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Stern action awaits Covid patients who refuse to go to hospital

Tega Bilong
KANOWIT: District police chief Tega Bilong has appealed to community leaders here to advise longhouse chieftain to ensure that their villagers would follow instructions from the health authorities regarding Covid-19 matters.
He warned that police would not hesitate to take stern action against those who failed to do so.
This followed an incident at Rumah Dim in Machan, on Friday, when a positive Covid-19 patient caused a commotion for refusing to be taken to the hospital.
The elderly man resisted Health officers, who were about to take him to the hospital for treatment.
“Police were immediately called to the scene to resolve the situation. The patient later calmed down and agreed to go to the hospital.
“We were informed that 42 people from that longhouse had tested positive for Covid-19.
“Some of them even made threats and provocations against the health workers who came to take them to the hospital.”
However, Tega said police who went to the longhouse had warned those who tried to disobey the order.
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Edited by Mina2215 at 24-1-2021 02:17 PM
Guna je Akta Penyakit Berjangkit utk pesakit degil camtu. Boleh guna kuasa PDRM utk ni. Sebab penyakit berjangkit boleh mengancam keselamatan awam
Pernah terjadi, sorang patient tibi refused treatment. Kena tangkap dan duduk jel utk makan ubat. Elok la sangat kan |
tak kena kat orang lain takpa la ... ni tak memasal petugas kesihatan dan polis tu nanti...
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Category: Negeri & Negara