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Author: mbhcsf

AUSTRALIA..hey mate..

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2004 09:50 PM | Show all posts

salam and hi

Originally posted by alphawolf at 2004-6-17 08:56:

Errr Aborigines yang mula2 tiba di Australia bukan manusia jugak ke mbhcsf?

how about the dingo ??

saya rasa pasal Aborigenes tu lah tu..betullah kalau nak dikira but  biasalah mana ader saya nak bagi kredit pada penemu asalnya as with ANNAFIS , AVICENNA - William HArvey kan kan kan..
good point

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 19-6-2004 09:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 19-6-2004 09:48 PM:
i am not sure whether thsi fact should be called a fact or not but

according to DR Zurina - teh Archaeologist- dia cakap yg KOTA TAMPAN kat Perak tu is believed to be the transit point of those  ...

Not that I know of...have not heard abt this....

I think the aboriginal people of Australia are most likely to be from those islands around its land , like Papua New Guinea.

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Post time 20-6-2004 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 19-6-2004 21:50:

how about the dingo ??

Dude, dogs have been domesticated since around that time. I'm sure (I read national Geographic some time back) that the Aborigines have their own dogs when they migrate to Australia. Soon some of these wander off or maybe thrown away or whatever which caused them to breed in the outback. Without human influence, they become feral, becoming wild dogs...becoming the dingo!

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 9-7-2004 08:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by amorist at 16-6-2004 10:56 PM:
James Cook did not discover Australia. When he got there, the aborigines were already there.

True...the aborigines are the natives of Australia.

The first "white men" who came to Australia were the English Convicts. They landed in Botany Bay , in Sydney. The women came much later. The women who came to Australia were also convicts.

Many of these convicts were people who commited crimes in order to live as life in England was not as rosy as how make it out to be. Many committed petty crimes for survival sake.

The nature of their crimes can be as trivial as stealing a handkerchief , stealing a hen from their neighbour , not paying for a loaf of bread and even having children out of wedlock.

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 Author| Post time 10-7-2004 11:03 PM | Show all posts
salam..with those bare facts above? sometimes you would wonder the geneology of  those Autralians ..hehe the leaders i mean..the antecedants..

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 11-7-2004 07:43 AM | Show all posts
If they were the direct descendants of the first white men , chances are their forefathers were convicts. But many Australians would not want to admit that. There are also Australians whose forefathers were migrants but they came in the later part of the century , they may then not be convicts.

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Post time 12-7-2004 07:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PeNinGLaLaT at 11-7-2004 07:43 AM:
If they were the direct descendants of the first white men , chances are their forefathers were convicts. But many Australians would not want to admit that. There are also Australian ...

True. A little known fact: Australia was a dumping ground for England's convict population while NZ was a dumping ground for unwanted Royal *****s (illegitimate children).

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 15-7-2004 09:00 AM | Show all posts
The convicts settled down mostly in Sydney initially before they move to other parts of Australia. If we look at the geography of Australia , the middle part is very dry and desert-like , thus very few people made these areas their home as the land is barren. The aborigines tend to live in the jungles and forests as it suits their lifestyle best. Ultimately , they always have difficulty in adapting to modern environment as their very traditional life differs greatly.

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Post time 11-10-2004 12:53 PM | Show all posts
aku nak berhijrah ke aussie, ada cadangan ?

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 12-10-2004 12:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chumpon at 11-10-2004 12:53 PM:
aku nak berhijrah ke aussie, ada cadangan ?

Sebelum beri cadangan mesti tahu reason awak nak berhijrah , dan juga state mana awak nak pergi.....

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Post time 16-10-2004 08:29 PM | Show all posts

Originally posted by chumpon at 2004-10-11 12:53 PM:
aku nak berhijrah ke aussie, ada cadangan ?

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Post time 17-10-2004 03:36 PM | Show all posts
australia is a nice place. suasana bandar nya aman (Canberra). sherrina penah duduk di canberra selama setengah tahun masa ayah sherrina kursus disana. Canberra tu adalah bandar pentadbiran yakni sama macam Putrajaya di malaysia. Bila dilihat suasana Putrajaya, sherrina teringat pada Canberra kerana kedua-duanya mempunyai persamaan selain drpd sebagai nadi pentadbiran negara, ianya juga adalah bandar yg terancang dengan rapi.

Satu perkara yg pelik di sana semasa sherrina mula tiba ialah nama tempat dan jalan. Nama2nye sherrina rasa diambil dari bahasa penduduk pribumi agaknya sebab sebutannya pelik. contohnya Nunggarra, Wongoola dll lagi. Sherrina tak pasti pada ketika ini tetapi semasa sherrina di sana dlm tahun 1991, semangat racisme agak kuat juga disana cuma tidak ditonjolkan secara ketara. Tapi sherrina memang penah kene hambat ngan local Aussie (budak) sebab sherrina menyewa di perumahan sama ngan dia. Entahlah, dengki kot ataupun tak suka org Asian.

Canberra mempunyai banyak tempat2 yg menarik untuk dikunjungi. Tetapi kebanyakkan tempat2nya adalah spt muzium, pusat sains, dll. Nak cari pusat hiburan pada ketika itu tak banyak sgt. Sekarang mungkin dah banyak.

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Post time 17-10-2004 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Satu keunikkan Australia ialah haiwan-haiwan yang tidak terdapat di tempat lain. semasa disana sherrina sempat berkunjung ke zoo untuk melihat haiwan2 ini dengan lebih dekat.

Ini adalah wombat. Wombat adalah sejenis haiwan marsupial(spesis haiwan yg hanya ada di Australia) sama spt kangaroo, koala dll. Wombat nie antara haiwan paling kuat tidur. Masa dalam sehari kebanyakkannya dihabiskan untuk tidur. Wombat adalah haiwan yg comel (ala2 mcm anak beruang).

Ini pula Platypus. Mempunyai muncung seperti itik dan boleh berenang didalam air. Biasanya membiak di sungai2. Ianya mempunyai kaki seperti itik (webbed feet) utk membantunya berenang. Ia adalah sejenis mamalia yang bertelur.Kaki platypus mempunyai bisa yg mana boleh membunuh seekor anjing dengan sekali tendangan!

Ini pula beruang koala. Beruang yg paling comel dan kalau boleh bela, memang nak bela. sangat suka makan daun gum tree. teringat lagu kanak2 "Koala sit, sitting on gum tree". Koala juga penah dijadikan maskot kempen keselamatan (gambar koala pakai pakaian dan topi polis) semasa sherrina ada disana.

Ini pula kangaroo yang kuat melompat dan boleh menendang dengan kuat. Kangaroo ada sedara yg serupa dengannya tapi dipanggil dengan nama Wallaby

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