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Patut ke aku sambung TESL?

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Post time 22-9-2017 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Aku dah nak habis diploma dah and now tengah intern kat sekolah. Buat masa sekarang aku rasa jiwa aku bukan utk mengajar sebab aku tk suka mengajar. Aku ingat nak tukar course nanti degree (english communication, pr). Okay ke? Tp org sekeliling aku ckp english communication susah nak dapat kerja. Betul ke?

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Post time 22-9-2017 01:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau takde passion nak ngajar tak perlu la teruskan.

English communication ni susah dapat kerja bukan apa.. sebab ramai sangat yg boleh berbahasa inggeris dgn baik. Saingan tinggi. Disebabkan persaingan tinggi u have to be the best in what u do. Barulah org sellect u.

Kalau minat english course jugak memang ok cuma u kena tambah skill lain jgk. Contohnya basic business and IT or finance or banking mcm tu. Dan paling penting disiplin n attitude.

Ada networking yg besar is a plus point. Good luck tt.

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Post time 22-9-2017 02:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau tak minat, please jgn mengajar. Kalau tak ko akan jadi cikgu yang asal masuk kelas je. Ko takkan berminat nak repair budak2 yang bermasalah belajar n disiplin kat kelas ko

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2017 03:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Megikari replied at 22-9-2017 02:13 PM
Kalau tak minat, please jgn mengajar. Kalau tak ko akan jadi cikgu yang asal masuk kelas je. Ko takk ...

Betul tu. Aku pun taknak jadi camtu. Aku ingat bila practical aku boleh ubah diri aku, mana tahu boleh suka or biasakan dgn environment ni. Tapi tak, aku memang tak sesuai

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 Author| Post time 22-9-2017 03:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ninnakarinna replied at 22-9-2017 01:36 PM
Kalau takde passion nak ngajar tak perlu la teruskan.

English communication ni susah dapat kerja ...

Ohhh thank you for your explanation. Agak2 course english apa yang sesuai utk i yang tknk ada kaitan dgn teaching ni? Kalau nk tmbh skills mcm u cakap tu camne

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Post time 22-9-2017 03:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wtvmjls replied at 22-9-2017 03:39 PM
Ohhh thank you for your explanation. Agak2 course english apa yang sesuai utk i yang tknk ada kait ...

Yg tu i x sure pulak. U kena survey la.Kalau u amik pure english utk language, most likely u akan end up jd lecturer english jugak..hehe..mengajar jugak kan.

I x sure ada course yg intergrate semua yg i list tu. Maksud i, u kena amik asing2 la.


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 Author| Post time 22-9-2017 04:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ninnakarinna replied at 22-9-2017 03:45 PM
Yg tu i x sure pulak. U kena survey la.Kalau u amik pure english utk language, most likely u akan  ...

Alright thank you so much!

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Post time 26-9-2017 09:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Just sharing my limited experience.

My first degree is BA in English Language Studies. 10-15 years ago still takde course on Professional Communication.

So kebanyakan my batchmates venture into teaching, but they had to take KPLI.

Quite a number venture into customer service, banking and corporate sector. Ada juga yang working at the government sector as PTD, or any related admin officer.

Ada juga yg venture into theatre and arts.

If you are into doing research dan nak further studies, boleh mula sebagai research assistant. Ramai je university lecturers in need of research assistant (contract basis).

Be it TESL, ELS, English as Professional Communication, Linguistics or anything along that line, most importantly you need to know what's your passion. Untuk kepastian, boleh try any online career test.

All the best.


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