Teh mcm ni klu org ada constipation problem bagus, ngeri juga nak guna enema insertion tu kan..
But, after so long having to listened and hear about slimming tea that could make your tummy flat, well, i guess i trusted advices from kevin zahari more..
Eat right, eat right..
Its proven that tummy became better, lesser love handles and definitely i dont have to struggle gushing into toilets anymore..
boleh consume, tp jgn bergantung pd nye..if org ade constipation problem ok kot,tp kalau xde masalah membuang, mmg membuang hari2,buat ape ambik teh ni kn
Post time 19-9-2016 07:36 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Iol dah beli tea ni. Esok sampai kot. Iol mmg selalu ambk detox tea sbb sembelit. Ambk ble perlulah. Tak ade la tiap2 hari minum. Iol mmg tgh diet sekarang so kadang2 selalu jugak smbelit walaupun dh makan sayur n minum air lebih 2 liter sehari. Nak tak nak kena minum juga tea mcm ni supaya perut x kembong sgt.
ye betul...kena diet jg walau pun minum teh ni...bila dah turun berat ideal stop laa, diet sendiri..jgn bergantung sangat pd teh ni sampai lama2 sangat