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Author: marypoppins

Istana Bawang 5 (Kate vs Meghan): The Arrival of Sussex Baby

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Post time 11-5-2019 09:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 11-5-2019 09:00 PM
Meghan buat karangan... Gigeh address MM as "Duchess of Sussex" or the Duchess, and seems so persona ...

And I roll and roll and roll and roll my eyes dgn setiap ayat yg dibaca smp abis. Now, rasa cam ayong dah

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Post time 11-5-2019 09:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 11-5-2019 05:16 PM
Ada kat thread sebelah dulu someone explain pasal ni.

i baru 1st time tengok video u shared tu ...

Sis 234126, I agree with u. I malas nak reply kat nick sugars kat sini. Like when they said let her be her kan. Takkan sugars tak nampak lg why MM is hated around the world? I was neutral to her before. Like i mmg tgk suits from years back. Bila tau dia kawin dgn PH, i was like, ohhh really. Then one by one terkeluar. Like dia marah Princess Charlotte masa fitting bridesmaid sampai KM nangis. Then kes masa dia tour kat Australia yg staff sana kena marah and kena simbah teh sampai PH mintak maaf and sampai Buckingham Palace kena hantar another royal to clean their mess back to Australia. Kemuncak masa I tak suka dia was when dia announced her pregnancy masa wedding Princess Eugenie. I was like, heloooo. Common knowledge kot. Never steal someone’s limelight for your fame hunger. Then start dri situ I ikut since thread 1, and all those socmed accounts yg spill more tea yg kita tak tau.

Rasanya these sugars tak tau kot from thread 1, we have sis nour yg update direct from insiders kat sana. Yg sampai sis nour cakap insiders dia jeopardise his/her position there. Bila dah these accounts kena doxxed, tu yg kita pun skrg ni tunggu DD and TP je kan.

And yet these sugars cakap, kita jeles dgn MM? And kita baca tabloids? Bet they have never read the tatler and forbes kot. Org atasan pun annoyed dgn cara MM habiskan duit taxpayers dgn lavish life even before getting married. Kalau nak compare MM’s expenditure lepas jadi duchess during her first year dgn KM’s first year, bnyk beza okay. Apatah lg kalau one whole europe, bandingkan dia dgn Princess Mary. And MM’s yg setahun jagung kalahkan princess Mary’s expenditure too okay. Bet sugars gonna be like, “biarlah. Duit laki dia”. Btw, duit laki dia tu, dpt from the crown and duchy of cornwall (prince charles). And duit from the crown and duchy of cornwall tu, sah2 from taxpayers money.

Sorry sis. I ter meroyan kat reply u pulak ni. Huhuhu

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Post time 11-5-2019 09:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
And for those yg cakap, biar lah kat meghot tu. bukannya dia duduk dlm country kita pun. But then again, kalau dia dtg our country, kita yg kena curtsy kat dia. Would u curtsy/bow to someone whose honesty seems so blurry? Plus, mcm mana kita membawang pasal meghot ni, camtu jugak la ummah negera lain membawang psal kita dulu (or sekarang). Pasal bijan la, pasal kuin tupis la. Its like, kita membawang dgn fakta kan. Sbb bertebaran the evidence. Org negara lain pun kesian dgn kita, camtu jugak la kita nak kesian dgn those taxpayers kat UK sana dgn meghot’s behaviour.

Sorry. Just my 2cent.

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Post time 11-5-2019 09:54 PM | Show all posts
coconico replied at 11-5-2019 09:37 PM
And I roll and roll and roll and roll my eyes dgn setiap ayat yg dibaca smp abis. Now, rasa cam ay ...


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Post time 11-5-2019 09:58 PM | Show all posts
emptybotol replied at 11-5-2019 09:44 PM
And for those yg cakap, biar lah kat meghot tu. bukannya dia duduk dlm country kita pun. But then ag ...

preach it, sista.

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Post time 11-5-2019 10:04 PM | Show all posts

amboi kemain lg andrew pitnah St Meghan... ada hati dgn Harry lettew

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Post time 11-5-2019 10:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku doh bosan Baca kisah mm ni.ingatkan lepas Bersalin kena tangkap tapi relax je xde apa2 action pun

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Post time 11-5-2019 10:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 11-5-2019 09:00 PM
Meghan buat karangan... Gigeh address MM as "Duchess of Sussex" or the Duchess, and seems so persona ...

(9) "You are racists. You are cowards. You are liars..."

reminds me of...


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Post time 11-5-2019 11:14 PM | Show all posts
Wakefield replied at 11-5-2019 10:55 PM
(9) "You are racists. You are cowards. You are liars..."

reminds me of...

Good catch sis

Sugars gila mcm mana pun takkan mampu tulis puji2an tahap langit ketujuh sebegini, dgn word salad nya summore.
Narcissistic through and through.

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Post time 11-5-2019 11:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 11-5-2019 09:58 PM
preach it, sista.

Huhu i SR je kat sini. Tp kdg2 geram jugak tgk sugars berani2 reply u guys dgn alasan yg sama, jealous dgn MM and so on.

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Post time 11-5-2019 11:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wakefield replied at 11-5-2019 10:55 PM
(9) "You are racists. You are cowards. You are liars..."

reminds me of...


Staff palace sila disconnect wifi frogmore cottage tu.

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Post time 11-5-2019 11:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 11-5-2019 09:00 PM
Meghan buat karangan... Gigeh address MM as "Duchess of Sussex" or the Duchess, and seems so persona ...

Why we should believe in harry? Mamat yg rembat idea kak ipar pasal mental health, had no balls to reprimand his wife's behavior and excessive spending tu?

Sugars jela yg believe in harry. Weols taknak prince yg seolah2 kene nasik kangkang duk tikam abang dan kakak ipar sendiri, curik petname anak sedara

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Post time 11-5-2019 11:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 11-5-2019 11:14 PM
Good catch sis

Sugars gila mcm mana pun takkan mampu tulis puji2an tahap langit ketuj ...

Sekali imbas baca, the style of writing and the way the writer emphasized her points dah macam nutmeg. Xtaula kot dah jadi idola, habes semua dia copycat serba serbi.

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Post time 11-5-2019 11:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 11-5-2019 05:16 PM
Ada kat thread sebelah dulu someone explain pasal ni.

i baru 1st time tengok video u shared tu ...

oh no.. mencangkung perut penyek ye sis..

agaknya sll tengok video clip pussycat dolls gitu.. yg suka menari ala ala stiripper hahahha

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Post time 12-5-2019 12:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
emptybotol replied at 11-5-2019 09:40 PM
Sis 234126, I agree with u. I malas nak reply kat nick sugars kat sini. Like when they said let he ...

Ye la, dah lama tak nampak comments sis nour. Senyap je skg...

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Post time 12-5-2019 12:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 11-5-2019 05:24 PM
i wonder kan, depan media megnut can act like she tak takut anyone but bila depan2 LG apa actually ...

I think mmg takut.. even depan media pun nampak muka dia ketakutan tu.. cuma dia cam cover sket2..

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Post time 12-5-2019 12:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 11-5-2019 09:00 PM
Meghan buat karangan... Gigeh address MM as "Duchess of Sussex" or the Duchess, and seems so persona ...

malasnya nak bc dani.. sik paham kmk..
kan dia try to pass some info utk backers dia ka.. some said she was signaling utk family dia utk hantam brf kononnya biarkan dia kena racial abuse. itu yg I bc somewhere kat tumblr. mak oiii.. the whole family in cahoot eiks.

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Post time 12-5-2019 12:43 AM | Show all posts
akk hari2 check in jd SR sementara ni tp nak jg bunyi2 kat sini
masih menunggu dan menunggu apa kesudahan dia ni..sblm ni psl
tgg beranak..suda settle ..kene paksa beranak dan2 beranak cpt..
skrg ni tgg pl bila dia nak kene ni..sugar2 ckp kita ni over bagai .diaorg
ingat kita ni suka2 pl..kalau si mm tu tak buat hal menipu bagai takde lah
jd isu pd kita..tu jer pun tp sbb dia usik KM dgn anak2 tu jd geram ke dia..

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Post time 12-5-2019 12:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 12-5-2019 12:56 AM
dani-rox replied at 11-5-2019 09:22 PM
low class nya taste para sugars.

I am so jealous kat Kate ok.. she gets everything.. malah bakal jd Queen. nak jeles kat prince lain? x pa tq.. ramai lagi prince hebat2 kat dunia nie .. haha

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Post time 12-5-2019 12:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
emptybotol replied at 11-5-2019 09:26 PM
Well like Lady D pernah cakap. “They wanted me to give them an heir and a spare”. Kesian dia kan ...

sian.. kdg kala itu la risiko dorg kena ambil.. kawin dgn bakal King doesnt mean he will love you sampai bila bila kan. Sad thing kan, berkahwin sbb nak heir and spare.

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