Based on the Vertigo comic book series from DC Entertainment, the film stars Oscar nominee Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish and Elisabeth Moss as three 1978 Hell's Kitchen housewives whose mobster husbands are sent to prison by the FBI. Left with little but a sharp ax to grind, the ladies take the Irish mafia's matters into their own hands--proving unexpectedly adept at everything from running the rackets to taking out the competition... literally.
“The Kitchen.” Set for release on August 9, 2019, it will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures.
Rated R for violence, language throughout and some sexual content.
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Films based on DC Vertigo Comics:
Constantine (2005), A History of Violence (2005), V for Vendetta (2005), The Fountain (2006), The Losers (2010)...
Series based on DC Vertigo Comics:
Constantine, iZombie, Lucifer, Preacher...
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