i tengok ramai sekarang acah2 pelihara kucing,
jaga tak reti... pastu business jual kucing . kesian sungguh kucing2 tu...
hari tu tertengok vid D.S Vida yg pasal anak dia mintak jaga kucing, ada dia bgtau kucing anak dia pelihara berapa hari mati, sebab tak bagi makan... tersiat hati bila dengar tu..  |
Owner pet shop tu masih x beri kenyataan balas ke? |
Edited by moocoww at 9-8-2017 10:48 AM
Bila ai dok baca balik berita yg tt tepek tu..kesimpulan yg ai boleh buat..klau la lily ni tak mati..kakak yg merempan ni ada x dok mengila gaya ni?
Bila fikir2 balik tujuan asal kakak ni bela lily ni sbb kakak ni pun sama ja dok nak kutip hasil dr jual beli kucing ni juga..
So ai rasa x kesian kat kakak nih..ai kesian kat lily..
Kalau saya tulis ni, mungkin akan ada yg tak setuju..
Setahu saya, jual beli kucing ni tak dibolehkan dalam Islam..kita cuma boleh jual beli binatang yang halal dimakan sahaja..
Beli kucing sampai ribu2..
Hmm.. |
itu bukan pencinta kucing tp berlagak pencinta hewan!
yg btl2 pencinta kucing ni, bela je la mana2 kucing terbiar tu. ni gegeh beli menatang tu reribu tinggit!
sy pun ade terbaca mse duk berkuntum di thread joy repah - pis midon mse ade org OT sembang psl pismidon sibuk ngn kucing je x dulik si repah..
ade psl kucing ni xleh dijual beli.
kite x boleh nk ckp lelebih wak, nt pencinta kucing lahar kite plk...
Ntahnya..byk sangat pendapat..
Ai tgk ceramah ustaz azhar idrus..katanya haram klau jual utk dimkn. |
Edited by bingai99 at 9-8-2017 03:01 PM
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Ishhh...mencik la format baru apps cari ni |
Wah..dah beli kucing RM10k, pstu kalau suruh kedai jaga kena bayar lagi RM7.2K untuk 1 tahun. Ada ke orang yang tak berapa erdik buat macam ni? Dah beli kucing mahal2, pastu suruh kedai jaga. Buat Apa???
Dulu Imadi Pets ni kedai dia di Kota Kemuning ke? Sebab dulu dalam 7 - 8 thn lepas, I ada hantar siemese cat kat situ sebab kena selsema And jumpa Ismail ni lah. Dia kata my cat ni cantik and boleh masuk contest. Pastu dalam 2 hari kucing kat sana, terus kucing tu mati. Dahlah mati and kena bayar bbrp ratus untuk kos perubatan |
7200 tu utk kos jaga sahaja?
Ya Allah kenapa boleh jadi mcm tu u??dia x byr ganti rugi ke? |
Article dr forum petfinder. Article bertarikh 6/9/2009 : Memang imadi petshop ni bermasalah dan tuannya, ismail tu bermasalah.
06-09-2009, 12:14 PM
atomicjelly atomicjelly is offline
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Default Re: Imadi Pet Shop
I have something to share about Imadi Pet Shop too. Went there a few weeks back, and went over to the back to have a look at the kittens, and my my he has over 100 cats at the back there! And it's all for breeding! They are all kept in small little cages and in some cages there's mother cat nursing 4-5 kittens. And to top it all off, most of the kittens has fungal infection and some of them are not very healthy. And yet he's still trying to tell me that he's selling them cheap at RM 1.5k.
He's also selling CFA certified Maine Coones at RM 3.8k and the some of the kittens have fungal infection around their necks and yet he's still trying to justify that his price is the cheapest one out there! This guy is absolutely insane!
Here's some inside info about the 'vet'. He aka Ismail aka the shop owner used to have a certified vet working for him but he was then fired. And while the vet was working there, Ismail used to assist the vet in surgeries and that makes him think he's qualified enough to do his own surgeries now. Yes, he is not a vet and he cuts those poor cats up and neuter them himself! There is no vet that I know of currently working there as of the last time I went to his place. That is why the kittens he's selling are in bad shape too as there are about 30-40 kittens (or maybe more) and no one is looking after them but one Indonesian maid (or worker).
If you don't believe me, check the place out for yourself, he easily has about 15-20 cats/kittens at the front of his shop but ask him if he has more kittens for sale, and he will take you to the back and you'd be amaze at the amount of cats/cages back there.
And as for Sillylupie's cat, what happened? |

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Post time 12-8-2017 10:43 PM
From the mobile phone
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Nah tokey imadi pet bersuara
https://www.facebook.com/faezramlydotcom/videos/1406902086065640/ |

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Post time 12-8-2017 10:44 PM
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bingai99 replied at 9-8-2017 03:02 PM
Ishhh...mencik la format baru apps cari ni
Kannn. Pening i format baru. |

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Post time 12-8-2017 10:44 PM
From the mobile phone
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moocoww replied at 9-8-2017 10:43 AM
Owner pet shop tu masih x beri kenyataan balas ke?
https://www.facebook.com/faezramlydotcom/videos/1406902086065640/ |

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Post time 12-8-2017 10:45 PM
From the mobile phone
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moocoww replied at 9-8-2017 10:46 AM
Bila ai dok baca balik berita yg tt tepek tu..kesimpulan yg ai boleh buat..klau la lily ni tak mati. ...
Yup. I setuju.
Mayat Lily pun dia tak ambik. Tinggal bodoh cmtu je. |
Edited by moocoww at 13-8-2017 09:57 PM
Apa agaknya alasan dia tinggalkan lily kat imadi pet tu??
Teringin nak tau..
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