is somehow peculiar for me to hold for something from bible...
Many scholars, including christians scholars believed that bible has been tempered, that is why i tried to be less to take verses from bible. It is an unsure verses, many doubts....
Will you rebut, that bible has been preserved all these years?
Only if you have knowledge as much as those who had been in Vatican city, or those who had studied the Dead Sea Scrolls, or Nag Hammadi Scrolls, then I would be believe in you.. But now, you dont even have any authority to stand on your own! |
Originally posted by DivinePonytail at 20-2-2005 12:59 AM:
We're all here to learn. Most of the forumers here anyway...i hope.
Sorry to say... mostly here not thinking like you... how can we learn like this? most of forumers here like to attack other only. dont want to learn anything actually. |
Well greeky, as usual u dont read enough.
SO BELIEVE IT................ |
Originally posted by nightlord at 23-2-2005 03:45 PM:
Well greeky, as usual u dont read enough.
SO BELIEVE IT................
Sorry, i dont believe in you....
For your most information, i have the 2 books on DSS, and still waiting for a book "DSS - Scholars Edition" to arrive!
You cant force me to believe in those books, if you still rejecting the Gnostic Gospels..... I have a few names of Gospels from Nag Hammadi. Dont mind to let you have a copy! |
Then looks like u dont read the newspaper as well.
The infor came out in the NST last yr.
Dont ask me which date, cant remember.
But do ur own research. |
Originally posted by nightlord at 24-2-2005 04:12 PM:
Then looks like u dont read the newspaper as well.
The infor came out in the NST last yr.
Dont ask me which date, cant remember.
But do ur own research.
NST only?
Not gonna ask you anything about it.. because you doesnt know the whole story! |
The God still has "human nature" after he is gone? Who is greater, the Son or the Holy Ghost?
Are the three 'persons' or facets of Trinity equal?
I haven't found a single person who could 'rationally' explain it to me without coming to the eventual conclusion that divine mysteries cannot be explained. |
trinity says god = jesus = holy spirit
twoness says god = jesus but not = holy spirit
the HARDquestion now is can jesus become god? can holy spirit become god? how? :hmm: |
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