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[Idea] 7 Tiny Steps for the Beginner Minimalis

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Post time 10-1-2019 09:15 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
1. Write it down. Make a list of all the reasons you want to live more simply.
2. Discard the duplicates
3. Declare a clutter-free zone
4. Travel lightly.
5. Dress with Less.
6. Eat similar meals.
7. Saving



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Post time 10-1-2019 09:48 AM | Show all posts
What is Minimalism?

Written by joshua becker ·

“Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art.” —Richard Holloway

I am often asked the question, “So what is minimalism anyway?” It is a question that is received from all different angles – from people I have just met and from people I have known for many years. I typically answer with a short, simple explanation: “I am intentionally trying to live with only the things I really need.” But I always desire to answer more in-depth. I always hope they will ask follow-up questions that allow me to explain the lifestyle further.

And when they do, I like to add:


It is marked by clarity, purpose, and intentionality. At its core, minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of everything that distracts us from it. It is a life that forces intentionality. And as a result, it forces improvements in almost all aspects of your life.


Modern culture has bought into the lie that the good life is found in accumulating things—in possessing as much as possible. They believe that more is better and have inadvertently subscribed to the idea that happiness can be purchased at a department store.

But they are wrong. Minimalism brings freedom from the all-consuming passion to possess. It steps off the treadmill of consumerism and dares to seek happiness elsewhere. It values relationships, experiences, and soul-care. And in doing so, it finds life.


Our world lives at a feverish pace. We are too hurried, too rushed, and too stressed. We work long, passionate hours to pay the bills, but fall deeper into debt. We rush from one activity to another—even multitasking along the way—but never seem to get everything done. We remain in constant connection with others through our cell phones, but true life-changing relationships continue to elude us.

Minimalism slows down life and frees us from this modern hysteria to live faster. It finds freedom to disengage. It seeks to keep only the essentials. It seeks to remove the frivolous and keep the significant. And in doing so, it values the intentional endeavors that add value to life.


Although nobody intentionally chooses it, most people live in duplicity. They live one life around their family, one life around their co-workers, and another life around their neighbors. The lifestyle they have chosen requires them to portray a certain external image dependent upon their circumstances. They are tossed and turned by the most recent advertising campaign or the demands of their employer.

On the other hand, a simple life is united and consistent. It has learned a lifestyle that is completely transferable no matter the situation. It is the same life on Friday evening as it is on Sunday morning… as it is on Monday morning. It is reliable, dependable and unfluctuating. It works in all circumstances.


We live in a world that idolizes celebrities. They are photographed for magazines, interviewed on the radio, and recorded for television. Their lives are held up as the golden standard and are envied by many. People who live minimalist lives are not championed by the media in the same way. They don‘t fit into the consumerist culture that is promoted by corporations and politicians. Yet, they live a life that is attractive and inviting.

While most people are chasing after success, glamour, and fame, minimalism calls out to us with a smaller, quieter, calmer voice. It invites us to slow down, consume less, but enjoy more. And when we meet someone living a simplified life, we often recognize that we have been chasing after the wrong things all along.


In our first book, Simplify, we outline 7 guiding principles to help anyone declutter their home and life. The principles outlined in the book have helped thousands find freedom by removing much of the physical clutter in their home. The book concentrates almost exclusively on the externals of life. And while it helps people find freedom from external clutter, it does not take the next step of helping people find freedom and unity in their heart and soul.

I have learned minimalism is always a matter of the heart. After the external clutter has been removed, minimalism has the space to address the deepest heart issues that impact our relationships and life.


A minimalist life is completely achievable. My family stands as living proof. We were just your typical family of four living in the suburbs accumulating as much stuff as our income and credit cards would allow. Then, we found minimalism. We have embraced an intentional lifestyle of living with less and will never go back to the way life was before. And we stand as living proof that minimalism is completely achievable (and unique) to anyone who seeks it.

Typically, I find that those who are generally interested in knowing “what minimalism is anyway” and take the time to ask the follow-up questions are drawn to the principles of the lifestyle. After all, it offers almost everything our heart has been asking for all along.

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Post time 10-1-2019 10:28 AM | Show all posts
8. Let go excess clothing and shoes into recycle compartments

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Post time 10-1-2019 10:34 AM | Show all posts
for me, it's just that i like simple thing



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Post time 10-1-2019 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Talk less, observe more



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Post time 10-1-2019 12:25 PM | Show all posts
less is more



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Post time 10-1-2019 01:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Use only practical furniture & items
No small tiny decorative items



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Post time 7-3-2019 08:42 AM | Show all posts
keperluan, bukan kehendak

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Post time 13-3-2019 03:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Duduk sorang dua boleh le jika hidup sekadar kerja hari2 pinggan mangkuk piuk 2 ketul.
Kalau bekelyrga bejiran suka kenduri mkn2 saudara rakan bertsndang x de minimalist le kurang2 ada set memasak menghidang 50 org. Toto tilam sofa brg tetamu.



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Post time 13-3-2019 02:22 PM | Show all posts
5 Cara Sederhana Memulai Gaya Hidup Minimalis
Karena yang sederhana itu membahagiakan

Anisa Lestari
Community Writer

Setiap tahun baru tiba banyak orang membuat resolusi baru. Salah satu yang bisa kamu jadikan resolusi di tahun ini ialah dengan menerapkan gaya hidup minimalis. Gaya hidup minimalis merupakan sebuah gaya hidup sederhana berlawanan dengan gaya hidup materialistis yang serba glamor dan juga berlebihan.

Gaya hidup ini sekarang sudah banyak diterapkan oleh anak muda Jepang karena tak jarang gaya hidup minimalis justru mendatangkan ketenangan dan juga kebahagian. Di bawah ini lima cara sederhana untuk menerapkan gaya hidup minimalis.

1. Bereskan barang-barang yang sudah tidak terpakai
5 Cara Sederhana Memulai Gaya Hidup Daria Shevtsova

Gaya hidup minimalis memiliki konsep less is more di mana memiliki barang sedikit lebih baik dibandingkan memiliki banyak barang. Yang terpenting adalah barang tersebut adalah barang yang benar-benar kamu butuhkan. So, segera rapikan barang-barangmu yang memang tidak terpakai dan berikanlah kepada orang yang lebih membut**kan.

2. Fokus kepada kebut**an
5 Cara Sederhana Memulai Gaya Hidup

Saat ini banyak sekali orang yang membeli barang bukan karena kebu**an melainkan karena gengsi. Alhasil banyak barang menumpuk. Sedari sekarang, mulailah fokus membeli barang-barang yang benar-benar dibutuhkan saja. Dengan begitu uang bulanan kamu akan banyak tersisa sehingga bisa untuk ditabung.

Baca Juga: Bahagia dengan Gaya Hidup Minimalis ala Orang Jepang

3. Nikmatilah sesuatu tanpa terobsesi secara berlebihan


5 Cara Sederhana Memulai Gaya Hidup Shevtsova

Zaman sekarang banyak sekali orang yang terobsesi dengan kemewahan mulai dari tas, pakaian sampai gadget yang harus selalu up to date agar bisa membuat perasaan bahagia. Padahal sejatinya kebahagian bukan hanya terletak pada apa yang dimiliki.

Maka dari itu pada saat kamu meninginkan barang tertentu pikirkanlah kembali apakah barang tersebut benar-benar kamu but**kan atau hanya kamu inginkan saja.

4. Kebahagian bukan terletak pada materi semata

5 Cara Sederhana Memulai Gaya Hidup Stefanci

Materi yang berlimpah, barang-barang mewah bukanlah tolak ukur sebuah kebahagian. Cobalah merubah mindsetmu dengan menerapkan hidup minimalis bahwa kamu sudah memiliki cukup barang dan tidak perlu lagi membeli barang yang tidak diperlukan. Terkadang barang-barang yang berlebihan hanya akan menambah beban baik secara fisik maupun emosional.

5. Barang yang dimiliki harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan bukan sebagai simbol kekayaan
5 Cara Sederhana Memulai Gaya Hidup Toa Heftiba Şinca

Gaya hidup minimalis bukanlah hidup serba kekurangan melainkan cara hidup untuk tidak terikat pada suatu barang. Terkadang barang yang kamu miliki tidak menambah kualitas kehidupanmu karena yang sering terjadi kamu membeli barang hanya untuk membuat orang lain terkesan kepadamu. Maka dengan menerapkan gaya hidup minimalis kamu menunjukan bahwa banyak hal-hal yang jauh lebih penting dibandingkan dari sekedar sebuah barang.

Jadi, siapkah kamu hidup minimalis tahun ini?

Baca Juga: 7 Alasan Kenapa Orang Minimalis Itu Paling Bahagia


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Post time 21-3-2019 03:53 PM | Show all posts
Konsep Konmari juga la ye
but Decluttering memang satisfaction x serabut balik tengok rumah



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Post time 21-3-2019 08:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Think positive.
Good vibes.
Spend less.
Be grateful of everything.



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Post time 25-3-2019 10:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
5, 6, 7= ok, that's me
2= ni paling susah. Tak boleh hidup kalau takde back-up. Mesti nak kena ada extra. Nak kena try sedapkan hati sendiri utk let go duplicates item.



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Post time 25-3-2019 10:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Minimalis...Less is more...That's me..



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Post time 25-3-2019 11:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau mcm i maybe more to point no 4,5,6. Rumah i skrg pun konon mengamalkan konsep minimalist. Tp nasib baik jgk i dgn husband berdua shj. Kalau dh msuk bertiga tu dh xde dtg lg dh minimalistnya



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Post time 26-3-2019 03:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
thanks sgt sebab share tips minimalis ni. sy sudah setahun cuba mempraktik kan dlm kehidupan harian saya. minimalis ni akan membuatkatkan jiwa menjadi tenang, damai, release stress. pastikan brg2 yg penting sahaja terutama di bilik tidur. selebihnya recycle ataw bagi kat org. perkongsian yang sgt menarik.

Dan saya akan mengamalkan konsep ini utk menjadi seorang "the real minimalis"



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Post time 11-10-2019 11:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apa ini. But thank you. This is interesting to read hehe.

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