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format : NTFS ker FAT?
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nak tanyer sikit....
biler format hdd, dia akan tanyer whether nak jadikan partition tu as NTFS or FAT.... aper beza dua2 nih yer? and utk masukkan winnt opwrating system, which one nak pilih? NTFS ker FAT ker?
thank you....
:hmm: |
aku paste je ek
Choosing between NTFS, FAT, and FAT32
You can choose between three file systems for disk partitions on a computer running Windows XP: NTFS, FAT, and FAT32. Use the information below to compare the file systems.
NTFS is the recommended file system for the following reasons:
-NTFS is more powerful than FAT or FAT32, and includes features required for hosting Active Directory as well as other important security features. You can use features such as Active Directory and domain-based security only by choosing NTFS as your file system.
-It is easy to convert partitions to NTFS. The Setup program makes conversion easy, whether your partitions used FAT, FAT32, or the older version of NTFS. This kind of conversion keeps your files intact (unlike formatting a partition). If you do not need to keep your files intact and you have a FAT or FAT32 partition, it is recommended that you format the partition with NTFS rather than convert from FAT or FAT32. Formatting a partition erases all data on the partition and allows you to start with a clean drive.
Whether a partition is formatted with NTFS or converted using the convert command, NTFS is the better choice of file system. For more information about Convert.exe, after completing Setup, click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then press ENTER. In the command window, type help convert and then press ENTER.
-In order to maintain access control on files and folders and support limited accounts, you must use NTFS. If you use FAT32, all users will have access to all files on your hard drive, regardless of their account type (administrator, limited, or standard.)
NTFS is the file system that works best with large disks. (The next best file system for large disks is FAT32.)
There is one situation in which you might want to choose FAT or FAT32 as your file system. If it is necessary to have a computer that will sometimes run an earlier version of Windows and other times run Windows XP, you will need to have a FAT or FAT32 partition as the primary (or startup) partition on the hard disk. Most earlier versions of Windows cannot access a partition if it uses the latest version of NTFS. The two exceptions are Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 or later. Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 or later has access to partitions with the latest version of NTFS, but with some limitations: It cannot access files that have been stored using NTFS features that did not exist when Windows NT 4.0 was released.
For anything other than a situation with multiple operating systems, however, the recommended file system is NTFS.
Once you convert a drive or partition to NTFS, you cannot simply convert it back to FAT or FAT32. You will need to reformat the drive or partition which will erase all data including programs and personal files on the partition. |
Mats01 This user has been deleted
Once you convert a drive or partition to NTFS, you cannot simply convert it back to FAT or FAT32. You will need to reformat the drive or partition which will erase all data including programs and personal files on the partition.
tak perlu la sebenarnya, ada program yg boleh convert ntfs to fat32 or vice-versa. contohnya, partition magic 7.. aku pernah guna lah.
ntfs (new technology file system) ni, lebih pada security la, kalau compare dengan fat32. lagipun dia bleh detect sendiri hdd punya bad sector, lebih selamat lah. tapi, awak cuma bleh install winnt/xp je kat situ, win9x tak bleh baca partition yg ada ntfs tu.
jadik, kalau boot ke dos, tak bleh access ler ntfs partition tu.
aku rasa, kalau nak lebih performance, guna fat32, lebih security, guna ntfs. aku pon sekarang guna ntfs juga (winxp). tapi masa nak buat clean install (reinstall windows), susah la skit (aku punya backup file pon ada dalam ntfs punya partition tu). boleh buat, cumer susah skit ler. |
NTFS buleh compress old files, pastu kalau tutup tak shutdown takyah scandisk. |
Fail & kandungan NTFS tak boleh dibaca oleh windows98 & primitive dos. Kalau nak buat dual boot winnt ngan win98/ me adalah digalakkan pakai FAT32 aje, hybrid NTFS + FAT32 juga tidak digalakkan. |
kalau convert ntfs==> fat32 or vice versa, data dlm HD hilang tak? |
tak hilang.... try guna partition magic... |
tapi existing file dlm ntfs partition tu kalau pindah ke pc lain.. then reformat all hdd, buat fat32, then masukkan balik file yg ntfs tadi tu boleh tak?
yang sayer faham kat sini, windows nt tak boleh diinstallkan dlm ntfs partition, is it? |
data still can read... tak de problem
windows nt boleh diinstall dlm ntfs dan fat16 |
Originally posted by jofizo at 22-6-2004 11:02:
tak hilang.... try guna partition magic...
nyampuk jap,
katakan sebelum ni ada duar partition kat harddisk, both NTFS, satu aku pakai untuk OS satu lagi aku gunakan untuk simpan data cam gambar,mp3.
Then aku downgrade ke win 98, clearkan semual partition tu ke satu partition mengunakan format apa hah? lupa lah..,
Lepas tu aku upgrade balik win98 tu ke Win XP, lepas tu aku reinstall balik winXP tu. Dengan menggunakan CDWinXP tu, aku create tiga lagi partition..
so, masa buat 3 partition tu, ada satu partition tambahan bersaiz 8MB? (aku tak ingatlah unit dia, tapi lapanlah. Itukah dia yang dimaksudkan 'file compress?'
jadi, kalau aku guna partition magic tu, boleh ke recover balik file aku tu? sebab aku ada satu fail JPEG yang nostalgia gila.. yang penting untuk rujukan dan kenangan aku di masa hadapan... boleh ke? |
Tobat HLX takkan guna Partition Magic kalau tak buat backup dalam HDD lain.
Pernah dulu buat partitioning memula dalam windows, pastu dia buat keje sendiri dalam DOS. Lamanya bukan main, HDD tu berbunyi aje, kreok, krek, krek... tengah susun fail. PAStu tetiba keluar mesej error tak boleh susun fail yg besar ni. Apelagi HANG la PC tu & naktakndak terpaksa reset.
Bile boot keluar tulisan yg pelik (HEX/ ASCII code) ..sah memang sumua fail jahanam, konfirm tak boleh recover punye. |
Minah_Flunxy This user has been deleted
Originally posted by H猷L鰃頧 at 2004-6-23 10:28 AM:
Tobat HLX takkan guna Partition Magic kalau tak buat backup dalam HDD lain.
Pernah dulu buat partitioning memula dalam windows, pastu dia buat keje sendiri dalam DOS. Lamanya bukan main, HDD tu ...
hehehe!, sama la kita, dulu jadi jugak cam ni...sampai naik panic berpeluh-peluh dibuatnye, nasib baik before this buat backup, cuma yang sedih file baru hilang kena stay up late untuk habiskan sume.menyesal yang amat |
ekekeke, senasib la kiter :D
Lebih baik baik semua fail terus dalam HDD barou, pastu format & buat semula partition dari dos, lagi cepat dari meng'krek'-'krek'kan * HDD tu.
krek-krek - bunyi HDD mase repartitioning.. |
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